Biased's Shenanigans

Yesterday morning some kettlbell stuff. Swings, abs, presses, cleans, farmers walks, rows.

Today 1hr gi jiu jitsu going over x choke and arm triangle. Then in muay thai it was some unique combos with exits/ pivots​
218.8 lbs

Striking was 1,2,3 into clinch, knees, push into head kick. Super man punch off both sides. Ended with about 30 mins of sparring rotating every 2-3 mins or so.
Wednesday- muay thai class, ending combos with a kick.

Thurs- off

Friday- grappling situations and alot of live rounds.

Saturday morning - first hard sparring at this gym was tough I gassed. 16 oz. And mma gloves. Grappling incorporated and some gnp. Got tapped a few times maybe 3-4 times. Dude is high level.
Kettlebell swings, cleans, presses and shadowboxing. Approximately 20-30 min workout.
Yesterday- gi bjj, worked 2 passes from standing and then 2 escapes from mount. Then watched the last prez debate.

Today - did some kb swings and ab work etc. Dead bugs ex with kb was killer.
Back in my hometown for today, got in a few rounds of sparring and grappling at the new gym. Headed out in the morning.
Monday: muay thai, push kicks into body kicks.

Tuesday morning: played with kbs and did some abs

Wednesday: off

Thursday morning: 100 kb swings 35 lbs, then ab workout of dead bugs
Shadow boxing, focusing on countering a lefty and a few kettlebell squats
Was in my hometown packing, sparred an old training partner a few rounds.
Yesterday: light sparring against a lefty, trying to get used to that. 3x5 min rounds. Followed by a few rounds of grappling.

This morning: kb exercises, swings, squats, dead bugs, cleans. Just a quick 20 min session getting the hr up. 220.3 pounds
Knee is feeling better. Been doing pretty much nothing.

Did a warm up jog on the treadmill for 5 minutes at a solid pace, trx rows, cable rows, triceps push downs, ab wheel roll outs, body weight lunges, a few pull ups and then finished out with a 5 min interval run on the treadmill.

All in all got a pretty good sweat, got my hr up and knee feels alright. Minor inflammation noted but nothing crazy. Will see how it's doing later and tomorrow.
228 lbs
Did some body weight lunges, dumb bell rows, reverse Flys, hr, and shadow boxed for a short amount of time.
234 lbs after a weekend of goofing off, eating poorly, drinking poorly, not exercising.

Seeing that on the scale motivated me a bit, I did some random dumbell or kettlebell exercises followed by abs and stretching. Current goal is to start getting back in shape, hope the knee holds up and start back training at a gym and see if I want to keep fighting. I change my mind almost daily.
228 lbs
Yesterday: Curls, presses, rows, push ups.
225.3 lbs
ez bar- curls, presses, ab rollouts, dead bugs, lunges, rows, reverse flys, weighted bridges, donkey kicks, push ups, various stretches
Sunday: 3x5 min rounds of boxing padwork, then approx 10 minutes on a bag.

Monday: sooo incredibly sore, boy ive gotten out of shape. Did some light squats, rows and ab rollouts.
All 30 reps: ez bar curls, rows, military press, calf raises, squats.
Did some stretches and some float weights at aquatics earlier in the day.

After work
Reverse pec flys over ball 5 lbs
I did weighted pull ups 20 lbs
Cable rows 100 lbs each 3x15
Bunch of total gym stuff pec flys, tricep presses, rows, single leg press, curls
Elliptical interval circuit for 5 mins high intensity
Shadow boxing for 5 to 10 mins ish