CSI MMA Training glove review *pics*

I'm torn between getting a pair of these or a pair of the Primetime Gameness training gloves.

I'd use them mostly for bag and pad work, but hopefully down the line I can incorporate striking with grappling, as opposed to training them both separate as I do now.

Seems like I really can't go wrong with either, from the reviews here. Aahh...decisions decisions...
My hand is about 8 and half inches around at the knuckles. Which size of these suckers should I be looking to get?
CowboyPete said:
My hand is about 8 and half inches around at the knuckles. Which size of these suckers should I be looking to get?

I would email or call CSI for that, I have no idea.
I bought a pair of these gloves from mmamuscle.com and they arrived on friday. I was SUPER excited to use them. Actually I bought them almost entierly on the recommendations from this thread, I guess that speaks to the level of analysis of Adino.

I used them today and it just so happened that we were doing a lot of bag work. I used them for five rounds on the heavy bag. I actually didn't wrap my hands today just to see how my hands would hold up with the new gloves. That was a mistake, I cut my knuckles up, nothing major but enough for them to be sore and enough to draw blood.

The gloves are really comfortable and I like them a lot, but I'm sure as hell going to wrap my hands if I'm doing a lot of work on the heavy bag.

I'll post again in a few days after I've used them for pad work and sparring.

RearNakedJoke said:
I bought a pair of these gloves from mmamuscle.com and they arrived on friday. I was SUPER excited to use them. Actually I bought them almost entierly on the recommendations from this thread, I guess that speaks to the level of analysis of Adino.

I used them today and it just so happened that we were doing a lot of bag work. I used them for five rounds on the heavy bag. I actually didn't wrap my hands today just to see how my hands would hold up with the new gloves. That was a mistake, I cut my knuckles up, nothing major but enough for them to be sore and enough to draw blood.

The gloves are really comfortable and I like them a lot, but I'm sure as hell going to wrap my hands if I'm doing a lot of work on the heavy bag.

I'll post again in a few days after I've used them for pad work and sparring.


:redface: Hey thanks for that. Yea I always wrap my hands when I use these. I like to use these when I'm going like a Bas workout with Bag work so I can sprawl and work on the ground with being able to strike. Good stuff!
Well it has taken longer then a few days for me to give my full thoughts on these gloves (see above) but at least now I have used them a lot so I can give a more accurate opinion on them. I've been using primarily these gloves for the past five months 4-6 times a week so they have seen a lot of use.

I have to say that I am very impressed with the padding on these gloves, even in Muay Thai class when I'm doing a great deal of striking my hands feel great. One complaint I have gotten from other people is that it sucks to get hit with these gloves. But that may be because most people use 14 or 16 oz gloves in that class. My gloves are the 7oz ones and it's safe to say that CSI's claim that they have the "same shock dispersing capabilities as a 16oz. boxing gloves" is false. Or so the people I train with tell me.

I am a large in Ouano UFC gloves so I got a large in these gloves and at first it felt like my pinky was stretching to far out when I was making a fist but once the gloves stretched a bit it was fine, now they fit like a glove... Sorry, bad joke. The triple Velcro closure is awesome I have never taped them because there is no need to. I did have a little problem using these gloves for grappling at first but I think that was more due to my sucking then then a problem with the gloves.

The only major problem I have with them now is loose threads. Inside the glove, especially at the thumb I'm getting a lot of stitching coming loose.

Also on the outside of the right glove near the thumb stitching has come loose and the leather is separating from the seam, that really has me worried. It might be hard to see due to my crappy camera but it's in the very center of the picture.


I have used these gloves quite a bit so I can't really fault the stitching until now, but I hope they hold up for a few more months. These are great gloves, that's why I'm hoping I can keep using them a while longer.

I am having a hard time deciding between these and the CSI hybrid training gloves. But if people are complaining about being hit with these, they will hate being hit with the hybrid gloves.
I have had these gloves for about 3 months now using them once or twice a week. I have to say I like them a lot. They are really good for grappling, and they are not bad for striking at 50% That works well for me. The stitching is holding up for now.
I just had to update you guys. I surprised to get a PM from Joe the assistant product manager at combat sports international the other day offering to replace my gloves. It is very refreshing to see a company that firmly stands behind their product because I can have total confidence as a consumer.

I just had to update you guys. I surprised to get a PM from Joe the assistant product manager at combat sports international the other day offering to replace my gloves. It is very refreshing to see a company that firmly stands behind their product because I can have total confidence as a consumer.


Thats sweet but damn man you use those during muay thai? I would be pissed if i was sparing with a guy who had 7 oz gloves for muay thai on. Thats rediculous man you should use at least 14s. they use 10 oz in pro bouts for chirst sake.
Thats sweet but damn man you use those during muay thai? I would be pissed if i was sparing with a guy who had 7 oz gloves for muay thai on. Thats rediculous man you should use at least 14s. they use 10 oz in pro bouts for chirst sake.

I don't use them for serious sparring, just pad work and light sparring. I find I have to work harder because I don't have big gloves to block with
But its easier to find openings with the small gloves.
OK, quick question (pardon me if it's already been addressed).

I know these are good for "light sparring" but on the website it says "Same shock dispersing capabilities as a 16oz. boxing glove". How accurate is this? I seriously doubt it's the same, but is it "pretty close" (say like a 12 oz), "fairly close" (10 oz.) or not at all (6-7oz)?

Sorry if this seems too exacting, but theres a few people I know that are interested and I'd like to get bit more info on them before recommending them.

Nice review, does anybody have any info on the imf verison on these gloves?

Im hearing great reviews on this version, but amazon stop show this type and are now showing the imf kind. thanks in advance.
usually just lurk but i'll give my initial impressions
after reading about the "full glove" type mma training gloves i did a little research and gave these a shot

the gloves arrived today and, aside from one loose thread, no problems with construction
the three mini-velcros that keep the wrist supported to their job but no substitute for wraps so unless you go med-power go with wraps
if familiar with the hayabusa cross-strap, i use the mma gloves and no wraps so i'm comparing it to that.
padding is thick so hand protection doesn't look to be a concern

the thing is, they're new and as expected they are REALLY stiff.
to the point i get hand fatigue, from those i hear this gets better so maybe i'll post an update in a few weeks.
being this stiff, i don't see how they would be good for even light sparring but i'll cover this when it breaks in but it would have to soften up a lot

hope they do and that these last, look pretty sweet to me
alright, so it's been a good while and these gloves still feel way stiff.

after some time, the stiffness does still result in hand fatigue although not as bad
unless you specifically get thin wraps for this, i find it cuts circulation with wraps

the wrist support i think is good enough to wear without though
the thing is if a boxer punches with these right away, you have to punch properly since it doesn't provide boxing glove support, if that was reasonable to expect

regarding the "16oz protection" claim, i feel that's true in only one aspect, the padding thickness.
the padding feels as thick as 16oz, nothing else. it's stiffer, less wrist support, and if used sparring in this state, they wouldn't be too happy

seeing as how its been a while, i'll consider this my 2 cents
unless these miraculously softer all of a sudden these are my impressions

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