Social Biden sparks chaos in LA: UCLA basketball game delayed when visiting Oregon team is caught in motorcade traffic and protesters do drive-bys of preside

White Whale

Black Belt
Feb 25, 2006
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Biden sparks chaos in LA: UCLA basketball game delayed when visiting Oregon team is caught in motorcade traffic and protesters do drive-bys of presidential hotel​

President Joe Biden sparked chaos in Los Angeles on Saturday as his motorcade traffic delayed the start of a college basketball game and protesters swarmed the streets where he was staying.

Biden headed straight to George Lucas' Bel Air home upon his arrival in the City of Angeles, where wooed entertainment industry leaders in town for the Grammys.

But his motorcade, which consists of about two dozen vehicles and shuts down the streets to all traffic so the president can be moved quickly, caused massive delays and was greeted by students protesting the war in the Middle East.

Biden had no public events on his schedule for his Los Angeles trip. The White House said he was participating in a 'campaign event' on Saturday night.

But Biden’s son Hunter lives in Malibu, and Sunday is his 54th birthday. On Saturday, which was the late Beau Biden's birthday, Joe and Jill Biden visited his grave in Wilmington, Del., before departing for the West Coast.

The men's basketball game between UCLA and the University of Oregon at Pauley Pavilion was delayed by around 25 minutes after traffic from the motorcade caused the visiting Oregon team to arrive late, according to ESPN.

The Oregon team was staying at the same West Beverly Hills hotel where President Biden was staying. The hotel is only a few blocks from the UCLA campus and is heavily secured due to the presidential visit.

The game eventually started and UCLA won 71-63.

Additionally, the hotel had drive by protesters on Saturday night. Both President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were staying there. While Biden had been at George Lucas' house, Jill Biden spoke at a gala at Paramount Studios in Hollywood in support of a nonprofit that asks retailers to commit 15% of their shelf space to Black-business-owned brands.

Outside the Bidens' hotel, cars were honking and shouts were heard as people voiced their objections to Israel's attack on Gaza.

And about 75 protesters were outside of the hotel.

The road leading into the hotel was block by police. LAPD officers and Secret Service were on the scene, some with riot gear and rubber bullets.

Several student organizations took part in the protests.

Biden is causing delays and people are protesting his motorcade because of the Gaza conflict.

Protesters are holding signs with one saying November we will remember.

I'm sure some college basketball fans were upset the game they got tickets for was delayed.
I actually think the most accurate response to any political argument at this point is, “didn’t you vote for Biden?” And give the person an awkward face to think about their actions.

And if they say,”yes”, the follow up question is “are you retarded?”

Boom, every political argument is ended
The first time it happened to me was Obama. Any time I have to go down by the Airport in my area, I research if the President or VIP is flying in and I will schedule around it.
I have recently expanded my rules because for some unknown reason, they did one for Prince Harry for the Invictus games. At that time he was 4th in line for England. Nobody is knocking off a 4th in line, he could have took an UBER and nobody would have messed with him.
I remember they shut off the toll road by the airport and remember going damn I did not know the President was in town, and then was like they shut down the fucking toll Road for Prince Fucking Harry. George Washington did not power double King George for this bullshit.
How's that impeachment inquiry going? I heard Comer is on to investigating a 50$ gift card Joe received from his brother at Christmas.
They have moved on to impeaching Mayorkas, which is going just as bad as the Hunter impeachment. Once again those dumb fucks know they don't have the votes in Senate, but keep pushing Peach Mints and burying bills Trump tells them too. That is pretty much all this GOP controlled house does other than voting on Speakers.
The GOP controlled HOuse has managed over 2 years with a majority in the House of having more votes for Speaker of the House than they have passed bills. They have too many drama majors, using Congress as a platform for MAGA theater.
I'm sure some college basketball fans were upset the game they got tickets for was delayed.
This right here is exactly why I always look to you for political analysis. Very insightful and thought provoking commentary.

Biden sparks chaos in LA: UCLA basketball game delayed when visiting Oregon team is caught in motorcade traffic and protesters do drive-bys of presidential hotel​

President Joe Biden sparked chaos in Los Angeles on Saturday as his motorcade traffic delayed the start of a college basketball game and protesters swarmed the streets where he was staying.

Biden headed straight to George Lucas' Bel Air home upon his arrival in the City of Angeles, where wooed entertainment industry leaders in town for the Grammys.

But his motorcade, which consists of about two dozen vehicles and shuts down the streets to all traffic so the president can be moved quickly, caused massive delays and was greeted by students protesting the war in the Middle East.

Biden had no public events on his schedule for his Los Angeles trip. The White House said he was participating in a 'campaign event' on Saturday night.

But Biden’s son Hunter lives in Malibu, and Sunday is his 54th birthday. On Saturday, which was the late Beau Biden's birthday, Joe and Jill Biden visited his grave in Wilmington, Del., before departing for the West Coast.

The men's basketball game between UCLA and the University of Oregon at Pauley Pavilion was delayed by around 25 minutes after traffic from the motorcade caused the visiting Oregon team to arrive late, according to ESPN.

The Oregon team was staying at the same West Beverly Hills hotel where President Biden was staying. The hotel is only a few blocks from the UCLA campus and is heavily secured due to the presidential visit.

The game eventually started and UCLA won 71-63.

Additionally, the hotel had drive by protesters on Saturday night. Both President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were staying there. While Biden had been at George Lucas' house, Jill Biden spoke at a gala at Paramount Studios in Hollywood in support of a nonprofit that asks retailers to commit 15% of their shelf space to Black-business-owned brands.

Outside the Bidens' hotel, cars were honking and shouts were heard as people voiced their objections to Israel's attack on Gaza.

And about 75 protesters were outside of the hotel.

The road leading into the hotel was block by police. LAPD officers and Secret Service were on the scene, some with riot gear and rubber bullets.

Several student organizations took part in the protests.

Biden is causing delays and people are protesting his motorcade because of the Gaza conflict.

Protesters are holding signs with one saying November we will remember.

I'm sure some college basketball fans were upset the game they got tickets for was delayed.
Biden will get 95 percent of votes in California
"We will remember in November...and then bitch about our decision in December, and pretend that we didn't cause Trump being elected forever."
"Sparks Chaos"

Headline titles for the simple. And there are a lot of simples.