Bleak Faith: Forsaken

Looks freaky. Probably a soulsbourne type game.
I like the art design. Kind of reminds of Senua's Sacrifice.
i mean, the trailer was dumb and gave no indication of what the gameplay/mechanics/etc is like, so this game could be anywhere from incredible to giant turd.
Visually, it's cool, and I dig the ritualistic pagan chanting (I'd like to see more titles scored along these lines), but the patchworked mythology on display is just that – all over the place; I see even Beksinski (the painter) in between adaptations from other VGs so there's virtually nothing in the trailer for me I'd call its own, or then original.

Innovation isn't a deal-breaking criterion for me, of course, but Alvin Toffler said it well when he spoke of jam and how the wider it is spread, the thinner it gets. I'll follow this thread to see how it develops (hat tip to TS for bringing it to the community) but my guess right now is it's going to be to deep-sea fishing in a puddle and struggle to have an identity.

What studio is developing this and from where, if I may ask?
Senua's Sacrifice + Dark Souls + Bloodborne

So yeah, I'm in.
Love the art work and the scale of the environment / NPCs / enemies. Although I prefer to keep the middle aged esque themes out of steam punk, hopefully they can pull it off. Will keep an eye on it.
New promo just released; bit of a progress check if anything but looking delicious. Still slated for 2021. Enjoy:

For you guys that played GreedFall with me, I'm seeing in off-cuff overview here a Soulsy take on that, especially in the AI, foes. Pretty neat, TBH.
Whoa, I’m all about this. Never even heard about this game. Looks right up my alley, but after Mortal Shell I’m cautiously optimistic.


I assume English isn’t their first language?
Ha, not sure, TBH. I think they're from Czechia if memory serves. I've noticed in their outreach their brand voice is conservatively positive, non-jocular so I reckon they're just communicating on brand. Heaps of adjectives well capture titles from the genre but wholesome isn't conventionally one of them – agreed. Ah, Yharnam, home to many a wholesome evening stroll down the main thoroughfare…

Ha, not sure, TBH. I think they're from Czechia if memory serves. I've noticed in their outreach their brand voice is conservatively positive, non-jocular so I reckon they're just communicating on brand. Heaps of adjectives well capture titles from the genre but wholesome isn't conventionally one of them – agreed. Ah, Yharnam, home to many a wholesome evening stroll down the main thoroughfare…


When I think of wholesome and video game in the same sentence I think of Kirby or Q*Bert

New promo just released; bit of a progress check if anything but looking delicious. Still slated for 2021. Enjoy:

For you guys that played GreedFall with me, I'm seeing in off-cuff overview here a Soulsy take on that, especially in the AI, foes. Pretty neat, TBH.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to this one. Some YouTuber with an accent who makes videos listing "5 great games you haven't heard of" or something like that covered this one awhile back. It's been on my radar. Looks right up my alley.
New gameplay. Movement looks more fluid from past videos IMO. Really hope they get the funding to port this. Looks like a fun ride. Love the move sets and over the top sword play.

Pretty Awesome gameplay / cinematic / music video


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