Social Did Kristi Noem ruin her political future?

Do you agree with Kristi’s actions?

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Steel Belt
Apr 3, 2002
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She is currently getting flack because she has a memoir to be released next month.

In it, she details shooting her family’s puppy (14 month old) for being a bad dog, biting people and killing chickens, which she says is part of farm life.

Pretty bad unforced error. Even if dog was a problem, don’t write about it lol

She is currently getting flack because she has a memoir to be released next month.

In it, she details shooting her family’s puppy for being a bad dog, biting people and killing chickens, which she says is part of farm life.

Pretty bad unforced error. Even if dog was a problem, don’t write about it lol

Isn't she that Bitch that stopped people from buying paint and enjoying the great outdoors during the Sweet and Sour Sniffles "Pandemic" ?
Pretty sure dropping a book in which you detail shooting a dog you refer to as less than worthless is going to rub even many Republicans the wrong way. Especially if you blame it on just being a normal part of rural existence
Pretty sure dropping a book in which you detail shooting a dog you refer to as less than worthless is going to rub even many Republicans the wrong way. Especially if you blame it on just being a normal part of rural existence

killing puppies is where republicans finally draw the line lol.
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She is currently getting flack because she has a memoir to be released next month.

In it, she details shooting her family’s puppy (14 month old) for being a bad dog, biting people and killing chickens, which she says is part of farm life.

Pretty bad unforced error. Even if dog was a problem, don’t write about it lol

It's not uncommon for farmers, etc. to disappear a problem dog caught killing chickens, etc. But they're not bragging about it in a memoir.

Some of the stuff my grandpa did back in the day wasn't kosher either. He was born in 1919 and animals weren't put on pedestals back then like they are today.
It's not uncommon for farmers, etc. to disappear a problem dog caught killing chickens, etc. But they're not bragging about it in a memoir.

Some of the stuff my grandpa did back in the day wasn't kosher either. He was born in 1919 and animals weren't put on pedestals back then like they are today.
Dogs are killed for killing livestock all the time on Farms and 90 percent of these people bashing Kristi for this nothing burger never stepped foot on a farm in their life....
Shooting a dog that's killed chickens or is chasing cows IS actually part of rural existence.

Problem animals aren't tolerated by many farmers and ranchers.
Didn’t realize that was the situation. Thought it just wasn’t a good guard dog.
It's not uncommon for farmers, etc. to disappear a problem dog caught killing chickens, etc. But they're not bragging about it in a memoir.
If she said the dog was killing chickens and she had to put it down ole yeller style that would be different. It looks like she just said she hated the dog because it was worthless and untrainable.