Didn’t think Barboza could be in a boring fight but Murphy proved me wrong


Red Belt
Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
First of all impressive work by Murphy, he passed the Barboza IQ test.

Now that that’s out of the way, I was surprised at how bad of a fight that was. Murphy was somehow not dangerous while being dominant the entire time.

Barboza is usually in banger fights. I’ve never seen a bad fight out of him. Tonight proved that wrong. Maybe he’s just too washed and old now.

We still love you Barboza. Thanks for trying to make it entertaining.
Boring is a stretch. One way traffic is accurate.

Edson was getting the shit beat out of him. He demonstrated his toughness again despite having shit tier defense. He was able to overcome it against Sadiq, but he couldn't tonight. At 38 and 36 fights deep, we should respect his durability against a guy who's six years and 24 fights his junior. The fact that he even made it to the cards deserves it.
Its almost like he didnt want to get one tapped by barboza.

He had Barbosa completely rocked in the end of rounds but did not seal the deal.

Didn't think it was boring because I though at any moment Barbosa would crumble but Murphy never finished the job and that was a bit frustating.
It’s not Barbozas fault Murphy wanted to stall with that ugly British Tier wrestling. Barboza defended all of them and pressed forward despite eating strikes, Murphy was just there to point fight and he did a good job at it.
This bears absolutely no resemblance to what actually happened in that fight.
Shertards actually exist trying to make out that was anything other than barboza getting beaten up badly for 5rds lmao
Negative. Barbozo proved you wrong. Clown should be cut.
Yeah he put on a game poker face in the fight. He was limping pretty bad leaving the cage.

Murphy's face was busted up. His lead leg was chopped to pieces. He was flash KO'd by an upkick at the end of R1 but won every round after it. He didn't finish Edson who's been surprisingly durable despite his age and mileage.

"He sucks!".

Clown world.

Basically the fight where two guys took heavy damage didn't yield a finish, go full brawl or meet expectations and the derps come out in full force, and suddenly both fighters stink.
These guys watch two guys beat each other half to death and call it boring. Bunch of entitled whiny wankers. That was an extremely impressive and dominant performance by Murphy. He hurt Barboza badly, all fight.

No offense, but calling what he did "point fighting" is idiotic. Like drooling idiot level idiotic. He beat the ever-loving shit out of Barboza.

You idiots.