Economy Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll


EU: "Hey do you wanna continue being part of our trade alliance?"

Right wing UK Government: "No, f*ck off with your immigrants and better trade practices!!"

*UK suffers economically*

Barteh: "Well, no wonder, the EU won't give the UK benefits as if they were a member of the trade alliance."


Do you think the EU is only a trade alliance? Maybe stick to discussing yankee politics then although you've got some pretty warped take on that as well.
It's more like two friends who were living together for years and sharing all the utility expenses 50/50. Then one of the two friends started in bringing one, two, even five more of his friends in to live with them as well but they didn't have to pay anything. Then eventually all of them started to assrape the original friend on top of the freeloading. The original friend (UK) asked his old buddy "why can't we just go back to how it used to be?" and his buddy declines.

The UK should not be expected to let the EU assrape them just because the EU comes with some benefits on the side.

This stuff is just bare excel type report like stuff and doesn't resemble actual situation how countries are benefiting from each other if we look on situation in depth.
For example the same Poland might be looked as poor idiots giving nothing while they are food exporters and valuable partner, do you know where some important repair centers and factories are located and that they are producing also stuff for medicine and R&D and are important western weapons sales business customers AND that they are getting subsidies only cos EU is forcing them to reduce emmisions and implement waste handling according to EU guidelines etc?
If they had rejected to fultfil emmisions quotas etc and had behaved like China I think they were more happy than they are now.

The same about some other countries in this list listed as bad.
Only about Greece I might a bit agree cos their constant mortgage bubbles syndromes....while they at least are paying considerably more % from their GDP for defense than U.K and U.K does have strategic interests im in Malta and Cyprus and therefore.....are baby sitted by ECB aunts.
If about Estonia I too think that they had better life without EU " subsidies " and pretending.
If EU had stopped to demand from them follow emmison quotas and told that their local peat and oil shale is bad and their usage should be exchange for 0 subsidies....
More than this, it is shame how some countries are importing their peat for agriculture, oppressing their mining industry etc....cos their local fuel " bad " while they are capable to produce at least 2x more electricity than they are able to consume etc bullshit.
So I will tell why EU is paying " subsidies " to Estonia. In order to implement their dreams about solar panels ( Estonia is Nordic european country not Spain or California ) and wind farms bullshit plus biogas etc.

While they does have a lot of peat and oil shale and technically by using these might produce at least 2x more electricity they are able to consume....without solar panels and wind farms.
Urzula demands solar panels and wind farms and if you demand something your partner should do despite it is useless for him and creates burden on him, you should pay ....
This stuff is just bare excel type report like stuff and doesn't resemble actual situation how countries are benefiting from each other if we look on situation in depth.
For example the same Poland might be looked as poor idiots giving nothing while they are food exporters and valuable partner, do you know where some important repair centers and factories are located and that they are producing also stuff for medicine and R&D and are important western weapons sales business customers AND that they are getting subsidies only cos EU is forcing them to reduce emmisions and implement waste handling according to EU guidelines etc?
If they had rejected to fultfil emmisions quotas etc and had behaved like China I think they were more happy than they are now.

The same about some other countries in this list listed as bad.
Only about Greece I might a bit agree cos their constant mortgage bubbles syndromes....while they at least are paying considerably more % from their GDP for defense than U.K and U.K does have strategic interests im in Malta and Cyprus and therefore.....are baby sitted by ECB aunts.

Yup good observation. A lot of the emission bullshit is coming from the EU. Not only are we crippling our own businesses but we're wasting even more money making sure the poorer countries do the same bullshit.
Yup good observation. A lot of the emission bullshit is coming from the EU. Not only are we crippling our own businesses but we're wasting even more money making sure the poorer countries do the same bullshit.
Funny that Germany actually does have not lesser coal reserves than Ukraine had in 2012 th territory and Urzula still is talking about bad emmisions....
Germany might had produced more with local coal and with Poland situation is the same while Estonia does have largest oil shale powered power plants in world and Urzula is telling that their local oil shale is bad cos emmisions.
tell the brexiter who did the meme! he'd probably be shocked to find out

Brexiters aren't shocked to find anything out, usually because they are mostly incapable of actually learning things, and when they do it's rejected as part of some plot against them.
Those 9/10 are too stupid to understand that AUKUS is the next big thing/bet.

EU is finished. It's been the designated sacrifial lamb in a fight against Russia and China.
Nordstream and cheap energy from Russia are gone. EU industrial potential is going down.

UK bets heavily on Aukus. Thus, Brexit...
I don't know about that. Compare UK versus EU economic growth. Even if you limit it to just the EU founding member states, the UK is still .6% lower with higher core inflation. So all this talk about "the EU is finished" seems premature. I would say it has a brighter future driven by growth of its eastern states. And Ireland, don't forget about Ireland.

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Brexiters aren't shocked to find anything out, usually because they are mostly incapable of actually learning things, and when they do it's rejected as part of some plot against them.
If remainers had listened in the first place and reduced immigration in line with what the majority of British people wanted at the time then we would still be in the EU.

However, they are mostly incapable of learning things, and when they do it's rejected as part of some racist lunacy.
If remainers had listened in the first place and reduced immigration in line with what the majority of British people wanted at the time then we would still be in the EU.

However, they are mostly incapable of learning things, and when they do it's rejected as part of some racist lunacy.

Listen, if I don't understand an issue and make an emotional, half baked reaction to it based on muh feelings, that's up to me.

How has leaving the EU worked out in terms of reducing immigration?

If the British people wanted to reduce immigration, they should have voted for a government with the mandate and political will to get it done. Not economically fuck themselves over.

The idea that people who wanted to remain in the EU are responsible for brexit is absurd on its face.

People made a stupid decision. The least they could do is own up to it.
Cant say myself but the UK has a trade deficit of £92 billion with the EU compared to a £5 billion surplus with non-EU countries. Not saying punishment but definitely not working in their favor.
That just highlights the extreme idiocy of Brexit! We just put up massive barriers to our biggest source of imported goods and now we are free to negotiate trade agreements with places much further away, doh!
People made a stupid decision. The least they could do is own up to it.
Exactly. Brexiteers need to take ownership of this. They were conned sure, but they didn't do their due diligence (do your own research) and believed the crap that came out of the right-wing media and snake oil salesmen like Farage's mouth.
A clear example that comes to mind is the long lines at airports. Lots of first world countries have arrangement between them allowing for people to visit without needing a visa and allowing easy entry.

Apparently they're discussing it now it seems clear to me that there was an intentional delay to make a point. Feels to me like the EU wants to make the point that it's either all or nothing with them.
If brits have to queue it's the UK Brexit negotiators fumbled the ball and didn't get the same arrangements for allowing people to visit Europe!
That's not the EU punishing Brits, it's the Brexit negotiators not doing their job very well. Remember Liz Truss was at one point a chief negotiator.
Listen, if I don't understand an issue and make an emotional, half baked reaction to it based on muh feelings, that's up to me.

How has leaving the EU worked out in terms of reducing immigration?

If the British people wanted to reduce immigration, they should have voted for a government with the mandate and political will to get it done. Not economically fuck themselves over.

The idea that people who wanted to remain in the EU are responsible for brexit is absurd on its face.

People made a stupid decision. The least they could do is own up to it.

The leader of the UK is some dork standing behind a 'Stop The Boats' pulpit lol

Literally nothing has changed on that front, it's still the same old issue that the Tories will wheel out and dust off every election because it's guaranteed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, who the Tories hate anyway.
I don't trust this poll.
Why not? The Guardian is the most trustworthy newspaper in the UK even if they do lean left. And similar polls from YouGov, Ipsos and NatCen Social Research all found similar results.
Why not? The Guardian is the most trustworthy newspaper in the UK even if they do lean left. And similar polls from YouGov, Ipsos and NatCen Social Research all found similar results.

YouGov is literally founded by the Tories, too.