Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

They smashed the hall's windows with hammers to infiltrate it.



Hopefully, like with January 6th, the FBI will now become involved, and we'll see mass arrests and criminal prosecutions. That's presuming we believe in even-handed justice for all. Naturally, the university should engage in mass expulsions and firings of all students and teachers who take part in violent, trespass invasions like this.
Consequences should come down hard. We’ll see what kind of backbone Columbia can muster up.
Ooooooh, professors are involved! Scary fucking shit!
This is getting ZERO mainstream media coverage outside of the U.S, nobody cares about these leftist losers.

These protests spreading to Canadian campuses is literally the top story in Canadian news.

The Columbia protest escalating is at the top of the BBC world news site.

You fumbled this post badly.
There's a sort of casual antisemitism that's popular with the general public when talking about these things.

Mutual shared interest and regular politics is framed as nefarious Israeli/Jewish influence like it's just an ordinary thing all the time.

Real antisemites have been pushing the boundaries of "acceptable antisemitism" for some time and have been getting people more used to this type of casual antisemitism.

Wait, is it anti-semitic to say that AIPAC influences elections in the US on behalf of Pro Israel sentiment, even going so far as to approve of the political stances of politicians with the promise of not running primary candidates against them? Because there is documented evidence of this, and that it's not particularly partisan. Are American Citizens not allowed to be concerned about that without the threat of being labelled specifically anti-semitic when there is proof it occurs, and that we'd share that same concern with that level of influence of literally any foreign interest?
Tagging me now?

You are the most thirsty ethnic cleansing and plausible genocide denier here.

Tell me more about how AIPAC is controlling American politics when you've got these Arab states funneling billions of dollars into American universities and into lobbying efforts.

White House condemns takeover of Columbia University building, use of 'intifada' at college protests

President Joe Biden's White House condemned the forcible takeover of a Columbia University academic building by pro-Palestinian protesters and the use of the term "intifada," as the Biden administration sought to push back against "antisemitic smears and violent rhetoric" as a part of college protests.

Protesters at Columbia overran Hamilton Hall early Tuesday morning, hours after the school announced it had begun suspending student demonstrators who refused to leave an on-campus encampment. Some protesters, according to NBC News, held flags that read "INTIFADA," the Arabic word for uprising or rebellion.

"President Biden has stood against repugnant, antisemitic smears and violent rhetoric his entire life," Andrew Bates, a White House assistant press secretary, said in a statement. "He condemns the use of the term 'intifada,' as he has the other tragic and dangerous hate speech displayed in recent days."

The president respects the right to free expression, Bates added, "but protests must be peaceful and lawful."

"Forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful – it is wrong. And hate speech and hate symbols have no place in America," he said.

The Biden administration has finally addressed this but it likely cost them the far left voters they were trying to appease.

White House condemns takeover of Columbia University building, use of 'intifada' at college protests

President Joe Biden's White House condemned the forcible takeover of a Columbia University academic building by pro-Palestinian protesters and the use of the term "intifada," as the Biden administration sought to push back against "antisemitic smears and violent rhetoric" as a part of college protests.

Protesters at Columbia overran Hamilton Hall early Tuesday morning, hours after the school announced it had begun suspending student demonstrators who refused to leave an on-campus encampment. Some protesters, according to NBC News, held flags that read "INTIFADA," the Arabic word for uprising or rebellion.

"President Biden has stood against repugnant, antisemitic smears and violent rhetoric his entire life," Andrew Bates, a White House assistant press secretary, said in a statement. "He condemns the use of the term 'intifada,' as he has the other tragic and dangerous hate speech displayed in recent days."

The president respects the right to free expression, Bates added, "but protests must be peaceful and lawful."

"Forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful – it is wrong. And hate speech and hate symbols have no place in America," he said.

The Biden administration has finally addressed this but it likely cost them the far left voters they were trying to appease.
Addressing a problem and actually doing something about it are two entirely different things...Bidens a Coward and the world knows it and he won't actually take any action.
Tell me more about how AIPAC is controlling American politics when you've got these Arab states funneling billions of dollars into American universities and into lobbying efforts.
I would suggest you read The Jewish Lobby and US Foreign Policy available on amazon in both paper and e-book, but you are a thirsty ethnic cleansing and plausible genocide denier so go troll someone else or go back to jerking off to dead Palestinian babies.
I would suggest you read The Jewish Lobby and US Foreign Policy available on amazon in both paper and e-book, but you are a thirsty ethnic cleansing and plausible genocide denier so go troll someone else or go back to jerking off to dead Palestinian babies.

I suggest you take that book, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candyass. The authors of the book accused Israel of misleading the US into waging war against Iraq. Bull fucking shit.
The title of this thread is false and shows the bias there is here.

It should be:

Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Palestine and Israel​

I suggest you take that book, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candyass. The authors of the book accused Israel of misleading the US into waging war against Iraq. Bull fucking shit.
@Koya this is exactly why this POS and so many of his crowd should be banned.

Its non stop lies, nonsequiturs, nonsensical and harassment
@Koya this is exactly why this POS and so many of his crowd should be banned.

Its non stop lies, nonsequiturs, nonsensical and harassment

You dumb motherfucker. You accused me of "jerking off to dead Palestinian babies" in the previous post. Don't act like you're an innocent angel here, you little fucker.
Nothing you can refute. No content by you. Just more empty idiocy. You've got to be one of the absolute dumbest posters on this forum.

"Soros funded" is a siren song for right wing morons like you.

It's already been pointed out how absurd the hysterical claims in the article you linked are.

It's filled with deceiving language like this:

"The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor."

Ooooh scary! And then it turns out it's $300,000 since 2017. And we're supposed to believe that is what is fueling these protests? Sure buddy.

But hey, being suckered by a bullshit article is par for the course for you.

Better check under your bed tonight. Make sure there aren't any soros-funded monsters hiding under there waiting to turn you into a socialist.
You dumb motherfucker. You accused me of "jerking off to dead Palestinian babies" in the previous post. Don't act like you're an innocent angel here, you little fucker.
Full tilt incoming?

LOL @ an ethnic cleansing and plausible genocide denier acting all butthurt
"Soros funded" is a siren song for right wing morons like you.

It's already been pointed out how absurd the hysterical claims in the article you linked are.

It's filled with deceiving language like this:

"The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor."

Ooooh scary! And then it turns out it's $300,000 since 2017. And we're supposed to believe that is what is fueling these protests? Sure buddy.

But hey, being suckered by a bullshit article is par for the course for you.

Better check under your bed tonight. Make sure there aren't any soros-funded monsters hiding under there waiting to turn you into a socialist.
George Soros provides massive amounts of funding for pro-criminal DAs.

He's provided tens of millions of dollars to funding major social justice prosecutors, over half of America's 50 most populous cities which represent one in five Americans.

He does it via direct funding, funding through various nonprofits and PACs.
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George Soros provides massive amounts of funding for pro-criminal DAs.

He's provided tens of millions of dollars to funding major social justice prosecutors, over half of America's 50 most populous cities which represent one in five Americans.

He does it via direct funding, funding through various nonprofits and PACs.

Wow, contributing to political campaigns!?!?! That monster. He does the same fucking thing that other billionaires and multi millionaires do during elections.

But the right has created such a Boogeyman caricature of the man, that "soros-funded" is all that needs to be said to send the mouth breathers into a frenzy.

There's also a certain irony in one of your links coming from the heritage foundation. What the hell do you think their purpose is?
Wait, is it anti-semitic to say that AIPAC influences elections in the US on behalf of Pro Israel sentiment, even going so far as to approve of the political stances of politicians with the promise of not running primary candidates against them? Because there is documented evidence of this, and that it's not particularly partisan. Are American Citizens not allowed to be concerned about that without the threat of being labelled specifically anti-semitic when there is proof it occurs, and that we'd share that same concern with that level of influence of literally any foreign interest?
good luck going down that rabbit hole here.
If this college students get kicked out of school they will demand student loan forgiveness.

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