Beefcakes Beeferbomb: Worst Promo Ever?

Miguel Torres is jealous of Brutus mullet
Lol at Vince can't even help but to smirk after saying undoubtedly one of the all time greats. When Beefcake comes out its like he came out of a time machine from 1989 and no one gave a fuck

Only time the crowd pops is when he mentions Hulk Hogan and when some fan yells "Kill yourself" (4:30) Lots of crowd shot of fans picking their noses.

Wow, he was snipping those scissors really fast. Fans just shooting their hands out there too, he nearly took a couple fingers off!
Did the Nasty Boys eat Frankie? Where is Frankie?
Parrots live to like 50 years, so Frankie should still be alive.
Jesus Christ man they just did not give a fuck back then about necks did they?
Don't remember Koko having that BRAINBUSTAAAH in his arsenal. But guess he did.

I was in the Beefcake mark section as a kid when he was in the Dream Team but exited as soon as they dumped that jabroni.