Before You Watch a New TV Series.......


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
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Before you watch a new TV series, do you:

A) Watch the trailers first

B) Read the plot first & look at the pictures

C) Read the reviews first

D) All the above
(watch trailers, read the plot/reviews, look at pics)

E) None of the above
You just point & click or Someone else clicks for you
I watch the trailer with the wife of several different shows , chat about what we like and our preferences , what we fancy watching , see what other people have said about the shows .

Then we just watch whatever she wants.
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It takes a hell of a lot for me to get into a new show. Usually it has to be related to something I already a video game or comic
Just check imdb ratings really. And browse a few reviews there, critic and user reviews. And yeah read the plot section there in IMDb.

I also usually listen to friends recommendations and start something they say they think I will like, or that they enjoyed.

I don’t really bother with trailers at all.
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Trailer and overall rating. If it's poorly received I don't bother.
In the past, I tried watching each new show. The ones I liked were usually canceled. Now I watch mostly YouTube videos. When I do watch television, the commercials really annoy me.
I installed Rakuten Viki app and I watched a chunk of first episode of what was rated TV-MA and couldn't understand what made it that rating. There was no premium cable type content at all.
I watch the pilot. If i like it i keep on watching if not i move on.
For movie, trailer or look at the name/cast/genre.

For mini series, the time investment is much higher, so I check reviews to make sure it's worth it.

I rarely watch TV shows.
if i watch a show, it's usually established as really good and eventually get to it. don't look up any trailers and try to go in as fresh as possible.
I almost never watches trailer for movies or for TV. There is a chance either the trailer give out too much spoilers, or straight up lie to us what the movies/TV is about. I like going in blind with a fresh mind.

I don't read online reviews nor listen to critics as well. I've like films where critics shit on and dislike what they praise.

Film is like food to me, find a few friends that have similar taste. If they recommend it, watch/eat it. Majority of the time I use this method, I don't get disappointed.
I try not and spoil it and go off word of mouth. I try and save imdbing until I get into it
I like the surprise
Usually read the plot and maybe watch the trailer. I don't really pay attention to ratings or critics. I know what I like.
Trailer. I try to avoid reviews from critics and people. Sherdog is kinda crazy sometimes when they pan a movie. I am pretty sure nobody here is going to watch the little mermaid remake but there was a huge uproar over it.
Sherdog and trailers, unless it's a show based on something I'm familiar with (book, comic, ect)
If I don't know anything about it then I might watch a trailer, not if it's something I've already decided to watch then I try not to watch trailers as they give away too much.