Media Christopher Walken's lion and jackal story.

Walken, FWIW, got his start in acting as a dancer !
Tito looks like he spends a tremendous amount of energy to talk. I think it's probably due to the strain his three functioning brain cells have to work to come up with sounds resembling words

Words that have to resonate while fighting with a cracked skull !​
Still think Toto fought better than he ever fought towards the end of his career.

The Shael was/is the best trash talker in MMA.
They should have hyped the Sonnen/Tito fight for 2 years.

Put that show on tour.
I forget how to speak for like 3 seconds when I hear this mumble mouth muppet pontificating.

It gives me short term cte ffs sir lol.
I agree it can be contagious, sir. Best to take these Tito nuggets in bite-sized nibs in two-day intervals, lest one succumbs to hypnotic Tito-isms aplenty.