Did you expect Alex to be that successful in the clinch?

Well we saw glimpses of his clinch game vs Bruno Silva..

His knees from the clinch are deadlier than many other fighters from that same position due to his height power and technique.

I'm impressed mostly when he holds the wrists, he has huge hands that allow him to control his opponents just by controlling their wrists. If he adds shoulder bumps, trips and throws he could develop THE best clinch in his division imo.
I was suprised at first but quickly realized that Pereira was so much heavier (and probably stronger) than Adesanya that Izzy's slightly better clinch technique wasn't eneugh to gain upper hand.
He was doing some good work in there for sure - landing shots to the body, knees to the body and legs.

Would love to see him bring in a Thai trainer to help even more with the offensive options in the clinch.
Why would izzy have a grappling advantage? He's literally a stand up fighter at a gym full of stand up fighter.
Alex mentor is a great grappler.
Both guys have poor grappling for champion level fighters
Izzy seemed positionally better in the clinch. But Alex was definitely lighting up izzy's body when Izzy failed to capitalize on moments of getting underhooks and what have you.
Not particularly because he's a fucking huge specimen with a high level kickboxing background. He was always gonna be physically stronger than Adesanya.
Maybe he was also training Muay Thai? Idk if he only trained kickboxing because Muay Thai is big in brazil and the clinch grappling along with strikes from clinch is big in Muay Thai. Sometimes we only train clinch, hand fighting and tripping, sweeping the opponent for a whole class in muay thai.