Can someone explain the apoeal of Taylor Swift?


Hate the game, not the player.
Sep 14, 2008
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As I understand she used to be a country singer but they made her change her direction into a more lucrative, pop sound?

From what I heard, her songs are some of the most generic pieces of music ever. They almost sound like they were made by A.I.

Any fans here? And if you are…why?
You came onto an MMA message board to ask an opinion on a teeny bopper artist whom makes break up songs and pop hits?

This might not end well.
Taylor was sent from heaven to save the NFL... we don't deserve an angel like her among us insects...
Comparing TS with MJ is like comparing pure shit with pure cream .......where the latter is the pure shit of course :):). I grew up listening to lil' MJ vocalist prowess in the Jackson 5 and I assure you all out there that the 80s MJ is a reflection of his child molesting, skin bleaching and stupid childish pop crap ever dished out in pop history. Moonwalk my ass.....loads of black pop singers were doing that stuff way before MJ. That lil' boy in J5 grew up to become a maniac. So sad. Period.
Having said this, TS's appeal is solely due to her arrangement tune-ups that turn mediocre songs into sweet songs fit for the Ks. Beyonce, Gaga and other such crap do not hold a candle to TS.
Another reason why she appeals to me is that she's not fake like her peers .....,she comes out natural, never boasts and is really sexy as well :):) ......Beyonce, Gaga and Rhianna good riddance.
You came onto an MMA message board to ask an opinion on a teeny bopper artist whom makes break up songs and pop hits?

This might not end well.
Yes. In a subform called "Jukeboxe", where music is discussed.
If you are asking you are either too old or not hip
If you are asking you are either too old or not hip