Do you have radon gas in your area?

I remember the big radon scare in the late 80s
"Pico curies per liter." Was Jon Jones pulsing radon picos? If so, all of you living in those zones should start training UFC.
I just saw an article saying imported non-organic strawberries have a lot of carcinogen pesticides. WTF are the asshole lawmakers doing to protect us?
Just because you read something on the internet, doesn’t mean it has any truth to it.
When i lived in Illinois and the weather was nice I often kept my windows open. I wasn't worried about radon but liked fresh air.

When I was selling my place that was something I was told, I couldn't keep my windows open as it would give a false radon test reading.
I’m from Texas, but Iive in Pennsylvania now.

I had no idea what the hell radon was until I bought a house here.

I have a radon mitigation system in my basement and a radon detector down there that measures the amount of radon.

I’m lucky that my numbers are really low.

My buddy just had to install a radon system in his house, because he found out he had dangerous levels in his basement and house.