Social Do you care if so called 'marginalised' groups are marginalised?


Brown Belt
Apr 23, 2005
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Recently we are hearing often that certain speech marginalizes certain protected groups. the effects are very vague. For example; Dave Chappelles recent show marginalizes Trans and alphabet people by jokes at their expense. while he makes jokes about everyone. i dont believe the claims that speech, ' micro regressions' etc does marginalize people but at this stage, even if it did I dont care fedorshrugs.gif.

people say and do mean things to everyone every day. why should i care anymore than anyone else?
Not really. Some people are going to be liked and accepted more than others. I can't change that.
I don’t like people having their feelings hurt, but free speech — protecting it — is vital. I mean, I haven’t heard a Dave stand-up special since I was a kid. I haven’t seen a clip of his recent stuff, either. You can avoid something like that fairly easily.
Having your feelings hurt by jokes doesn't make you marginalized. A system would have to be in place that marginalizes you. The jokes do nothing but possibly getting someone mad for a little while.

If you have your feelings hurt, grow up and get over it instead of crying and victimizing yourself. Kids have been making fun of other kids since the dawn of mankind, yet the people who bitch the most in modern times are grown ass adults.
I support everyone's right to say what they want and I support the right of people and private entities to boycott who they want. I support freedom to say what you want over any group's sensitivities.
I'd like to live in a world where people are judged by their character and not their skin colour or gender.

Fat chance of that, however.
I guess on a case by case individual level I do, or more accurately could, care. But not when it comes to being marginalized via speech and especially not if that supposed "marginalization" comes from jokes or not from a place of Ill intent. Fragility shouldn't be encouraged or enabled.
U better live fat people you fatphobic person

The supposedly marginalized groups have all the power nowadays honey!
marginalized ppl have the right to speak as well...
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