Dangerous animals you think you could take?

You can bring any animal under control by sticking a digit in to its anus.

Try it next time you are being savaged by a grizzly and let me know how you get on.
Humans talking about what animals they could take in a fight is similar to turtles talking about which animals they could outrun.
#1 TS your mom Id buy her flowers and still your candy
#2 TS your grams I'd take her walker and stick her in a old folks home then give her a fake number to call when she has fealings
#3 TS your dad I'd take him out fishing then cut a hole in the bottom of the boat and laugh while he sinks
#4 TS your sister who I'm sure is a saint I'd make sure her husband treated her right then forget I ever met her
#5 TS you what kind of sherdoger only lists five things in a top ten list unless you're listing the things you can't do
That swole kangaroo is terrifying though
Every time I see this, I can't help but think this dude introduced boxing into the kangaroo world... if that kangaroo reproduces enough them Joey's gonna have hands
They are not that much stronger than humans, recent data has shown. My strategy would be to outlast the chimp, forcing him to flee which would be a victory. Chimps aren't wired to fight to the death, they will retreat if they feel they are outmatched. Someone who can punch and kick is capable of delivering harder strikes than a chimp because they don't know how. They cause all of their damage by biting, scratching and pulling. Basically fighting like girls but much more dangerous and powerful

you would get mauled and it would be easy as hell for the chimp. obviously.
I once fought a pitbull at a gas station in Oakland(100% true story) so that pretty much guarantees that I can hang and bang with anything this world has to offer
Except some of that shit in Australia, probably
You're not messing with these pits
The monk at the temple told me that the animal is just me from a different life, and to treat it the way I wish it to treat me...

So obviously Cooliox via armbar
I punched a coyote and watched it run like a bitch, so definitely that.