Best boxers that go to the body?

Jose Aldo
Rob Font
Max Holloway
Jack Della Maddallena
Petr Yan
Cory Sandhagen
Paulo Costa
Rafael Fiziev
Brad Ridell
love me some body shots and body kicks

Adrian Yanez throws some good body shots as well. He is one to look out for.

lhw: Oleksiejczuk used to go to the body with some success. He's moving down to middleweight, which I guess is the right move for him. He does not look like a natural lhw
Jose Aldo is wicked vicious with his.
That's definitely DC's weak link. I remember him getting hurt with a kick to the body by a short notice Anderson Silva who came up a weight.
Should he have not felt the kick to the body? Kicks to the body hurt.
I'd put Pico and Aldo at the top. Holloway was my first choice but I cant recall any finishes from Max due to body shots. All of their body work is beautiful to watch though.
At HW I think Sergei is the best body puncher we've seen.
lol people mentioning Conor.

He did fookin nothin