Colby Clears Up “I was in character.”

In the post fight press conference he said Leon's father was a sex trafficker so if that's true then people defending the father are the real dipshits.
And what's funny is he always fights against a fighters with criminal fathers, Usman's was no different
Nobody is defending Leon's father. Not sure how you don't see its not Leon's father who was attacked. Leon's father being a good or bad guy has nothing to do it. Colby using the murder of Leon's father to "Get in his head" or to "Sell the fight" is the issue. It shows Colby as a person is a true P.O.S. and if you don't understand that then you are in need of some help as a human being.
Honestly, does anyone give an actual shit anymore about 9-1-1 Colby? Hes a nonbinary, hover handed, crotch diving failure. America doesn't hand out participation trophies. We are nation of winners, and 9-1-1 Colby simply isn't one.
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In the post fight press conference he said Leon's father was a sex trafficker so if that's true then people defending the father are the real dipshits.
And what's funny is he always fights against a fighters with criminal fathers, Usman's was no different
Leon’s father’s antics aren’t really relevant it’s Colby’s lack of class that people have an issue with, Leon isn’t responsible for what his father did and Leon still has the same feelings towards him regardless
Failing logic 101 in astonishing fashion is so common in America nowadays that I'm not surprised how many people think Colby was attacking a bag of rotted skeleton as opposed to Leon and his family, which actually has zero bearing on the father. " He WerEZ A CrAmINeL THAtS WAi ITZ JusterFyEd !!" No dummies, the dead guy isn't the target here. Holy shit some of yall make Forrest Gump look like Stephen Hawking.
Leon’s father’s antics aren’t really relevant it’s Colby’s lack of class that people have an issue with, Leon isn’t responsible for what his father did and Leon still has the same feelings towards him regardless
Thanks. Should be obvious really but ….,,
Yeah, ironic jokes on the internet isn't something I should do when I’m tired. OK I’m relieved now lol.
Don't worry, I was raised on sarcasm and chocolate milk.

Also, I don't mind even the users I like having a go at me. If I'm ever wrong or line-crossing, I expect to get called on it. I live by that sword here, so it'd be pretty hypocritical of me to not die by it
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Ok , I think he’s starting to lose sight of when his “ character” ends and his real personality begins. Also for the record being in “character” doesn’t automatically exonerate you from any of your statements or actions
Nobody is defending Leon's father. Not sure how you don't see its not Leon's father who was attacked. Leon's father being a good or bad guy has nothing to do it. Colby using the murder of Leon's father to "Get in his head" or to "Sell the fight" is the issue. It shows Colby as a person is a true P.O.S. and if you don't understand that then you are in need of some help as a human being.
Something more sinister. I can’t find this info through normal historic records from press. Either Colby risks slander or maybe trump accessed info that Colby knows is truth. If true, How would Colby know?
Being in "character" and been an abosulute asshole in real life are not mutually exclusive. Colby is both.

It's notable that the other MMA fighter most famous for leaning into a pro wrestling-style heel persona is Chael Sonnen, a convicted fraudster, pathological liar and person who *allegedly* attacks random people in hotels.

It shouldn't be surprising that someone who is willing to degrade themselves and tarnish their reputation - unlike pro wrestling, their actions will be associated with their real identity - in the pursuit of money may also be a genuine piece of shit.
Something more sinister. I can’t find this info through normal historic records from press. Either Colby risks slander or maybe trump accessed info that Colby knows is truth. If true, How would Colby know?
Not sure WTF you are on about? Leon's father's character is irrelevant.