Does anyone else think it's strange that there hasn't been a movie or TV show about Timothy McVeigh and the OKC bombing?

Sure but moreso now.

People are more sensitive and malleable than ever before.
I agree with that, but it's still very strange to me that a movie or TV show has not been made about McVeigh and/or the bombing.
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Unabomber's manifesto had alot of wisdom in it, the problems he spoke about...,

its just that his method for changing things is when he took a HARD LEFT TURN.

Thats where the CRAZY came in

Some of these guys who are highly intelligent or geniuses but are too mad to do anything constructive with it.
IMO in the case of Ted, it's more open-and-shut; there's no evidence (direct or circumstantial) that there was a broader conspiracy involving other people.

In the case of the OKC bombing, there is a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that other people were involved in the bombing. Also, the prosecution never even proved that McVeigh rented the Ryder truck using the Robert Kling alias.
Lastly, studios have an easier time selling the image of foreign-born Muslims terrorists as the "bad guys," especially to American audiences (which was why a movie about the BMB was an easy sell). However, if it's a movie or show about US-born terrorists (who are white and Army veterans to top it off) committing a terrorist attack on US soil, killing almost 200 other Americans, then it becomes a more delicate matter. At least, that is my theory because I cannot think of another logical reason as to why no studio has made a movie or show about the OKC bombing.
I'd say this is about it really.
The fact hat the people responsible were American citizens and several were military veterans.
Just doesn't sit well with some American citizens I'd imagine. Reality is....Reality though.

I have watched one or two good-quality documentaries on the Oklahoma bombing. Detailed stuff.
it was a well-planned attack and I think they used 6 or 7 metric tonnes of ANFO. A very large amount. I think it was one of the biggest non-nuclear detonations on the U.S, mainland. 6,000kgs of Ammonium-Nitrate-Fuel-Oil is a helluva bang.

R.I.P. to the innocents who were killed or maimed in that attack.
Sometimes your biggest enemies are sitting almost right beside you. Something to think about.

I think this was the documentary that I saw a few years ago :
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I'm pretty sure there was a shitty made for TV movie about it.

EDIT - Not what I was thinking of(or as old as I was thinking), but they did make a movie called "Oklahoma City" in 2017.
For the record, since the bombing happened (back on April 19th, 1995), several documentaries have come out about the OKC bombing and Timothy McVeigh. However, no blockbuster movie or TV show (on Netflix, Paramount, etc.). That is extremely weird to me because the OKC bombing is still the worst act of domestic terrorism in US history; you would think an event like that would have warranted a movie or Netflix series by now.

As a point of comparison, a blockbuster movie about the Boston marathon bombing (starring Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon, and JK Simmons) came out just three years after the event occurred. While the BMB (Boston marathon bombing) was horrific, only 3 people died that day versus 168 on April 19th, 1995.

IMO, there hasn't been a movie or TV show about McVeigh and the OKC bombing because a substantial portion of the general American public would have a difficult time accepting it. The known individuals involved in the bomb plot (McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Michael Fortier, and Lori Fortier) were/are American citizens; three of them were/are Army veterans; and it does not help that the official story behind the bombing is riddled with inconsistencies.

Lastly, studios have an easier time selling the image of foreign-born Muslims terrorists as the "bad guys," especially to American audiences (which was why a movie about the BMB was an easy sell). However, if it's a movie or show about US-born terrorists (who are white and Army veterans to top it off) committing a terrorist attack on US soil, killing almost 200 other Americans, then it becomes a more delicate matter. At least, that is my theory because I cannot think of another logical reason as to why no studio has made a movie or show about the OKC bombing. Also, I would bet every dollar I have that if the people behind the OKC bombing had been foreign-born Muslims, a movie or two would have been released back in the 90s and by now a Netflix series would have been released.

I know my post is long, but I wanted to give y'all a good understanding of my thoughts on the matter. What are y'all's thoughts?
How do you envision the US government murdering US citizens would play out in this drama? Or are you omitting Waco and Ruby Ridge?
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How many terrorist attacks have there been in the US compared to terrorist attacked carried out by just white supremacists?

Count them and tell us.

You do realize even an assassination attempt is considered a terrorist attack. I wasn’t even considering lynchings from 100 years ago, I’m talking bombs or plans to kill a mass group of people in the thousands

Oh and the Bojinka plot
I think the story is a bit problematic for dramatic interpretation.

If they include the motivators (the Branch Davidians incident and the Weavers), it's tough to play the victims as sympathetic and the actors as easily hated. OTOH, if you play up the tragedy of the bombing, your left somewhat agreeing with the earlier two tragedies.

IOW, there is no good villain/victim angle that a dramatic retelling would require. I think this is why you won't see anything aside from documentaries, unless some independent film gets made.
For the record, since the bombing happened (back on April 19th, 1995), several documentaries have come out about the OKC bombing and Timothy McVeigh. However, no blockbuster movie or TV show (on Netflix, Paramount, etc.). That is extremely weird to me because the OKC bombing is still the worst act of domestic terrorism in US history; you would think an event like that would have warranted a movie or Netflix series by now.

As a point of comparison, a blockbuster movie about the Boston marathon bombing (starring Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Bacon, and JK Simmons) came out just three years after the event occurred. While the BMB (Boston marathon bombing) was horrific, only 3 people died that day versus 168 on April 19th, 1995.

IMO, there hasn't been a movie or TV show about McVeigh and the OKC bombing because a substantial portion of the general American public would have a difficult time accepting it. The known individuals involved in the bomb plot (McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Michael Fortier, and Lori Fortier) were/are American citizens; three of them were/are Army veterans; and it does not help that the official story behind the bombing is riddled with inconsistencies.

Lastly, studios have an easier time selling the image of foreign-born Muslims terrorists as the "bad guys," especially to American audiences (which was why a movie about the BMB was an easy sell). However, if it's a movie or show about US-born terrorists (who are white and Army veterans to top it off) committing a terrorist attack on US soil, killing almost 200 other Americans, then it becomes a more delicate matter. At least, that is my theory because I cannot think of another logical reason as to why no studio has made a movie or show about the OKC bombing. Also, I would bet every dollar I have that if the people behind the OKC bombing had been foreign-born Muslims, a movie or two would have been released back in the 90s and by now a Netflix series would have been released.

I know my post is long, but I wanted to give y'all a good understanding of my thoughts on the matter. What are y'all's thoughts?
The notion that Hollywood is protecting Americans from negative portrayals of traditional American patriotism is amusingly misguided.

Just today I caught The Breach on TV which was about one of the worst American traitors in the history of our spy agencies, and the movie went out of its way to focus on his devout Catholicism and strong nuclear family values. It even led the viewers to believe that his motives were more complicated than money when that is all he ever indicated.

Why hasn't there been a movie about Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik-- the San Bernardino terrorists? Why not Nidal Hasan-- the Fort Hood terrorist? They're all Muslim. Or how about Micah Xavier-- the Dallas terrorist? One could just as easily postulate Hollywood is reluctant to present a man who murdered people in cold blood only after he lost his Christian faith. They'd much prefer it the other way around. Why not most of the terrorists who massacred those at synagogues or churches?

But Tonya Harding got a movie, and she didn't even blast Nancy's knee. Why? Because it was juicy. Don't overthink it.
The notion that Hollywood is protecting Americans from negative portrayals of traditional American patriotism is amusingly misguided.

Just today I caught The Breach on TV which was about one of the worst American traitors in the history of our spy agencies, and the movie went out of its way to focus on his devout Catholicism and strong nuclear family values. It even led the viewers to believe that his motives were more complicated than money when that is all he ever indicated.

Why hasn't there been a movie about Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik-- the San Bernardino terrorists? Why not Nidal Hasan-- the Fort Hood terrorist? They're all Muslim. Or how about Micah Xavier-- the Dallas terrorist? One could just as easily postulate Hollywood is reluctant to present a man who murdered people in cold blood only after he lost his Christian faith. They'd much prefer it the other way around. Why not most of the terrorists who massacred those at synagogues or churches?

But Tonya Harding got a movie, and she didn't even blast Nancy's knee. Why? Because it was juicy. Don't overthink it.
Very well said big guy.
You have crazy taste in music (who am I to judge lol), but you have a solid mind sir.
How do you envision the US government murdering US citizens would play out in this drama? Or are you omitting Waco and Ruby Ridge?
They could make it that he blew the building up cos he didn't like buildings
I think Tim had the speediest death row stint of all time :rolleyes:
I remember they made memes about how he would be executed before game boy advance would come out lmao
It truly is a cruel fate to die before getting the chance to play GBA.
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IOW, there is no good villain/victim angle that a dramatic retelling would require. I think this is why you won't see anything aside from documentaries, unless some independent film gets made.
I have to disagree here. If you are, like McVeigh, equating anyone who happened to be in or around a symbol of the Government (an office building) with those guilty of the tragic events of Waco and Ruby Ridge, sure, you make the murderer sympathetic. But here is who died from the wiki
By the end of the day, 14 adults and six children were confirmed dead, and over 100 injured.[100] The toll eventually reached 168 confirmed dead, not including an unmatched left leg that could have belonged to an unidentified 169th victim.
The victims ranged in age from three months to 73 years and included three pregnant women.
Even among the "evil" and "guilty" federal workers
108 worked for the Federal government: Drug Enforcement Administration (5); Secret Service (6); Department of Housing and Urban Development (35); Department of Agriculture (7); Customs Office (2); Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration (11); General Services Administration (2); and the Social Security Administration (40).[106]
I think it is easy to portray 6 children, including infants, and a bevy of office workers who oversaw such benign things as housing, agriculture, highways, and social security as innocents. You could possibly make Janet Reno out as a bad guy, but John who schedules repainting the center lines on I-whatever and Rebecca who handles the SS benefits for the greater Tulsa area had no hand in the wrongs committed. Their responsibility is the same as all of the population who paid taxes and voted for candidates

The FBI stated that McVeigh scouted the interior of the building in December 1994 and likely knew of the day-care center before the bombing.[26][149] This was collaborated by Nichols, who said that he and McVeigh did know about the daycare center in the building, and that they did not care.[150][151]
Boom, Bad Guy spotted.
Probably because his manifesto was on point in a number of areas:

“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.”

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