BJ Penn: I'm going to win the belt back

If this isnt mental illness I dont know what is
Should have retired years ago. Wish he was no longer cleared to fight.
Given how they are creating so many interim titles, anything is possible. They would let BJ fight for one if they could make a few dollars, even a seven-loss streak. Against another faded fighter. I wouldn't put anything past the UFC.

BJ - Diego rematch, for the interim 167lb belt.
haha haha haha haha

Oh BJ.
At least you saying that explains why you are still fighting. Please retire and go enjoy the beach. You got nothing to prove.

Though if this fight is to try to further distance the memory of tippy toes penn, I get it.
How ironic if Khabib gives him his personal 1-9-1 Make it happen.
BJ has much of a chance of winning the belt as me....and I’d get my ass kicked against the top 20
Just as bad as Chuck, it's not gonna happen bro. Penn had his time on top, it's over. I won't even entertain the what if or maybe. Two of my favs of all time but, it's been time to move on.
BJ has much of a chance of winning the belt as me....and I’d get my ass kicked against the top 20
Top 20 or top 1000?