Did DC's eye pokes really affect the first stipe match?


Brown Belt
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Because I don't think they would have changed the result . Stipe was doing it too and DCs boxing looked a lot better in that fight than in the next two fights. Two all time greats. Not saying DC is better but I think he won the first fight fair and square.
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Because I don't. Stipe was doing it too and DCs boxing looked a lot better in that fight than in the next two fights. Two all time greats. Not saying DC is better but I think he won the first fight fair and square.

How could you possibly say DC is "better" than Stipe ... when he lost twice to Miocic ... after his first dubious win right after a foul?

Stipe's wins were legit.
DC would have knocked Stipe out that night either way. Stipe only adjusted to the collar tie punch combo by the second fight. In the first fight he had no answer for it and didn't even see it coming.
Because the eye poke
Someone here will answer this easily...

Maybe I've gotten my fights mixed up but I thought Stipe was poked then tkod while distracted by the poke
Never remember DC using that scumbag move until Jones proved it could be done repeatedly, without a single warning or a point being deducted, from the ones apparently allowed to cheat at will.
Someone here will answer this easily...

Maybe I've gotten my fights mixed up but I thought Stipe was poked then tkod while distracted by the poke
I don't remember. I thought he got knocked out in the clinch. I definitely have to rewatch tho.
A couple people in here need to watch this carefully. The pokes by DC were not accidental. It was a strategy that worked once. Even though DC poked Stipe in ALL 3 fights. Stipe needed eye surgery after the second fight. What else do you need to know?

There has never been an intentional eye poke in the history of MMA. Tell me one time there was an intentional eye poke ruling.