Choose only one but carefully!

Sakuraba is #1

Blue Belt
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
I'm already older than 27, and having to shrink my penis sounds like a bummer, so that's out.

Going back to age 5 sounds pretty similar to having a 5 year old kid, and a million bucks in 2040 will probably be worth like $30 in 2019 money at the rate inflation is going.

Invisibility, don't really care.

Teleportation probably wins this one.
Teleporation. You can do virtually everything. You're just a straight up menace with this power. Sure you're not broken like superman you don't need to be.
Youth restored.

I already have a perfect wang, 14in is too much.

I would rather have youth again. And if I get to go back with what I know now I would be pretty much a child prodigy musician as I can play half a dozen instruments pretty well and I'm a wiz with ProTools/Logic.

I could just Make the hit songs I remember and be wealthy as fuck.

I am older than 27, so no god mode for me I guess. Teleportation is great because it saves insane amount of time. I would want to reverse aging but starting at 5 can be a problem. Teleportation makes sense. Not dealing with flight, no traffic, from one side of the earth to another in an instant is a great deal. But fuck, the reverse aging is tough to say no to.
Youth restored.

I will then wait until UFC 70, attend the event and bring a laser pointer with me. I'll keep pointing it at Gonzaga's eyes so he gets distracted and Cro Cop can dispatch him.
Didnt super man literally fly super fast and time travel?

If thats the case im going the god mode super man option as I can time travel when ever I want to "revert" my age.
I'd already be dead in god mode. Stealing is already legal, but still immoral, so that removes invisibility.

With youth option, do I go back in time? For teleportation, can I take others with me? This one is tricky.
Youth restored or teleportation.

With restored youth I would never have to worry about money again. I could invest that 1 million in 2009 and purchase by my calculations about 110 million bitcoins. In todays money that would be about 11 trillion dollars.

Teleportation is tempting as well. I could travel anywhere I want in an instant and it could even save my life. Caught in a burning building, boom out of there.

I'd have to go with youth restored though me thinks.
Definitely revert back to 5 and live life again with all my memories. Knowing I had a 1mil trust at 21 and I could make some crazy investments then pick up massive bitcoins for pennies on the dollar. I think I would try to stay on the same trajectory to meet the wife and pop out the same kids, then cash it in and call it quits when Bitcoin went through the stratosphere.

The only one I wouldn't want is the god mode. Kicking the bucket at 27 is such a short amount of time, no thanks.