Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

This is not going away anytime soon. I'm impressed, i thought it was the usual leftie chimpout, but it looks more serious. Actual professors involved. Columbia looks besieged.

Ooooooh, professors are involved! Scary fucking shit!
This is getting ZERO mainstream media coverage outside of the U.S, nobody cares about these leftist losers.
Ooooooh, professors are involved! Scary fucking shit!
This is getting ZERO mainstream media coverage outside of the U.S, nobody cares about these leftist losers.
Feels like when I'm on Twitter it's all I see these days. Granted I follow a bunch of (European) University professors and everybody's talking about the campus protest issue.
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Isn't Soros himself Jewish? So he's an anti-semitic self-hating jew?
i'm trying to figure the 6d chess of Soros financing anti-israel protests

Isn't Soros himself Jewish? So he's an anti-semitic self-hating jew?

low IQ people don't look for logic when they speak. They make up their mind then try to frame everything that is happening under that assumption
This is not going away anytime soon. I'm impressed,

Yeah, wasn't this supposed to blow over months ago?

i thought it was the usual leftie chimpout, but it looks more serious.

Oh, I'm sure those engines will be fired up again during the summer over some other bullshit once the election draws closer.
Yeah, wasn't this supposed to blow over months ago?

Oh, I'm sure those engines will be fired up again during the summer over some other bullshit once the election draws closer.

They just going to stay running. Bibi just announced that even if a hostage deal were reached, they still going in to finish the job.

And if schools shut down and/or students go home for summer, they will just do it in cities again similar to 2020
Another protest pops up at UBC in Canada.

Israel has turned an entire generation against them.
lol the Democrats have always been the party of evil inherently racist smooth brains. It's really on full display now....
Deal with them swiftly and decisively. Give them no quarter. None of them can fight their way out of a paper bag anyway, they're all 'safe space' losers.
- If the wrestling guys are protesting thought?

So conflicted with this whole thing. One one hand, there's the idea of rebellion against government which is appealing for the freedom loving and on the other hand there's the strong inclination to crush the students and teachers protesting, to defund the school not actively firing the teachers and expelling the students. The obvious money supporting these efforts should be traced and those supplying it have their assets frozen cause the Left showed us that we could.

Maybe the best of both worlds is the Freedom to crush the Protesters...

So conflicted with this whole thing. One one hand, there's the idea of rebellion against government which is appealing for the freedom loving and on the other hand there's the strong inclination to crush the students and teachers protesting, to defund the school not actively firing the teachers and expelling the students. The obvious money supporting these efforts should be traced and those supplying it have their assets frozen cause the Left showed us that we could.

Maybe the best of both worlds is the Freedom to crush the Protesters...

You don't think there's tons of money supporting the Israeli side? The entire mainstream media is behind them.
Feels like when I'm on Twitter it's all I see these days. Granted I follow a bunch of (European) University professors and everybody's talking about the campus protest issue.
Certain foreign entities are certainly amplifying this event for domestic US audiences online.

The overwhelming majority of American's don't actually care about the conflict let alone the protests over it.
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You don't think there's tons of money supporting the Israeli side? The entire mainstream media is behind them.

Repost of mine from another thread:

Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait are pouring billions of dollars into these institutions.


Silly bitches always bring up AIPAC and how much money they're donating meanwhile motherfuckers are turning a blind eye to the other countries that donate more than Israel:


Come again?
Repost of mine from another thread:

Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait are pouring billions of dollars into these institutions.


Silly bitches always bring up AIPAC and how much money they're donating meanwhile motherfuckers are turning a blind eye to the other countries that donate more than Israel:


Come again?

There's a sort of casual antisemitism that's popular with the general public when talking about these things.

Mutual shared interest and regular politics is framed as nefarious Israeli/Jewish influence like it's just an ordinary thing all the time.

Real antisemites have been pushing the boundaries of "acceptable antisemitism" for some time and have been getting people more used to this type of casual antisemitism.

Yeah, wasn't this supposed to blow over months ago?

Oh, I'm sure those engines will be fired up again during the summer over some other bullshit once the election draws closer.
well the newest "Cause" hasn't arrived yet...Those walking Tampons will be yelling something like "Mask Up" again or "Say His Name...And your right itll happen this summer closer to the election.

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