Creepiest beat ever?

Anyone who is a audiophile, or loves the writing of Edgar Allan Poe, may not need an introduction to this album. For everyone else, prepare thy selves sherbros for one of the best concept albums ever conceived. #mindblown

The whole album is solid.


Dude that's awesome. How did I never know this existed?
The most sinister beat in my opinion is this...

Man I'm dead serious, take a good look at that video. They're clearly preparing what looks like shit for a spell. They're floating on what looks clearly and intentionally like they're on a cross. There are flashes of light and if you pause it, they have skeletons doing poses during those flashes, like the Tyler Durden flashes in Fight Club. There are human anatomy charts in there.

They're doing what looks like witchcraft or alchemy or something.

It's a creepy ass video and there's some clear symbolism in there.

Serious question: do you guys think this is satanic? I used to listen to this as a teenager and I never realized back then what an evil vibe these dudes put out. This shit's pretty dark. It looks like they're literally doing witchcraft in the video. crazy

Serious question: do you guys think this is satanic? I used to listen to this as a teenager and I never realized back then what an evil vibe these dudes put out. This shit's pretty dark. It looks like they're literally doing witchcraft in the video. crazy

Weird, creepy, qwarky, ....dope as fuck one of my favorite hip hop track.

Probably my favorite track off the album. Sounds like something ODB would put on return to the 36 chambers. Love it.

This shit always makes me want to read HPL.

And of course, there's always Jak Tripper/Jak Progresso.

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Beginning is kinda creepy-ish in Psychopathic killer by Slaughterhouse... good song too
The most sinister beat in my opinion is this...


Bone Thugs first two albums are chock full of creepy/sinister beats. That was their schtick. I loved it.

Thuggish Ruggish Bone is both sinister and hard as shit.
There were plenty of creepy beats on the Art of Dying by Goretex.

i opened a dj mix some years ago with this Halloween-esque electro track:
