at what point.. do you?

The Catch-Wrestler

Jul 8, 2017
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As an adult male with an intermediate level of combat experience, I choose to take some form of responsibility for the things that happen within my sphere of influence.

Sherdog memes aside (we all bench 275 for reps, I know)...

at what point do you, personally, get involved in a beating between strangers in public? There isn't really a right or wrong answer, of course. I like the Mayberry and Sherdog and am curious. Lots of smart(er) people here, lots of good reasoning if you look for it.

The hypothetical is just one guy attacking another and beating him into a fetal position and showing no signs of stopping. Personally, I tend to stay out of other people's business. I would draw the line, in theory, at the sign of imminent life-threatening injury. (IE stomping someone who is already out) Would I physically interject? That would depend.

I would absolutely, at least, verbally communicate to the attacker that he will likely commit murder if he continues and the consequence will be prison. "Life in prison"... "He's done"... saying these types of things.

In the hypothetical we just don't know what the beating is for. We don't know if the attacker has any other weapons, etc. I was asking myself if I could have the discipline to physically refrain from intervening if the attacker wasn't listening.

I don't think I could not do anything... some of us can't just watch a stranger get beaten possibly to death. (quick edit - this is not a 'holier than thou' statement, the best course of action may very well be to stay out of it, I don't deem one course of action morally superior - it may require immense discipline to remain impartial, and could very well be commended)

Where do you draw the line? I feel like this type of interaction only hurts all of us as a local community in the long run... a sense of fair play would probably mean I'd feel compelled to act. But I'm not a cop, it's not my job, and who knows what that decision could result in. What if they attack me next? And then I end up in handcuffs, too?

Curious as to how you guys see this relatively unimpressive moral thought experiment. This may not be 'light-hearted' but it isn't for a street fight forum I don't think, nor the war room. Just looking for other perspectives. Thanks everyone!
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Any attacker who sees a sherdogger in a Giblert shirt approaching will immediately run away and swear off violence forever.
Come on bro, sherdog memes aside. We all can't be UberTS, right?

What would you do? Would you be prone to physically intervene if you felt like you really had to?
Probably stay out of it might call the cops if it was bad . Dude probably told the other guy he was fat an he was like I'll show you fat you little ....
If he is about to beet a guy to death he has good reason or is crazy I'd try talking some sense into him
As an adult male with an intermediate level of combat experience, I choose to take some form of responsibility for the things that happen within my sphere of influence.

Sherdog memes aside (we all bench 275 for reps, I know)...

at what point do you, personally, get involved in a beating between strangers in public? There isn't really a right or wrong answer, of course. I like the Mayberry and Sherdog and am curious. Lots of smart(er) people here, lots of good reasoning if you look for it.

The hypothetical is just one guy attacking another and beating him into a fetal position and showing no signs of stopping. Personally, I tend to stay out of other people's business. I would draw the line, in theory, at the sign of imminent life-threatening injury. (IE stomping someone who is already out) Would I physically interject? That would depend.

I would absolutely, at least, verbally communicate to the attacker that he will likely commit murder if he continues and the consequence will be prison. "Life in prison"... "He's done"... saying these types of things.

In the hypothetical we just don't know what the beating is for. We don't know if the attacker has any other weapons, etc. I was asking myself if I could have the discipline to physically refrain from intervening if the attacker wasn't listening.

I don't think I could not do anything... some of us can't just watch a stranger get beaten possibly to death. (quick edit - this is not a 'holier than thou' statement, the best course of action may very well be to stay out of it, I don't deem one course of action morally superior - it may require immense discipline to remain impartial, and could very well be commended)

Where do you draw the line? I feel like this type of interaction only hurts all of us as a local community in the long run... a sense of fair play would probably mean I'd feel compelled to act. But I'm not a cop, it's not my job, and who knows what that decision could result in. What if they attack me next? And then I end up in handcuffs, too?

Curious as to how you guys see this relatively unimpressive moral thought experiment. This may not be 'light-hearted' but it isn't for a street fight forum I don't think, nor the war room. Just looking for other perspectives. Thanks everyone!

Same as you probably. If they are two grown men I probably would only intervene if it's about to become homicide.

If it's a man beating a child, woman or elder I feel a urge to help but honestly it's very difficult to know how I would react in those situations. I'm decent sized but have no training and would end up having my ass kicked too.

Definitely say something to try to cool things down, but getting physical would be a last resort thing.
Thanks for your genuine reply. I can't imagine having to stop myself from preventing some random guy getting beaten so bad it could be fatal at any moment - but choosing to get physically involved, even in a small way - can become a big way - and could very well be the last choice you ever make. Almost bizarre to think about, in those terms. As they say, 'the bad guy gets a vote, too'.
It's rarely a good choice to get involved, unless you think a murder is about to happen and you can use any force you deem necessary it simply isn't worth it, call the cops and monitor the situation if its safe to do so.
Only get involved if you think someone's life may be at risk and you're ready to risk yours too.
I generally think it's stupid to get involved, but can't help myself if it's a brutal beating. Last time was about 6 or 7 years ago. I was at a mall and saw two young guys fighting. It looked like the first guy was trying to jog away Reem style, but the second guy was blasting him with punches. Finally, he grabbed a waistlock and suplexed the guy on his head on the tile floor. I ran over and covered the beaten guy with my body while yelling that's enough, he's out. Fortunately the first guy just walked off after talking a little shit to his semi conscious foe.

I was relieved because I would have fought the guy if I had to, but wasn't enthusiastic about it lol.
I don't know if there is a universal answer, but the priority is always your own health and safety.

Sometimes you can say "chill" and hold someone back and they'll stop... sometimes you can try to break it up and get attacked yourself.

I think it's more about reading the situation. I wouldn't let someone... even a stranger die unless it'd put me in serious danger. Now if it was a child or something, I'm likely jumping in no matter what.

Edit: Oh, I'm jumping in if it's some "Howard beach" racialized jumping.
Going mano e mano is a last resort and on a stranger's behalf, there needs to be some serious shit going down. A woman or a child being beaten to the point of serious injury or death by an obvious aggressor. If it's able-bodied dudes in a mutual street beef, they're on their own.

Closest I came was near King's Cross tube station in London walking past a group of homeless people. There were 2 men and a woman having a heated argument over a bagged sandwich. They were making a scene and it was attracting onlookers. The woman and one of the men refused to let go of the sandwich and the woman finally grabbed it away and pulled it out of the bag. The man, enraged, lifted his aluminum crutch over his head and smacked her across the face, opening a bleeding cut. She started crying and he lifted the crutch again while yelling at her and started charging at her.

At this point, I was about to step in and grab the crutch away because I couldn't stand to watch this sad shit anymore. But the other homeless guy tackled then got into a fist fight with the guy, ending the altercation while the woman ate the sandwich.
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Is anybodies life actually in danger? If so, that is about the only situation you step in. Playing the "good guy" never actually works out. It isn't unheard of for 2 people to be fighting, a 3rd tries to break it up, and gets their ass kicked by the other 2. Either that, or you get hit with that random cheap shot and bounce your head off something and get vegged out.
I would deck the attacker in the back of the head and loot both of them, two for one special and limited karmic blowback because im just finishing it off puttin the cherry on top
Nope, I'll grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

I got involved on 2 occasions to stop guys hitting girls tho.

That's a no-no.

One of the girl I helped became an everyday friend btw.
Mutual combat between two same-gendered adults? Never would I EVER get involved. If a woman was getting beat or an old lady, Ole Red is going to regulate. I would let the police handle two dudes scrapping unless I deemed it to be a murder in progress.

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