Social Chinese Nationalists attack Chinese adverts featuring women with narrow eyes.

Personally, I find narrow eyes to be attractive.

Completely agree.... Maybe because it's different?

But I guess this infatuation explains why Anime/Manga characters have absolutely giant eyes. Even characters that are supposed to be Asian
I would still disagree about the negative trait issue

all asians want big eyes, and that's why eyelid surgery is so prevalent.

It doesn't make any sense to compare obesity to East Asian "narrow" eyes, because:

A 'round eye' person can be fat or skinny or somewhere inbetween
A "narrow eyed" East Asian person can be fat or skinny or somewhere inbetween

A person can lose weight naturally, with proper diet and exercise. A person can not get rid of their "narrow" East Asian eyes without plastic surgery. "Narrow" East Asian eyes is a unique racial trait, whereas as obesity is found across all races and groups.

Some Asians want big eyes; but in any case these Nationalists are hating on a trait that is common amongst members of their race. They complain about Western beauty standards while simultanously promoting 'round eyes' and denigrating "narrow" / "slanted" eyes.
It's an interesting but sad look into racism.

Nobody really gave a shit about this until propaganda about slanted eyes made it a bad thing. Now if you promote slanted eyes racists will make fun of you, if you condemn it people will say you hate yourself. They should learn from black people and just embrace all their attributes. Big lips and wide noses were made fun of for the longest time. Now it's far better, but only because black people know their traits are beautiful.

Basically the more they hate themselves, condemn such features and agree with the racists that it's a bad thing, the more power they give racism. This is what racists want; for you to think your race's defining features are ugly and something to be ashamed about.
Eh that look isn't attractive to me but she's not being racist by having thin eyes lol
This has got to be the first time "slanted eyes" has been used on SD in a way that isn't derogatory.
Then I guess you've never heard of this band,
The Slants

Though, now that I say that, I am not sure if their battle to trademark the name was ever mentioned here on Sherdog.
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It's an interesting but sad look into racism.

Nobody really gave a shit about this until propaganda about slanted eyes made it a bad thing. Now if you promote slanted eyes racists will make fun of you, if you condemn it people will say you hate yourself. They should learn from black people and just embrace all their attributes. Big lips and wide noses were made fun of for the longest time. Now it's far better, but only because black people know their traits are beautiful.

Basically the more they hate themselves, condemn such features and agree with the racists that it's a bad thing, the more power they give racism. This is what racists want; for you to think your race's defining features are ugly and something to be ashamed about.

What are you talking about? The black beauty standard has historically had similar issues, it's gotten better, but you still see way more light-skin, straight hair, models than dark skin ones with natural hair.
What are you talking about? The black beauty standard has historically had similar issues, it's gotten better, but you still see way more light-skin, straight hair, models than dark skin ones with natural hair.
What are YOU talking about? Which part are you contending? Where did I say black people now have it good? I only said it's gotten far better which you yourself agreed with. Calm down and read. There is zero friction between our points.
Not sure about the round eyes but when it comes to fair skin, that predates western influence by about two thousand years, and actually for the same reason pale skin was loved in the west. If you work in the fields you tan due to sun exposure, if not you stay pale, it's a class thing, if you're pale you are rich if not you are poor. There are references to that in ancient works like San Guo Zhi, beauties like Diaochan are described as "hao bai"(very white/pale...the source work for San Guo was written in 300AD).

Narcissistic modern people can't help saying our modern culture influenced the past, but actually we didn't. It's mad racist actually because you're basically saying that every culture that ever existed is somehow influcned by 1700+ western culture, which it isn't. Completely untrue...and actually really offensive. Chinese have their own beauty cultures, if you think we influence everything you are basically a eurocentric psycho. Believe it or not, Asia, South America, etc all had their own crazy standards before we turned up. Some of them tally up with each other, so you kind of have to start thinking that maybe these are all logical conclusions.
I mean, the model doesn't look average. She has that skinny-hot alien good looks everyone shares on America's Next Top Model.


People wonder why western guys like Asian women. Well, a Chinese 5 is an American 10 cause they got some dumb people over there with bad taste lol so send us your 5s, please. lol

Alien good looks! <45>

They need to broaden their outlook.

Know what help with that?

big round American eyes
What are YOU talking about? Which part are you contending? Where did I say black people now have it good? I only said it's gotten far better which you yourself agreed with. Calm down and read. There is zero friction between our points.


I just don't agree with you.
I don't see how featuring women with East Asian phenotype is a bad thing. These nationalists are invariably saying that this Asian phenotype is ugly , which makes them the racists or self haters.
This is pure self hate. The disease afflicting many lost souls in China but also, increasingly in the West, too.

I just don't agree with you.
Says the kid while using a passive aggressive meme. Sigh...

Again, calm down. I have no idea why you're trying to argue with me when your comment basically agreed with my points. Like, what are you so pissy about?
Isn't that Bai Ling? To be completely honest, IMO she's not beautiful or hot, sexy is the only word to describe her. Google her wardrobe malfunctions ; )

Oh, I agree...I don't find her attractive in the traditional sense but would have hit back in the day.

She's like 60 now, so I'll pass in the current era. My Asian phase is long behind me anyway ('s not a fetish if I'm Asian as well lol).
The part where they say Chinese nationalist want big round eyes and fair skin to distance themselves from the west really is a head scratcher. Move away from the west by embracing "western" features.

It's deeper than that. I think fair skin and round larger eyes are traditionally Chinese beauty ideals.

Powerful western advertising trying to change that is their beef, I think.
Agreed with the Chinese. Western brands definitely love these hyper racial features (extra small eyes for asians, no hair and only bones for black girls) for the western customers.

These features are signs of ugliness in these communities.