Do you follow a healthy diet and lifestyle?


Aug 28, 2009
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Are you non sedentary?
Do you resistance train 2-3 times a week? Cardio 2-3x a week?

healthy diet?
You out here taking vitamins or nah

limiting alcohol?
Let’s hear it
I follow very big japanese hero Saitama workout every day and eat many fish, tasty meats, and vegetables.

Very healthy!

#hurrayforvegetables #alcoholisverybad #vitaminsarescam

I did when I was able to exercise.
Currently I have a "fragmented fracture" in right shoulder blade where hardware from shoulder replacement attaches.

I can't do shit. Hurts like a motherfucker.
Even with a sling on if I walk for 10 minutes pain level goes thru the roof.

And for whatever reason I eat very healthy when I workout, body craves lean protein and vegetables, but when not exercising body wants carbs, chips, junk.

Looking forward to getting back in shape one day.
I don't have a diet plan, but typically have a good balance of healthy meals.

I'm one of those people with a crazy metabolism though where I can eat pretty much whatever I want without it ever affecting my weight. The privelage is not lost on me.
Kind of, but it's not on purpose. Life turned out that way.
I’m at the gym 5-6 days a week. I generally eat pretty healthy (although I’m not crazy about my diet like I used to be) also I don’t drink or use drugs. Today is my off day from the gym and I’m hiking with my girl (casual hike through Runyon canyon in LA).

Health is wealth sherbros. I’m 39 but was at some boxing event last night supporting teammates and some other fighter thought I was 28/29 (made my night lol). Objects in motion stay in motion. Fuck being sedentary.
Been keeping track of macros for years. Full body workouts three days a week for several years.

Before started taking bodybuilding seriously was an amateur boxer for several years. Although I ate like dogshit while I was boxing.
I train every day. And i eat what i want.

Roughly split i guess my food intake is 50/50 healthy and "unhealthy" food.

But i eat alot. And often
I mean what’s “unhealthy” food anyways
When I say healthy I don’t mean clean I mean do you make reasonably smart choices with regards to moderation
I mean what’s “unhealthy” food anyways
When I say healthy I don’t mean clean I mean do you make reasonably smart choices with regards to moderation

Good question. I think most people make this too complicated when talking about nutrition. Take care of your body. Train enough, and you can eat what want.

I need alot of calories. And i cant eat 4-5000 calories a day in chicken and brokkoli.. i food never be able to eat enough.

Stress hormones is another enemy of a healthy body. I am sure that trying to be 100% healthy about everything you eat, will stress you out more, then it will do you good.

Eat mostly normal food. But chill out with the "diet" crap.
Generally I do strength training 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. The last month or so I’ve really let that slip due to life stuff and honestly and I feel like total shit, I’m noticing the difference. Had a medical and my body fat is way higher than it should be. I’ve had addiction problems in the past that I thought Id overcome and would only drink for special occasions but I’ve used personal problems as a excuse to drink every weekend for the last 2 months and ended up doing coke when I went to see guns n roses in London (I deserve a escape, some me time right, right?).

My diet ain’t that bad, I tend to cook in bulk on the weekend but I perhaps could fine tune it more. My main priority in getting enough protein, I should probably lower my carb intake as I generally cook chicken en mass and mix it with rice an veg. Been looking at power cages/safety racks as I exclusively work out at home now so I’m hoping I can get back on track at least when it comes to my physical heath
I eat very healthy M-F

On weekends, I fucks shit up because my big, overeating Dominican family, doesn’t give a fuck about my diet. Dominican diet tends to be carb loaded and Sunday lunches at my grandmother’s house are massive.

I’m in the gym M/W/F and I ride my bike Tu/Th. Nothing crazy, not training to reach any particular fitness goal. Just trying to be healthy.
Been keeping track of macros for years. Full body workouts three days a week for several years.

Before started taking bodybuilding seriously was an amateur boxer for several years. Although I ate like dogshit while I was boxing.
Do you weigh your food?

I did for about a year and a half religiously with only 5 or so days where I didn’t , now I have a pretty good sense for what I’m eating so I don’t track or weigh now but it was a really eye opening experience