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Elections Biden impeachment hearings mega thread (art dealer questioned)

Gym Jordan just clowning himself.
I told you Trump Rubes This was all bullshit.
That fact you are still running with it after watching it blow up also makes you a clown.
can some add the X (tweet) I posted. Thanks in advance
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Lol, they will believe anything they are told. I doubt this guy lied, but even if he did, it doesn't change Biden fired the prosecutor. Hunter got that job and other gifts, Biden meeting with numerous business partners, etc.

It is actually amazing how dumb these people are. Look at the people they look to for narrative. Especially Ratskin, "what does Putin have on Trump!?" Uhhh, Biden is the one meeting with Mayor of Moscow's wife and other oligarchs in the region.

Biden didn't fire that prosecutor <Lmaoo>
This is becoming a train wreck and I cant stop watching it.
The GOP clown car, the wheels have fallen off. Now the lying ass witness they based everything on, is telling every one he got his information from the Russians.
Please keep pushing the wheel less clown Car down the Hunter Road. I like watching Gym Jordan squirm when he gets asked questions. I bet the wrestlers on his team at OSU he turned his back on while they were getting molested, are enjoying watching Gym squirm as well.
Change the x.com back to Twitter.com

Lol, they will believe anything they are told. I doubt this guy lied, but even if he did,

why is that? because russian spies are renowned for their honesty and credibility? the only thing they have in their life is their word, their balls, and their bottles of vodka, and they don't break them for anybody?

or do you just want that...or let me say....need that to be the case just so that your nothingburger with extra nothing doesnt completely fall apart from the buns?

i hate to break it to you honey, but it already has. this whole russian-backed charade to try to remove a sitting president turned out to be the wet fart that everybody else already knew that it was.

and after getting exposed for the russian bullshit that it was, james comer pretty much confirmed the other day that this sham impeachment is dead in the water as "the math keeps getting worse"

you guys will believe anything you are told. you have been duped by a chinese spy and now you have been duped by a russian spy who is about to sing like a bird or get hauled off to prison just to own the libs. your whole charade just fell apart on you because you fell for a bunch of russian bullshit and it just got exposed in front of everybodies eyes. now we all know why they were so terrified of having hunter testify in public where they cannot continue to edit or spin the testimony to push their bullshit agenda. these people are just so stupid that they lied to the FBI and outed themselves. boom sucka! game over.

i bet you believed every word of that nonsense they peddled out there too right? chalk this one down as #28238194 of the whackadoodle conspiracies that the cottage cheese guy has went all in on on only for it to completely fall apart on them while they pivot off to their next nothingburger conspiracy to peddle while ignoring the last one and the fact that they just got played for a fool for the 28238194'th time!

i guess its time to go digging for some more overdue library books because this one wasnt it. hey did you hear one of joe biden's cousins best friends uncles kids might have ordered 12 metallica albums from columbia house for only a penny, and then he never purchased a subscription afterwards? at least that's what my friend Sergei told me, who is totally not a foreign spy in cahoots with several foreign agents and would never ever lie to the FBI, and he's a real credible dude. a star witness! they better look into that one!
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its all just for show, all because of political retribution for impeaching their beloved orange rapist. i doubt this will even make it to the floor, just like those 14+ impeachment articles that MTG filed within the first year of his term, including the ones before he was even inaugurated as president!

well gee, like i've said from the start turns out that this sham impeachment was nothing more than political theater and was all just for show. who ever would have figured?

1205 days and this still hasnt made it to the floor for an impeachment vote yet. and sorry guys, but i don't think that it's going to. after all of this time and money spent digging to try to find an overdue library book on the "biden crime syndicate" they still haven't been able to produce any credible witnesses or even a single sliver of evidence of any crimes on any of these people......or as james comer described it when he announced last week that he is throwing in the towel..."the math just keep getting worse"

all this hype by comer, grassley, jordan, and the rest of these russian sympathizers about impeaching brandon, and after all this time and money spent digging deep to find the evidence to blow the roof off of the scandal and expose the biden crime syndicate and its full on corruption, it turns out that they don't even have a single sliver of evidence of any crimes, and it was all just a bunch of russian bullshit they cooked up for their base to make it look like they are actually doing anything for the country while they have sat on their hands continuing to do absolutely nothing at all for the country after securing a house majority. what a hill for this to die on!

thats a wrap folks. it's time to forget we've just got played for an idiot for the 2810572'nd straight time now and to move on to the next big cockadoodle smoking gun conspiracy that gym jordan, marjorie trailer green, lauren hoebert, and the rest of the GOP peddles out there. surely this next ones gonna be it. the GOP wouldn't ever mislead us, deceive us, lie to us, or feed us bullshit for 2810573 straight times. and even if they did, its no big deal because the democrats would do worse!
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Lol the GOP have removed Smirnoff’s name from the documents. As my Pop Pop would say. That horse has already left the barn. I guess they are hoping the MAGA Rube will be like see the information they have on Hunter has nothing to do with the GOP working with a Russian spy, his name is not even in the official documents. The sad Part is Gym and Comer know they can freely lie and mislead because their dumb base either don’t care or will believe them.
I would call the GOP investigation into Hunter a clown show but that is an insult to clowns.
Lol the GOP have removed Smirnoff’s name from the documents. As my Pop Pop would say. That horse has already left the barn. I guess they are hoping the MAGA Rube will be like see the information they have on Hunter has nothing to do with the GOP working with a Russian spy, his name is not even in the official documents. The sad Part is Gym and Comer know they can freely lie and mislead because their dumb base either don’t care or will believe them.
I would call the GOP investigation into Hunter a clown show but that is an insult to clowns.

beautiful. lets just try to erase everything that we said and maybe it will all just go away. and who could ever forget the iconic moment when andrei the giant bodyslammed himself at wrestlemania?

hunter biden needs to start filing lawsuits at comer and jordan and the DOJ needs to start issueing subpoena's asap. lets find out if they were really too stupid to be able to figure out that they got played for fools with a bunch of russian bullshit, or if they were in on it too. don't let this foreign interference and smear campaign go away unpunished.

and give this russian agent a russian style interrogation. tell him what they do for honeybuns in an american prison and i'm sure he'll keep talking. threaten this guy with federal prison time and then put this guy up there on national tv telling everybody what really happened and that the whole hunter biden and burisma shit was all just a bunch of bullshit that him and his fellow foreign agents over in russia concocted, and then let gym jordan tie himself into a pretzel and then have his head explode from all the spinning and damage control he will have to do just to try to keep his own base of short bus fucking retards invested in this nothingburger and shit sandwich that he just cooked up!
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beautiful. lets just try to erase everything that we said and maybe it will all just go away. and who could ever forget the iconic moment when andrei the giant bodyslammed himself at wrestlemania?
Listen Dude, Andre bodyslammed himself an 800 lb Giant in front of 200,000 screaming Andre-a-Maniacs at the Pontiac Silverdome, Brother.
Then he went on to tag team with the Dread Pirate Roberts to save Buttercup.
Lol the GOP have removed Smirnoff’s name from the documents. As my Pop Pop would say. That horse has already left the barn. I guess they are hoping the MAGA Rube will be like see the information they have on Hunter has nothing to do with the GOP working with a Russian spy, his name is not even in the official documents. The sad Part is Gym and Comer know they can freely lie and mislead because their dumb base either don’t care or will believe them.
I would call the GOP investigation into Hunter a clown show but that is an insult to clowns.
"The memo notes that Smirnov himself reported several meetings with Russian officials as recently as December 2023."

"The memo notes that Smirnov himself reported several meetings with Russian officials as recently as December 2023."


There needs to be an investigation into this investigation. So far their "evidence" has come from a Chinese spy, and now a Russian asset. Why are these people getting so close to party leaders? What other countries have infiltrated the Republican party?
Republicans needs to follow their own advice, and Wake Up!
There needs to be an investigation into this investigation. So far their "evidence" has come from a Chinese spy, and now a Russian asset. Why are these people getting so close to party leaders? What other countries have infiltrated the Republican party?
Republicans needs to follow their own advice, and Wake Up!
Unfortunately, it seems to me from the outside looking in (so take that FWIW), that the Republicans and MAGAs have looked at popular vote totals and concluded they can't win elections anymore because they're outnumbered, so they're after power the ol' fashioned way. They're acting like spoiled kids. If they can't have power democratically, they're going to pull out all the stops to get it anyway they can or tear down everything trying.

Reality is irrelevant. There is only what the echo chamber agrees to rage about today/this week/this election cycle. There's basically zero doubt that the "researchers" for the likes of Sean Hannity inhabit these groups on social media, Discord, Telegram, and so on, and their broadcasts help tie them all together with one voice.

So, I don't think they can wake up; I think the rest of you need to find some unanimity of your own. They need to be defeated in overwhelming fashion and really soon or your melting pot is going to boil over, I expect. Sadly, a large scale defection of Republicans to achieve such a result seems very unlikely.

Before the 2016 election I predicted that if Trump was not defeated in crushing fashion the he would cause trouble for the country well after he was out of office, and I was right, sadly. Now, it seems plain things are reaching a crisis point.

Trump has begun to compare himself to Navalny. Now, it sounds ridiculous but that doesn't matter if MAGA really latches on to it to replace the stolen election lie. Then there will be no dissuading them from mewling about political persecution no matter what the evidence against him--as they have been doing already.

So then, what happens when he is convicted--and he will be convicted--in the Florida documents and the Georgia RICO cases at the very least, and then loses the election? I think it's going to result in a lot of extremism from the MAGAs. Now, they might be more cowed if they're defeated really badly, but again, probably not gonna happen. Good luck.
So then, what happens when he is convicted--and he will be convicted--in the Florida documents and the Georgia RICO cases at the very least, and then loses the election?

the maga trash are probably gonna throw another one of their nuclear toddler tantrums and put on their trump sneakers and gravy seals meal team six outfits and go beat up some more cops and get hauled off to jail just to own the libs again.

those short bus retards would go and get themselves sent to prison just to try to get a chance see their rapist messiah in hopes of getting an autograph on their soap on a rope or a "trump was here!" jailhouse trampstamp.

and the trumptards and the tv propagandists will just stand there acting in disbelief like "how could any jury ever find him guilty of any crime?", "why are they sending him to prison?", "how could this ever happen?!?" all trying to run some more damage control and acting like somebody facing serious consequences for committing serious crimes is some kind of foreign concept to them, while they continued to ignore or downplay everything that happened leading up to that moment that got him there.

it's going to happen though and you can take that to the bank. the only thing that isn't set in stone is whether this shit will pop off before or after the orange election-losing fraudster and rapist loses the election. i just wonder how many more heaps of maga trash are willing to go get punked out in prison for him after he duped everybody the last time and pardoned the guy who stolen their build-the-wall money instead? still, theres gotta be some of them who are willing to give up their freedom just for a chance to wash this guys prison underwear or return his empty trays for him at chow.
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Lol the GOP have removed Smirnoff’s name from the documents. As my Pop Pop would say. That horse has already left the barn. I guess they are hoping the MAGA Rube will be like see the information they have on Hunter has nothing to do with the GOP working with a Russian spy, his name is not even in the official documents. The sad Part is Gym and Comer know they can freely lie and mislead because their dumb base either don’t care or will believe them.
I would call the GOP investigation into Hunter a clown show but that is an insult to clowns.
Evidence being shredded so fast they can barely keep up