Social Dream Job/Career...actual job/career?

Dream job: Starving, homicidal lunatic-artist

Actual job: Very comfortable, easy-going undercover world saviour
Dream job: Designing and building public aquariums..

Actual job: pointing at stuff at a construction site..
Your actual job is like a dream job for damn near every 3 year old

Shame I'm not 3 years old.. :(

It's decent pay , I don't work like a lunatic amd i enjoy it but it's not exactly as great as all the train aficionados seem to believe.
Dream job: Stuntman or football (soccer) player.

Actual job : train driver
what does driving a train entail? The tracks got left and right covered for you. More importantly, do you get to wear that cool hat?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be Schneider from One Day at a Time. I used to walk around with a tool belt with screw drives and wrenches (I can't imagine that flying in a grade school today). Schneider was a superintendent. I'm living the dream. I'm the principal engineer for a large laboratory.. pretty much a fancy superintendent.
dream job: NBA player
job: accounting
dream job: insult comic, you nosey piece of shit
actual job: chiropractor with a PhD in homeopathy and accupuncture
Nope , no hats in the UK.
You're missing out.
Been wanting to be a cop since kindergarten.

Didn't become a street cop, but I'm a federal LEO...getting paid very well, and slightly less risky.

Praise be to YHWH!!!

How'bout you nerds & virgins???

Dream job= garbage man (real, this is when they actually get off the trucks to chuck your trash in there)
Actual job=normal run of the mill it guy with a pension and different investments.
Dream-Helicopter pilot

Real-Electrician/carpenter/PC repair
Dream-pro wrestler

Actual-safety coordinator for a trucking company
Cartoon voice actor would be fun. So, I guess that'd be my dream job.

Career: government programmer.

Side hustle #1: co-owner of a fence installation business.

Side hustle #2: coin and precious metals dealer.
ALWAYS wanted to be a fireman. Im a lab technician, Its interesting and I quite enjoy it. Rather be a fireman though
child dream: singer, or basketball player
young adult/teen dream: State Dept employee overseas somewhere
actual: Transition Workforce Development Specialist for the Marine Corps
Dream Job: Building servers, setting them up, maintaining them, firewalls, switches, etc.
Actual Job: See above.
Current: unemployed (13 years at international logistics before that)

Dream: trainer, barista, psychologist
I sell electrical equipment, not my dream job but it pays well and is not too bad to do.