News Dog Behavior and the Kristi Noem execution of her dog

Sounds like it bit her. That'd be a big red flag that it's not a good pet. She's clearly not a good owner either. They should both be put down IMO.

No, it did not bite her. It turned to nip while she grabbed it when it was in an extreme state of excitement. Any dog that gets into that state of mind can nip. The fix is simple: You train the dog to remain calm so that it doesn't enter that extreme state of excitement. This is basic dog training.
You don't get a pass for being in a farming community. Dogs are treated differently in modern times. There are a number of options for pets you don't have the skills to train or desire to own. She could have hired a professional. She could have given the dog up to a shelter.

Also the dog would not have terrorized the neighbors chickens had she not brought it unrestrained onto her neighbor's property after it had previously terrorized the wild chickens she took it out to hunt.
Yeah I guess I see 3 possible scenarios here:

Best scenario - she trains the dog properly or gives it away to someone who can.

Medium scenario - she kills the dog

Worst scenario - she keeps the dog and it continues to be a problem for her neighbors.

So yeah, I wish she did the best scenario. But I gotta give her credit for not doing the worst scenario.

Maybe I've just had too many asshole neighbors that didn't control their dogs.
Yeah it would have been better to wait until it attacked and mauled a person and then have the authorities put it down. Or just dump it off at a rescue shelter where they euthanize the animals no one wants.
There was absolutely no sign it was a danger to attack or maul any person.
Yeah I guess I see 3 possible scenarios here:

Best scenario - she trains the dog properly or gives it away to someone who can.

Medium scenario - she kills the dog

Worst scenario - she keeps the dog and it continues to be a problem for her neighbors.

So yeah, I wish she did the best scenario. But I gotta give her credit for not doing the worst scenario.

Maybe I've just had too many asshole neighbors that didn't control their dogs.

She sounds like the last person who should own a dog, taking a 14 month old puppy out on a hunt and expecting it to behave properly. All of us who've had dogs know how wild they can get at that age. The ones I had growing up would chase any small animal that moved, they have to be trained out of that behavior and given time to mature. Especially that breed which has a high prey drive.
Also the way she describes killing her goat is even worse. The goat didn't attack anyone's chickens. She never got the goat fixed and it would run around headbutting people as goats do. That was the sole reason she killed it. This lady should not own any animals.

She's just like "while I'm shooting shit, I fuckin hate this goat".

Hope she at least made birria with it.
Says every person who had a dog that mauled someone.

"Not MY dog...."

That some people are clueless doesn't mean everyone is.

What are you suggesting, that a dog that hasn't shown any sign that it is a danger to attack or maul someone will? That encapsulates all dogs. I am not sure what point you're trying to make here.
Shit dog owner for sure 🗣️📠

But Hitler is a spectrum my guy different culture hard to judge fam #weareallone
Some people (like her) don't deserve to have pets/dogs. I can't believe excuses are being made for her when it's quite evident she obviously didnt exhaust all possible options and went with the nuclear option of killing the dog. That's some dark shit (and dont give me the bs of that's how it is in the farming communities).

Deplorable and weak character. Trash.
Some people (like her) don't deserve to have pets/dogs. I can't believe excuses are being made for her when it's quite evident she obviously didnt exhaust all possible options and went with the nuclear option of killing the dog. That's some dark shit (and dont give me the bs of that's how it is in the farming communities).

Deplorable and weak character. Trash.

There's an overwhelming bipartisan consensus that this action was stupid and cruel.
That some people are clueless doesn't mean everyone is.

What are you suggesting, that a dog that hasn't shown any sign that it is a danger to attack or maul someone will? That encapsulates all dogs. I am not sure what point you're trying to make here.
May, not will.

Did she actually know anything about the dog's past before she adopted her? And whatever information she might have been given, did it even have any truth to it?
May, not will.

Did she actually know anything about the dog's past before she adopted her? And whatever information she might have been given, did it even have any truth to it?

I am still trying to figure out where you are going with this. If we are talking about a hypothetical "may" attack, then that qualifies every dog ever. That's not how we should treat dogs. We shouldn't be executing them because they "may" attack someone some day. I just don't see that as a good reason. I don't even feel that a dog that HAS attacked someone is a lost cause, as I've seen too many of those dogs rehabilitated when handled by the correct human. That's a more case by case scenario, but we aren't even talking about that. We are talking about a dog that hasn't ever demonstrated it was a threat for attacking or mauling humans.

I don't know when she adopted that dog, but most people tend to adopt purebred dogs at around 8 weeks since purebreds tend to come from breeders who adopt them out. They're in high demand. What I do have to work with is the dog's behavior that she described, and what information she provided indicate this was a perfectly workable dog. What else is informative is her constant mishandling of the dog by the description of what happened in the story.

This has all of the indicators of a story about a clueless human and not a lost cause of a dog.
I am still trying to figure out where you are going with this. If we are talking about a hypothetical "may" attack, then that qualifies every dog ever. That's not how we should treat dogs. We shouldn't be executing them because they "may" attack someone some day. I just don't see that as a good reason. I don't even feel that a dog that HAS attacked someone is a lost cause, as I've seen too many of those dogs rehabilitated when handled by the correct human. That's a more case by case scenario, but we aren't even talking about that. We are talking about a dog that hasn't ever demonstrated it was a threat for attacking or mauling humans.

I don't know when she adopted that dog, but most people tend to adopt purebred dogs at around 8 weeks since purebreds tend to come from breeders who adopt them out. They're in high demand. What I do have to work with is the dog's behavior that she described, and what information she provided indicate this was a perfectly workable dog. What else is informative is her constant mishandling of the dog by the description of what happened in the story.

This has all of the indicators of a story about a clueless human and not a lost cause of a dog.

She brought an untrained bird dog hunting and it did bird dog things.

Then she drove it to a farm where she let it run off leash with free range chickens, and it did bird dog things.

So she decided to be Dana White and cap that dog. Then she thought, while I'm killin shit, I fuckin hate that billy goat.

Honestly I would have given her a pass if she shot them both for food. But this wasn't that.
May, not will.

I want to give a quick example of a dog redirecting it's energy into a nip when it's not in balanced state of mind. At about 49 seconds into this video this dog is barking excitedly at another dog. The dog should have been corrected to snap out of this and to return to calm, but the human didn't do that. When the human grabs at the dog when it's barking excessively, it turns and nearly nips the human.

You can clearly see this is not aggression. It's redirected energy from not being in a calm state of mind. This is about the easiest fix in the world, and the dog can be trained to not enter into that state of mind. It's a small situation and not a huge deal, but it does demonstrate what dogs can do when they're not trained to stay in a calm state of mind.

I am still trying to figure out where you are going with this. If we are talking about a hypothetical "may" attack, then that qualifies every dog ever. That's not how we should treat dogs. We shouldn't be executing them because they "may" attack someone some day. I just don't see that as a good reason. I don't even feel that a dog that HAS attacked someone is a lost cause, as I've seen too many of those dogs rehabilitated when handled by the correct human. That's a more case by case scenario, but we aren't even talking about that. We are talking about a dog that hasn't ever demonstrated it was a threat for attacking or mauling humans.

I don't know when she adopted that dog, but most people tend to adopt purebred dogs at around 8 weeks since purebreds tend to come from breeders who adopt them out. They're in high demand. What I do have to work with is the dog's behavior that she described, and what information she provided indicate this was a perfectly workable dog. What else is informative is her constant mishandling of the dog by the description of what happened in the story.

This has all of the indicators of a story about a clueless human and not a lost cause of a dog.
I said that every owner who had a dog that mauled someone said it never showed any signs it would ever do such a thing. You are the one that connected my statement to Kristi Noem's actions. And for all we know she might have adopted this 14 month old dog from a rescue shelter or abusive owner.
Different culture, hard to judge.

But seriously, farming is a much different culture than regular pet ownership. People that own livestock have to do many things that seem pretty cruel to us normal folk. I personally wouldn't have done what she did but the farming mindset when it comes to pets is different than ours.

We all like to eat meat so if we had to kill all the animals ourselves, we probably wouldn't find what she did to be as big of a deal because we would be desensitized to it. Instead that part of the process is out of sight out of mind.
I said that every owner who had a dog that mauled someone said it never showed any signs it would ever do such a thing. You are the one that connected my statement to Kristi Noem's actions. And for all we know she might have adopted this 14 month old dog from a rescue shelter or abusive owner.

Perhaps we aren't talking about the same thing, but it certainly appeared like it since you responded to this thread saying:

Yeah it would have been better to wait until it attacked and mauled a person and then have the authorities put it down. Or just dump it off at a rescue shelter where they euthanize the animals no one wants.

It seemed to me that you were talking about putting down this dog, a dog that hasn't shown any sign of attacking or mauling anyone. That's been what I am talking about. I don't see what the point is of bringing up waiting until it attacked and mauled a person.
Sherdetective here. This is obviously a cover up story. The dog cheated on her with another bitch and she made all that up. This was a cold blooded murder borne out of jealousy.

The thing that really tipped it over was he took that bitch to their favorite Chinese restaurant!!!! And done her in the toilet.......
I don't really think it's that big of a deal.

It's pretty old fashioned, but in a farming community animals are animals. Their lives aren't precious.

And also in a farming community, you take responsibility. If your dog kills your neighbor's chickens then you have to fix the problem. The neighbor probably wanted the dog shot as well.

Did she fuck up by adopting that breed and not training it? Yes. But at least she didn't let it continue terrorizing neighbors like so many assholes do in cities.

So yeah, she's not my favorite person, but I think it's laughable that the media is desperately trying to make her out to be the next Hitler over it.

I'm a dog person and I don't like to hear of any dog put down like this. She could have had the dog taken to shelter or some place to be adopted at the very least. If the shelter ends up having to put the dog down at some point, so be it, but to just shoot the dog herself, and expect a pat on the back for it? Fuck that

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