Opinion Do you ever wonder if the Enlightenment was a mistake?

Lol, are you from the 1930s?Leninists/Maoists have been completely marginal in the left for the last 50 years or so. No one is calling for a Soviet-style command economy.
Maybe on your side of the world, definitively not in mine.

But one thing that hasn't changed is that labor movements back then and today all have their base in the ditch-digging class. Manual workers are the ones that want a difference arrangement in society, whether it's one where everyone shares all the undesirable work or one that highly compensates those that work in these areas.
Labor movements? yes
Anti-democratic revolutionary movements? no.

Labor movements gravitate towards left-wing libertarianism/syndicalism.
I think that in some undeveloped countries an illiberal autocrat maybe be desirable for a while to push things through.
See Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea.
We can also look at the early USSR and China who were as they used to say, 100 years behind the Western powers.
There were enlightenment era leaders who were autocratic. For example, Frederick the Great.
But that has nothing to do with a nobility in modern days, or neo feudalism.
There is no need for a dictator in countries with strong institutions and a democratic culture.
And these dictators for the undeveloped countries aren't basing themselves on myths. They are mostly trying to developed their countries to an objective, scientific standard.
If you compare the results of enlightment in Europe to the middle east and afrika who didn't have it,we are better off.
As they are still backwards and haven't invented anything the past 200 years and all they do is fight wars and conflicts about who has the best imaginary friend.
This is probably in the 0.1% of longest posts on Sherdog and I doubt many people will read it but here goes. I had to half it due to the character limit.

I definitely think some of it was a mistake. I don't think the abolishment of the monarchy was particularly smart. It's obviously hard to argue with the quality of life and technology (ect) that people will inevitably bring up but it's our default form of governance since...... basically forever.

We wouldn't be nearly as gridlocked as we are today and democracy is government by the stupid for the stupid. We don't elect the best leaders, we elect the most popular, that's not okay. Monarchs are born and bred for the job. There have been terrible monarchs no doubt but there is relative stability under them as well. There can be a clear, singular vision that society follows and not this malignant outgrowth of what ever 4 year term a new elected official produces in his/her time.

The individual as the sacrosanct political unit is also another mistake because what is the individual without the whole? Nothing. Family/community > the individual.

enlightenment brought alot of great shit but we are essentially a bunch of children trying to lead a society into the future and I don't think this project will stand the test of time.

I'm not really religious myself and have a general disdain for all Abrahamic faiths but the alternative truly frightens me.

The evolution of technology seems to be the main factor causing change in our societies. What if we had 21st century technology with 15th century mores and political system? We can't test it, until I suppose AI becomes powerful enough to do so. Technology advances and politics moves left. Women were emancipated because politics moved left and because technology made their work quicker and easier. Technological advancement caused both simultaneously. You can't really disentangle them.

Universal Suffrage Democracy is a joke. Firstly, society is controlled by the ultra rich, operating through secret societies. They have captured all the commanding heights of society: the political system, judges, universities, media, banks etc. and reduced them to a puppet show. They take their agenda, compromise it maybe 20% to what the people want, then steadily enforce it while acting out the pantomime that this is the will of the population.

Secondly, 90%+ of people are NPCs who, on matters of politics, religion, social policy etc., just look around to ascertain who has authority, memorise what they say, and repeat it, and try to enforce it upon others. Reality, logic etc. are of no importance to NPCs in this context. Unless you want to explain it by a conspiracy theory, we clearly evolved this way in the old days so that the tribe was cohesive and this helped us to survive and reproduce. However in the same way that fish biting at flies has been noticed and exploited, human psychology has been noticed and is being exploited by a hostile elite to impose their will upon us.

Thirdly, indeed I wouldn't fancy the UK's olympic rowing team's chances if you went out on the street and picked eight random people. Surely the most able should be setting policy? As I said, in reality the people don't control Universal Suffrage Democracy but even in theory, where they do, it's absurd.

When it comes to individualism and bootstraps etc. again you are clearly correct. We need to find a balance between individual and group. 'An it harm none, do as you will' corrodes society. No one likes being on the wrong end of the stick but if you don't enforce, at least to some degree, healthy morals and culture society starts to become dark and twisted and religion is part of that.


You don't have to believe there are gods out there with elephant heads and eight arms, or Noah put all the freshwater fish in his ark or whatever. As far as I know, every culture ever has had some form of religion and it is an imperative and unavoidable part of human psychology, culture and group behaviour. When you take one away another quickly forms, like the climate crisis stuff for instance. Better occupy that space with something constructive.


Every man made system is flawed and will inevitably produce chaos and suffering. This is due to human nature. Every system is subject to the moral character of those running the system and those living in it. That's what's ultimately going to determine its success or failure.

The alternatives you reference can help fix some of the problems we have now but they will also produce new problems along the way.


What's better, to just manage the decline, or to try and reverse it, but risk also making things worse? When you're behind on points in an MMA fight, do you go for the KO/sub and risk getting finished yourself, or just keep things tight and lose the decision? You can usually MMA fight again after a loss however, but if things get really bad politically we might not have another chance. If we wait for things to get bad enough to justify a scary risk, it might be too late by the time we're ready.


Serious answer to a flippant response, every generation we live in high tech we are degenerating. Most people would consider this position shocking and extreme, but who's to say it wouldn't be better to descend into a Dark Age? It would be better for nature, and degenerate genes and culture would be cleansed.

The actual enlightment actually supported monarchy because the monarch was someone above being corrupted. If they were going to be awful it would be of their own individual volition.

Not that I'm a monarchist I am not I can see why people in a time before socialism saw the existence of an uncorruptable figure as a check on capital.

I think it was a good idea but it failed. As I mentioned above the (UK and Commonwealth) monarchy has of course been captured.


Evelyn de Rothschild instructing his lackey

The English monarchy (before the Union) got into debt and ended up in hock to... certain people. In fact that in part led to the rise of what I think is the only real dictator in Anglo history, Cromwell. For those unfamiliar, very briefly there was (civil) war across the British Isles from 1639 - 1653, with the main theme being Royalists against Parliamentarians. The Parliamentarians won, beheaded Charles I, and the new system ended up as basically a dictatorship by Oliver Cromwell.

Cromwell was a middle class man who was charismatic and a brave and talented military leader. He rose from obscurity, through the ranks of politics and the army, to the top. He also apparently believed he had been chosen by God to do his will. Similar to Hitler in some ways. When he died his son Richard took charge, but he didn't inspire loyalty the way his father did and was forced out after nine months. Then they brought the monarchy back.

My main question is which dictator/absolute monarch @650lb Sumo is fantasising about?

I make no secret of my admiration for General Galtieri.

Monarchists? Caste system? Jesus tits man.

@650lb Sumo where do you rank yourself on your Russian caste system?

Two steps above the people in the OP and one above you.

So you want fascism, theocracy and abolishment of women's rights... Why is this always the end goal of conservatives? Its almost like all that empty waffle about personal responsibility is just just that, empty waffle.

Incels are the fault of women having too much freedom?

SJW wants to punch right... I'm not a conservative and haven't said I want those things. The purpose of this thread is to ask questions. But incels are partly the fault of women having too much freedom, yes. We are reverting to a more primitive kind of society, where a minority of men have all the women. Like they say pre-civilisation only 40% of men but 80% of women reproduced. The figures are probably worse than that now amongst the young.

Judging by his past post history, probably Adolph.

SJW wants to punch right, quote me advocating Nazism or retract your statement.

"Do you ever wonder if the Enlightenment was a mistake?"


A lot of people seem to think that society can only improve with time. It can't get worse. Even if you got them to admit that say Ancient Egypt and Greece fell, ok that happened there and then but it could never happen here and now. But it is happening.

Not necessarily just conservatives. Rightism in general relates to support for a legally enforced hierarchy, and few people supporting that imagine themselves to be on the bad side of it.

Thread is stupid, though. Compare the success of enlightenment-inspired regimes to anything that preceded them.

Advances in technology confound these comparisons, as I mentioned earlier.

Yeah man America has just been a massive failure of an experiment. Really nailed this one bro

USA ≠ America, and I didn't say the USA has just been a massive failure of an experiment. It's becoming one though.

"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other form"

We would be better off under Pol Pot than the current regime and I'm not joking. It would just be less comfortable.

I actually thought the TS might just be fuckjng with us when I read that long ass story about rolling up to red lights and the recycling. Then he started slipping a bunch of red pill shit in and realized that is his actual agenda.

More punching right on a straw man. I haven't stated an agenda.

I think the TS's weird position is based on taking an extremely short-term and partisan view of history. "The current president isn't in my party so the past 250 years of unimaginable progress has been a failure" kind of thing.

Technological progress ≠ social progress.

One of the upper ones, without a doubt.

That's always the case with right wingers when they fantasize about a system different from the current liberal one. Whether it's caste, monarchy, anarcho-capitalist or whatever, they are always at or near the top. Everyone else is unwashed, stupid, and ignorant so they get to be at the bottom, doing manual labor and not taking part in decision making.

Stab in the dark and a miss. With that being said, if you can't understand what to do in the situations in the OP I don't think you should have a vote. There isn't much call for manual labour with modern technology.

The biggest problem with Democracy (at least ours in the US) is how completely and utterly intertwined it is with money. Most problems in this country can be traced back to greedy fuck stains valuing money over humanity, both inside and outside government. This is the defining trait of the United States of America at this point. Profit over people.

Unfettered free market Capitalism is a horrible economic system, and that's self-evident at this point. The right's "the free market will solve everything!" talking point from back in the day has become a tired joke. Here's what you get without heavy government regulation:

An ever-increasing wealth gap leading to class warfare.
Poorer-made products that become increasingly expensive, especially from the standpoint of buying power, since wages will always steadily drop (this is by design).
Fewer jobs, since companies will outsource production to the cheapest area in order to boost profits.
Massive environmental pollution leading to death and disease.
A food industry that is more interested in money than nutrition, leading to an enormously unhealthy population.
Cyclical economic recessions / depressions, and collapses like the housing market (which was directly caused by a lack of regulation).

Most Conservatives don't want to admit these things are true, but I defy any of you on this forum to argue the point.

Yep. Maybe universal suffrage democracy needs some kind of overrides/intervention to make sure the interests of the people, rather than the rich, are represented better. If you just let people do whatever they want they will do things like rape, kill and enslave others. At the moment those are illegal but things like you mention, which are predatory and harmful, are the norm and I'd like to think we could do better.

A lot to unpack in this post.

It's hard to separate the Enlightenment with other aspects of our modern world, like the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, mass literacy, and our legal system. Without the Enligthenment, the West would have looked rather different and unrecognizable. Do you hate the West in general or just some aspects of modern society? Also, when you say the Enlightenment, which one? It meant different things to different people in different parts of the world.

You talk about human nature. For someone that talks about the Enlightenment, did you even read Hobbs and the Leviathan?

"From this fundamental law of nature, by which men are commanded to endeavor peace, is derived this second law: that a man be willing, when others are so too, as far forth as for peace and defense of himself he shall think it necessary, to lay down this right to all things; and be contented with so much liberty against other men as he would allow other men against himself"

In a state of nature, no man is born superior to others and every human being is capable of killing any other. “Even the strongest must sleep; even the weakest might persuade others to help him kill another.” That's the human nature and why it's so silly you mention caste as the natural order. If anything, caste is an extreme example of artificial construct.

I would suggest you re-read Hobbs, Locke and Rosseau. In that order and then ask yourself your questions again.

I don't hate the West and it would be an exaggeration to say I hate where it's going. I'm not that emotional about it, I just see that it's negative. I haven't read Leviathan or anything else by Hobbes - he, Locke and Rosseau are on my to read list but that won't happen soon. I will mention 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' as an important and underrated text on the economic aspects of this thread though. You can limit my criticism of the Enlightenment to the five points in the OP. But you can discuss other areas of it you want. Clearly some men are born superior to others. Natural caste is quite out of whack with class nowadays because we aren't in our caveman tribe.

For another simple example of me questioning whether everyone should have equal rights, I often go walking along rural paths. Every time I go I take a carrier bag, because every time people have thrown down litter. It's not like people like me, and people like them, are identical except for what we do with litter. Their mind, even soul is obviously fundamentally different to those of people like me and they influence society 24/365, everywhere they go in a negative direction.

Let's stop third world shithole immigration by turning first world democracies into third world shitholes.


A First World country with hundreds of thousands of troops on the streets catching and deporting illegal Third World immigrants would not be a Third World country. If you have a theoretical way of doing that without the troops, what is it? Note again I am not advocating this, just asking which people would prefer. Something similar actually happened in the US in 1954 by the way - 'Operation Wetback'. That wasn't done by the Army though, it was Border Patrol and the Police. But they only deported about a million people and there are at least 11 million illegal immigrants in the US now. I've seen 17 million quoted.

Its the same of all illiberal idiots, i have yet to meet a Marxists that sees himself as a ditch-digger in the post-revolutionary society, they are all either going to be part of the intelligentsia or the revolutionary vanguard, i have yet to meet a single "seize the means of production" guy that says "man, i wish the revolution happened so i can work all day in a factory for zero pay while consuming just the bare minimum to survive".

Its always like that for those that argue against democracy, they basically want a society where only their worldview is valid... for the greater good of society of course, because they are selfless...

Pounding that straw man. You're assigning positions to me that I have not espoused, and your description of life in a Communist country is an absurd caricature. In fact we're gradually approaching that state of affairs in the West. Imagine if there was no minimum wage, like there didn't used to be.

An unregulated market isn't a free market, an unregulated market is like trying to play soccer or basketball without a referee.

A free market is one that is regulated enough so that it evens the field as much as possible for all actors involved.

(Six year olds getting scalped by factory machines while working 12 hour days for 2 shillings)
(People working full time and living in their cars)
(Foreigners living abroad own over 40 million acres of US farmland and forest, and buy $30 billion of housing a year.)


I’m not sure what the best way to organize society is, but an absolute monarchy isn’t it.

I think a pure democracy is also bad.

I would argue that the ideals of the Constitution is the closest thing to perfect there is, but it’s still flawed due to human nature being an ingredient in the equation.

An educated ruling class seems ideal, but you have to have movement in the classes in order for that to work. Human nature screws that up to.

I was intrigued by the civilian/citizen structure in Starship Troopers. If you are educated or serve in a formal sense, you get more voting rights than if you don’t.

I'm sure the Founding Fathers tried hard but the Constitution has obviously failed. Apart from the fact that it has been amended 27 times. The Clintons have obviously had all those people murdered,


hundreds of politicians and celebrities have been raping children on Epstein's island, Biden and son are openly corrupt and no one does (almost) anything. At least Elizabeth Bathory and Vlad the Impaler got some house arrest. Factories and businesses etc. have replaced farmland and the Bourgeoisie have replaced the aristoracy but we're still out here working for them, usually renting or mortgaging our homes while they gorge on the fruits of our labour and behave degenerately.

Apart from a successful invasion, I don't see how anyone within the current system could put a stop to this kind of thing. Unless robots or AI or something bring something new. The only person who could change things is someone who is not beholden to the current rich elite / 'Swamp' because he has an alternative power base. In the past this could be religious but most Westerners aren't religious enough for that now, although many Muslims are. Otherwise probably a military officer, or a charismatic, populist political leader who inspires personal loyalty and uses nationalist ideology. Like Trump and MAGA/Brexit, but x10. The last person of this kind I can think of in a Western country was Generalissimo Franco, who was an aristocrat who won the Spanish Civil War for the Nationalists.

Am I Boromir with the Ring here?


Will using state/cultural power to fight evil, ultimately turn into even more evil?
Every man made system is flawed and will inevitably produce chaos and suffering. This is due to human nature. Every system is subject to the moral character of those running the system and those living in it. That's what's ultimately going to determine its success or failure.

The alternatives you reference can help fix some of the problems we have now but they will also produce new problems along the way.

- This. They say absolute power corrupts a man. I often ask myself if i wond't do the same, if i was the one in charge.

Technological progress ≠ social progress.

Stab in the dark and a miss. With that being said, if you can't understand what to do in the situations in the OP I don't think you should have a vote. There isn't much call for manual labour with modern technology.

Yep. Maybe universal suffrage democracy needs some kind of overrides/intervention to make sure the interests of the people, rather than the rich, are represented better. If you just let people do whatever they want they will do things like rape, kill and enslave others. At the moment those are illegal but things like you mention, which are predatory and harmful, are the norm and I'd like to think we could do better.

I don't hate the West and it would be an exaggeration to say I hate where it's going. I'm not that emotional about it, I just see that it's negative. I haven't read Leviathan or anything else by Hobbes - he, Locke and Rosseau are on my to read list but that won't happen soon. I will mention 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' as an important and underrated text on the economic aspects of this thread though. You can limit my criticism of the Enlightenment to the five points in the OP. But you can discuss other areas of it you want. Clearly some men are born superior to others. Natural caste is quite out of whack with class nowadays because we aren't in our caveman tribe.

For another simple example of me questioning whether everyone should have equal rights, I often go walking along rural paths. Every time I go I take a carrier bag, because every time people have thrown down litter. It's not like people like me, and people like them, are identical except for what we do with litter. Their mind, even soul is obviously fundamentally different to those of people like me and they influence society 24/365, everywhere they go in a negative direction.

A First World country with hundreds of thousands of troops on the streets catching and deporting illegal Third World immigrants would not be a Third World country. If you have a theoretical way of doing that without the troops, what is it? Note again I am not advocating this, just asking which people would prefer. Something similar actually happened in the US in 1954 by the way - 'Operation Wetback'. That wasn't done by the Army though, it was Border Patrol and the Police. But they only deported about a million people and there are at least 11 million illegal immigrants in the US now. I've seen 17 million quoted.

Pounding that straw man. You're assigning positions to me that I have not espoused, and your description of life in a Communist country is an absurd caricature. In fact we're gradually approaching that state of affairs in the West. Imagine if there was no minimum wage, like there didn't used to be.

(Six year olds getting scalped by factory machines while working 12 hour days for 2 shillings)
(People working full time and living in their cars)
(Foreigners living abroad own over 40 million acres of US farmland and forest, and buy $30 billion of housing a year.)


I'm sure the Founding Fathers tried hard but the Constitution has obviously failed. Apart from the fact that it has been amended 27 times. The Clintons have obviously had all those people murdered,


hundreds of politicians and celebrities have been raping children on Epstein's island, Biden and son are openly corrupt and no one does (almost) anything. At least Elizabeth Bathory and Vlad the Impaler got some house arrest. Factories and businesses etc. have replaced farmland and the Bourgeoisie have replaced the aristoracy but we're still out here working for them, usually renting or mortgaging our homes while they gorge on the fruits of our labour and behave degenerately.

Apart from a successful invasion, I don't see how anyone within the current system could put a stop to this kind of thing. Unless robots or AI or something bring something new. The only person who could change things is someone who is not beholden to the current rich elite / 'Swamp' because he has an alternative power base. In the past this could be religious but most Westerners aren't religious enough for that now, although many Muslims are. Otherwise probably a military officer, or a charismatic, populist political leader who inspires personal loyalty and uses nationalist ideology. Like Trump and MAGA/Brexit, but x10. The last person of this kind I can think of in a Western country was Generalissimo Franco, who was an aristocrat who won the Spanish Civil War for the Nationalists.

Am I Boromir with the Ring here?


Will using state/cultural power to fight evil, ultimately turn into even more evil?
And I thought the OP was crazy! Yikes. :)
A First World country with hundreds of thousands of troops on the streets catching and deporting illegal Third World immigrants would not be a Third World country. If you have a theoretical way of doing that without the troops, what is it? Note again I am not advocating this, just asking which people would prefer. Something similar actually happened in the US in 1954 by the way - 'Operation Wetback'. That wasn't done by the Army though, it was Border Patrol and the Police. But they only deported about a million people and there are at least 11 million illegal immigrants in the US now. I've seen 17 million quoted.

But this is not what you are arguing, you are arguing against liberalism, Eisenhower was a liberal, even if he did some iliberal things he was still a believer of American democracy.

Also you don't need an autocracy to deport illegals, just go after employers and those people will vanish.
What if we had 21st century technology with 15th century mores and political system? We can't test it,

China seems to be a good test of it, they want to be first world with a 15th century political system.
Just wanted to add that we think of Populism as right now, but it can actually be quite left. Tends to be a mixture I suppose. Apparently 'left' and 'right' as political terms date from the French Revolution, which was considered left.


I also note that no one so far has answered which they would prefer, infinite illegal immigration or Operation Wetback II, somewhat invasive Christianity or 750,000 abortions a year (in the US) etc. Doesn't that fence hurt your bum?
I also note that no one so far has answered which they would prefer, infinite illegal immigration or Operation Wetback II, somewhat invasive Christianity or 750,000 abortions a year (in the US) etc. Doesn't that fence hurt your bum?
Infinite illegal immigration is impossible. And tyranny is not necessary to enforce border security. Immigration is hugely beneficial to the country, and it's crazy how little legal immigration we allow.
Five Points

I've tried to keep the OP as brief and simple as possible. I don't have time to write a dissertation on each point.


(1) I would prefer not to have a dictator/absolute monarch. But what if only a dictator can prevent the situation we have now? Which is so bad we're not even allowed to talk about it openly. People will then say, ah but what about when a bad person inevitably, eventually takes power? That is a weakness of that system. Then you have a serious problem. However, we have very serious problems under the current regime.

(2) Keeping things brief, my comment on (1) covers this.

(3) As unpalatable as Postmodern Man may find this, I'm not sure this is the best way to run your society. It goes against human nature. People have caste. Here's a chart of the Old Russian / East Slavic Caste system from this page (it's in Russian).


AI can read pictures but in case it helps here's the text with basic translations. These words are not easy to translate exactly and I haven't made a great effort.

ас - In this context, a kind of god
человек - person
людина - person but with a rustic tinge perhaps (It's also 'person' in Ukrainian.)
жить - life
нежить - evil, animated things without souls, like zombies or vampires
нелюдь - non-person or person of very low quality
бес - demon
кащей - a kind of central, supernatural, evil antagonist like Satan or Loki, but less powerful

An old image I have saved:


(4) Obviously people aren't equal in ability and I suspect that giving them equal rights, to the extent that we do, scuppers society.

(5) This could easily develop into a huge tangent, with people posting white knuckle rants about Pol Pot and the Killing Fields. I would prefer that not to happen. Still there can't be many people who believe in minimum government intervention into the free market nowadays.

Prompt for Thread

From 11 - 16 my maths teacher was called Mr Pointing. Once, when we were about 12, we were on an irrelevant tangent and Mr Pointing explained that when you are driving and the traffic lights go red in front of you, the most sensible thing to do is to slow right down and time your approach so that you get to the lights as they go green. The more experience you have of that road and lights the better you can time it.

When I started driving I have always done this. I mean I would have figured it out without Mr Pointing anyway. However, I know that not everyone is the same, and that people behind you often get agitated when you do this. This evening I could see the lights maybe 125 yards away turn red. I know this road well. I took the car out of gear until it slowed to a crawl, then crept foward on idle in first. Sure enough, the two cars behind me started flashing their headlights and giving long beeps on their horns, and accelerated harshly past me, only to brake quite hard and stop at the still-red lights. I caught up and stopped, then after a couple of seconds the lights changed.

Also, every time I go to the gym, out of morbid curiosity I look in the bins. They look something like this:


They are colour coded.
There are text descriptions of what goes in each bin.
There are pictures of what goes in each bin.

Without fail things are piled up in the wrong bins. I could give more examples of course. It makes me wonder, are the creatures who do this 'people'? Would a 'person' do that? Is a 'person' incapable of understanding the above cues? Should these 'people' have votes? Should they have the same rights as someone who understands what to do in the above situations? Should they be subordinated to people like me in some manner?

Uncomfortable Questions, Unpalatable Choices

Did society work better when women were subordinate to men? How about people, for instance, who have an IQ of 85 and are the third generation of living their whole lives on benefits, in government-subsidised housing, committing petty crime? That kind of person is the only category of ethnic Briton who is having children above replacement rate by the way.

I realise this thread is quite un PC and might go to the Wasteland or get deleted but I wanted to raise these conundrums. I would like it if everyone could be free and equal and everything but the Enlightenment paradigm doesn't seem to be working out for us. Like, most people wouldn't want LGBT people to be imprisoned, as they used to be (or executed, as they were before that). However most people also don't want mass trans kids, drag queen story hour, transexual admirals and generals in dog masks etc. What if Enlightenment principles don't work, and you had to choose between the two?

What if the only way to stop moral degeneracy was bringing Christianity back?

What if the only way to stop OnlyFans/chad harems/incels was banning divorce, birth control and single mother benefits?

What if the only way to reduce/stop/reverse the gigantic Third World immigration to western countries was some kind of Fascism, with hundreds of thousands of troops on the streets?

What if the only way to stop the economy ending up in NeoFeudalism, where 0.1% own everything and we are all in eternal debt and reduced to a slavelike existence, was mass-imprisonment and expropriation of the super rich?
People who say they want an authoritarian leader only say that if the leader is someone they agree with. You wouldn't be for it if the leader is ideologically opposed to what you hold dear.

If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier... as long as I'm the dictator. Hehehe.”​

― George W. Bush
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Maybe on your side of the world, definitively not in mine.


Morena is in power and have a congressional majority, right? Why haven't they kicked out private companies yet?
Labor movements? yes
Anti-democratic revolutionary movements? no.

Labor movements gravitate towards left-wing libertarianism/syndicalism.

Yes, and anti-democratic revolutionary movements have basically ceased to exist since the end of the Cold War.
Source is the 7 million Venezuelan refugees.

Morena is in power and have a congressional majority, right? Why haven't they kicked out private companies yet?
MORENA while it does has a lot of Marxists in it, its not a Marxist party, its an AMLO cult of personality party.

AMLO is closer to a fascist than a Marxist.
Yes, and anti-democratic revolutionary movements have basically ceased to exist since the end of the Cold War.

Venezuela didn't happen? what about Nicaragua? the coup by Castillo? the attempts of Evo Morales to stick to power? AMLO militarization of Mexico?

Left wing authoritarianism is a huge threat to Latin America.

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