Television Cobra Kai Season 5 Releases Tomorrow (Get Hyped)

The way they did it was really well set up. You know they were saving that for an iconic moment and finishing Silver with it was perfect.

But hypocrite mary sue Daniel getting that shine is hilarious when you consider his tag team partners literally abandoned him on the side of the road because he DIDN'T want to do the job. Then Barnes gets KTFOed, Johnny gets beaten into the living death before using retard strength to crush a bunch of cans, and Chozen seizes defeat from the jaws of victory. All of which weakens Silver just enough for Daniel to drop a three piece and a soda and then glide on outta there. LMAO you can see why these guys find Daniel so damn irritating.

I mean lets be honest here their plan was fucking retarded. Lets break into a mans house and beat the shit out of him which literally accomplishes nothing towards their overall goal. They just got lucky in that it was timed perfectly with the kids to execute an actual real plan that will work.

Overall season was great loved how it ended. Kenny was such a little B though at the end.
I think Season 6 ends up with Kreese hiding out in Mexico and hooking up with Miguel's father to lure Miguel down there to fight, using the "second fiddle" psychology technic to make him jealous after the baby is born.
Another great season for the best show on television, but I really hope they wind this down soon. You can only go back to the well so many times.

Finish strong and leave them wanting more, like Seinfeld, instead of going out weak like Roseanne, with people begging for the show to be put out of its misery.
I mean lets be honest here their plan was fucking retarded. Lets break into a mans house and beat the shit out of him which literally accomplishes nothing towards their overall goal. They just got lucky in that it was timed perfectly with the kids to execute an actual real plan that will work.

While this is of course true, it applies to everything in the series and is largely what makes it awesome. I mean the genius plan of the conniving big bad who is a billionaire or something, was to PERSONALLY beat the shit out of some hapless retard, then agree to have that guy report, upon waking from the living death that Kreese did it. Then Kreese gets arrested and jailed with no video evidence and him not even being present at the scene, because he apparently had the world's stupidest lawyer. Billionaire guy also PERSONALLY bribed a referee and paid him off in person in cash. Most billionaires would know to do this stuff through a middleman or other lackey, but not this billionaire.

But to his credit, billionaire guy does insidiously drive a wedge between Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso and wife leaves with the kids. But this is nothing that can't be patched up by a 2 minute explanation by wifey's cousin and then some old fashioned girl bonding by getting in a bar fight and beating their old catty girl rival face down ass up. No legal repercussions of course.

Meanwhile Miguel is off looking for his dad in Mexico, who shares the same name with probably 2.8 million other men in Mexico. But that's OK because Mexico is like planets in Star Wars where every planet (country) consists of exactly one city where everyone knows everyone else and finding a specific person is easily done. Good thing too, because Johnny and Robby are looking for the same guy.

But billionaire guy has left some loose ends. The gang of meddling kids and their non-combatant mascot LaPusso are wise to his scheme. They break into his dojo HQ and hack into his security camera. This being California, the police have been defunded and they're all on secondment to Hazzard County, GA. Looks like the stage is set for a throwdown at the O.K. Corral with free country ass whoopings on offer, in this tale of heartwarming hijinks and plot armor.

Overall season was great loved how it ended. Kenny was such a little B though at the end.

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While this is of course true, it applies to everything in the series and largely what makes it awesome. I mean the genius plan of the conniving big bad who is a billionaire or something, was to PERSONALLY beat the shit out of some hapless retard, then agree to have that guy report, upon waking from the living death that Kreese did it. Then Kreese gets arrested and jailed with no video evidence and him not even being present at the scene, because he apparently had the world's stupidest lawyer. Billionaire guy also PERSONALLY bribed a referee and paid him off in person in cash. Most billionaires would know to do this stuff through a middleman or other lackey, but not this billionaire.

But to his credit, billionaire guy does insidiously drive a wedge between Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso and wife leaves with the kids. But this is nothing that can't be patched up by a 2 minute explanation by wifey's cousin and then some old fashioned girl bonding by getting in a bar fight and beating their old catty girl rival face down ass up. No legal repercussions of course.

Meanwhile Miguel is off looking for his dad in Mexico, who shares the same name with probably 2.8 million other men in Mexico. But that's OK because Mexico is like planets in Star Wars where every planet (country) consists of exactly one city where everyone knows everyone else and finding a specific person is easily done. Good thing too, because Johnny and Robby are looking for the same guy.

But billionaire guy has left some loose ends. The gang of meddling kids and their non-fighting mascot LaPusso are wise to his scheme. They break into his dojo HQ and hack into his security camera. This being California, the police have been defunded and they're all on secondment to Hazzard County, GA. Looks like the stage is set for a throwdown at the O.K. Corral with free country ass whoopings on offer, in this tale of heartwarming hijinks and plot armor.


lol very true. Me and my wife were laughing at how when Miguel gets to Mexico he gets robbed right away BUT Netflix made sure to keep this woke enough by making it some random mix of Australian, black, Mexican (maybe?), dudes be the ones to rob him. Not local Mexicans which would be MUCH more likely. Any other movies in the 90's it would have been a group of Mexicans that robbed him because when you go to Mexico it's filled with Mexicans. I've been there plenty of times.

We also laughed at how the ref and the billionaire couldn't be anymore obvious with the looks they were giving each other. He might as well just started screaming when to give and not give Lapusso's teams point.

Anyways all that stuff is great though and just makes me laugh and love the series even more. I don't even know if it's on purpose or just bad writing and I don't even care it just adds to the charm of the show.
So both Dojos were invited to the tournament. Does Johnny take over Cobra Kai again? Kreese should have never been locked up but I'm guessing since he broke out he still has legal troubles and cant officially take over.

How about Mike Barnes taking over Cobra Kai? Someone has to represent for them in the big tournament
lol very true. Me and my wife were laughing at how when Miguel gets to Mexico he gets robbed right away BUT Netflix made sure to keep this woke enough by making it some random mix of Australian, black, Mexican (maybe?), dudes be the ones to rob him. Not local Mexicans which would be MUCH more likely. Any other movies in the 90's it would have been a group of Mexicans that robbed him because when you go to Mexico it's filled with Mexicans. I've been there plenty of times.

We also laughed at how the ref and the billionaire couldn't be anymore obvious with the looks they were giving each other. He might as well just started screaming when to give and not give Lapusso's teams point.

Anyways all that stuff is great though and just makes me laugh and love the series even more. I don't even know if it's on purpose or just bad writing and I don't even care it just adds to the charm of the show.

LOL yeah the Australian goon robbing people in Mexico was gold. And Silver was pretty much doing this with the ref:

I mean lets be honest here their plan was fucking retarded. Lets break into a mans house and beat the shit out of him which literally accomplishes nothing towards their overall goal. They just got lucky in that it was timed perfectly with the kids to execute an actual real plan that will work.

I don't know what the writers were thinking. This shit was more than nonsensical. It completely jumped the shark.
LOL yeah the Australian goon robbing people in Mexico was gold. And Silver was pretty much doing this with the ref:

Haha nice yes it was exactly like this.

I don't know what the writers were thinking. This shit was more than nonsensical. It completely jumped the shark.

I only accepted it because they were shitfaced and LaPusso didn't go which is the only way it makes sense. LaPusso going would have been way out of character for him but Johnny is a hot head and he's always down to do some stupid shit like that. The Asian dude has been wanting to do that from the beginning and the other guy had his whole furniture store burned down and lost his wife so he's not in a good place. I agree though I can see that moment as a jump the shark moment for the show.

Would have made more sense if it was actually part of the plan with the kids to keep Silver distracted while the kids do their thing. Could have easily written it that way.
I don't know what the writers were thinking. This shit was more than nonsensical. It completely jumped the shark.

Cobra Kai jumped the shark from the beginning. It was always a comedic take on the aftermath of the KK movies. But it's the best damn fan service series based on a popular movie franchise probably ever. I mean we're talking about karate gang wars that involve the entire HS and one of the star combatants, after surviving a crippling fall that renders him paralyzed and quadriplegic, gets fully rehabbed on a regimen that includes his sensei dangling a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue over his head.

But come on, angry drunken Johnny, Chozen and Barnes storming Silver's mansion to beat his ass after ditching Daniel LMAO. The movie fan nerds (of which there are many ITT) couldn't have scripted it better.
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Cobra Kai jumped the shark at the get go. It was always positioned as a comedic take on the aftermath of the KK movies. But it's the best damn fan service series based on a popular movie franchise probably ever. I mean we're talking about karate gang wars that involve the entire HS and one of the star combatants, after surviving a crippling fall that renders him paralyzed and quadriplegic, gets fully rehabbed on a regimen that includes his sensei dangling a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue above his head.

But come on, angry drunken Johnny, Chozen and Barnes storming Silver's mansion to beat his ass after ditching Daniel LMAO. The movie fan nerds (of which there are many ITT) couldn't have scripted it any better.
Yeah I was talking about this season. The show has been extremely silly from the start.

Silver fighting Chozen while wielding a sword was so surreal.
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But come on, angry drunken Johnny, Chozen and Barnes storming Silver's mansion to beat his ass after ditching Daniel LMAO. The movie fan nerds (of which there are many ITT) couldn't have scripted it any better.

I'm actually not a fan of the movies at all. I thought the first one was ok but in general I always thought the movies were kind of lame. The show though.. is fucking awesome.
This show is awesome. The only problem this season was the little 4ft tall 12yr old black kid everybody supposed to be scared of. It was ridiculously cringey.

my boys Johnny, Chozen, and mike carried I love it
Yeah I was talking about this season. The show has been extremely silly from the start.

Silver fighting Chozen while wielding a sword was so surreal.

The Silver vs. Chozen sword duel felt like reverse jumping the shark lol. It was deadly serious with no laughs. When Silver sliced up Chozen it was like shit just got real.

I'm actually not a fan of the movies at all. I thought the first one was ok but in general I always thought the movies were kind of lame. The show though.. is fucking awesome.

Personally I really liked the first movie - thought it was the perfect blend of heartwarming and 80's drama. Second movie wasn't bad but wasn't great. They milked the same characters for big trouble in little Okinawa. By the standards of the first one, the third movie was terrible but it was awesome for completely different reasons - all of them unintentional. The fourth movie was literally a piece of shit.

I feel like the series is intentionally closest to the tone of the third movie. It's like the same type of ridiculous crap happening, but with a laugh track rolling in the background and toon force in effect.
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Another great season for the best show on television, but I really hope they wind this down soon. You can only go back to the well so many times.

Finish strong and leave them wanting more, like Seinfeld, instead of going out weak like Roseanne, with people begging for the show to be put out of its misery.
id be ok with at least 1 moer sieasoin maybe 2
i think this last asewains was best fo far
lol very true. Me and my wife were laughing at how when Miguel gets to Mexico he gets robbed right away BUT Netflix made sure to keep this woke enough by making it some random mix of Australian, black, Mexican (maybe?), dudes be the ones to rob him. Not local Mexicans which would be MUCH more likely. Any other movies in the 90's it would have been a group of Mexicans that robbed him because when you go to Mexico it's filled with Mexicans. I've been there plenty of times.

We also laughed at how the ref and the billionaire couldn't be anymore obvious with the looks they were giving each other. He might as well just started screaming when to give and not give Lapusso's teams point.

Anyways all that stuff is great though and just makes me laugh and love the series even more. I don't even know if it's on purpose or just bad writing and I don't even care it just adds to the charm of the show.

My buddy is 250lbs 6'3. He got beat up by several manlet cops. He likely could have wasted them and got taken to a Mexican prison and a broke back mountain experience. Just took a thumping.

It's woke. But tolerable. I hear any toxic masculinity or misandry nonsense, and I am out.
It's woke. But tolerable.

Exactly. It's just something you sort of have to deal with these days with most media now. Reminds me of the 80's\90's where almost every movie with a "hunk" in it had to have a pointless sex scene. Me and my wife were watching the original top gun before the new one and we just laughed at how pointless and ridiculous the sex scene was.
Exactly. It's just something you sort of have to deal with these days with most media now. Reminds me of the 80's\90's where almost every movie with a "hunk" in it had to have a pointless sex scene. Me and my wife were watching the original top gun before the new one and we just laughed at how pointless and ridiculous the sex scene was.

Well, even Miguel getting the Lead girl is more of that shit. I'm mixed for the record and it pisses me off how Hollywood pushes this crap woke rubbish. It's manipulative af.IIt's not genuine and again, I'm thr product of a multicultural relationship. It is not the norm though it's shoved down everyone's throat boot 1st. I did like Miguel fighting bullies.

There's a communist leader freezing bank accounts, doing black face, and stuffing vegetables down his pants. He will language police you and go PC for the camera. Huge cuck. Harvey Weinstein was a male feminist. 1 of the #metoo ring leaders was in bed with a minor she had once casted a role in which she was the kids mom. Hollywood is super gross.

Cobra Kai is woke but it's not over the top. The Spiderman into the multiverse is woke but they execute. Stranger things is woke too but it delivers. I need story.

Tbh I think I got nostalgia for the movies and it continues a great story. As long they don't go she hulk or do some fuck shit, I will tune in. It's been good thus far.

I'm a bachelor. I don't got kids but godfather to a buddy's kids. The way sex and content is thrown at children be it Hollywood TV or music absolutely passes me off. I hope you guys block content you disagree with for your kids.
Cobra Kai is woke? Huh? Even the most toxic anti-sjw tards are saying this isn’t woke like quartering and geeks and gamers. You guys are actually worse than them. My god…..
So both Dojos were invited to the tournament. Does Johnny take over Cobra Kai again? Kreese should have never been locked up but I'm guessing since he broke out he still has legal troubles and cant officially take over.

How about Mike Barnes taking over Cobra Kai? Someone has to represent for them in the big tournament

All the students quit so I'm guessing at this point, they don't compete.