California is the First State to Start MMA Fighter Retirement Fund. Starts in 2024.

The most financially retarded broke ass broken state in the country should go first.
Broke? In terms of people, lots of billionaires and millionaires here. The state government? The budget was a bit down this year compared to the last few, but there were record surpluses in there! Pretty impressive to be in the top 5 economies in the world as a state.

Visit, go see the stars in Hollywood, go to the beach, hit Disneyland, go to Yosemite, and if you like, meet the prettiest girls in the world! There is a reason that songs are written about the girls here. I love it.
Government is going to take money and eventually give some back.

Sounds great.
Broke? In terms of people, lots of billionaires and millionaires here. The state government? The budget was a bit down this year compared to the last few, but there were record surpluses in there! Pretty impressive to be in the top 5 economies in the world as a state.

Visit, go see the stars in Hollywood, go to the beach, hit Disneyland, go to Yosemite, and if you like, meet the prettiest girls in the world! There is a reason that songs are written about the girls here. I love it.
Last man in California can't rent a U-haul
Just lmfao @ how absolutely braindead people have become

Taking a portion of fighters generated revenue and reinvesting it back to the fighters, is "welfare" and "woke California bs"


i think it sounds good, but lots of things sound good on paper and end up being a shit show in practice. i'm more suspicious of how the money is being given to the fighters and that the corruption that is clearly in our government isn't going to leech money out of the account for their own benefits. we're talking about a government full of politicians who keep getting richer while the people keep getting poorer. it's hard for me to believe it isn't some kind of scam. we're also talking about a state that was thinking long and hard about paying black people reparations for something that didn't happen to them by people who didn't do it to them.
Cali is talking about taxing tickets enough to fund retirement. Do the math.
Before I do the math why don't you do the reading and actually understand what's happening with this legislation
if its passed onto the taxpayers thats just another thing that California residents will have to pay for. no one likes more taxes.
if i lived in California and i wasnt an MMA fan, why would i want to pay taxes to contribute to a state-wide retirement fund? i dont think i would. so if it came up on a ballot id vote against it.
if this goes through and the UFC would have to pay taxes for this in California, i can see a future where very few UFC cards are held there. California cant legally obligate the UFC to hold a certain number of events there per year.
how will this be funded?
The ufc needs to be the one paying retirement funds, they are the main org. They make most of the profit and have a responsibility towards the fighters because they sustain injuries fighting inside the octagon period, not just in one state.
California has the highest or 2nd highest state income tax, it is just dumb to fight there

For high income earners this would matter, for people in the first phase of their fighting career, this doesn't matter at all. The state income tax is on a very progressive scale.

Some of the best gyms and training in the world is in California, setting aside all the other customary reasons people want to live there.

The big problem will be cost of housing not taxes.
Broke? In terms of people, lots of billionaires and millionaires here. The state government? The budget was a bit down this year compared to the last few, but there were record surpluses in there! Pretty impressive to be in the top 5 economies in the world as a state.

Visit, go see the stars in Hollywood, go to the beach, hit Disneyland, go to Yosemite, and if you like, meet the prettiest girls in the world! There is a reason that songs are written about the girls here. I love it.

There is a derangement around California that has no logical basis for folks that have been told by cable news its the worst place in America.

Most of these people live in the bible belt or fly over states and have absolutely no concept of what is actually going on. Which also sadly has some of the worst healthcare outcomes, schools and life expectancy.

California is imperfect - nowhere is perfect - but its extraordinary in many ways. The cost of living is so high because its attracted the most successful people on planet earth.