Essential oils in avocado helped regrow my lost hair


The best there is
Mar 31, 2016
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In 2003 I was working in a coal mine in Greeneville when a coal bucket was upended on my head, tearing my hair out by the roots. My hard hat flew off at the moment of impact so I had no protection from the onslaught. Several years had passed and obviously I was very self-conscious about my torn and scarred head when a close friend from California introduce me to "calieo diet" A Californian take on the paleo diet. It is heavy in avocado consumption, and after three months a miracle happened; I began regrowing my lost hair! My doctors were completely dumbfounded and wondered how their expensive hair cremes and injections did nothing, but I told them that this is a miracle of nature. If you are sick or ailing look to the earth, not big pharma, you may just find what you needed all along hanging on a tree.
Avocados are becoming such a lucrative fruit that there is now growing involvement from Mexican drug cartels......... It's not a wonder fruit and it's not very environmentally friendly considering its now shipped all around the world and can only be grown properly in certain climates.


You eat it or rub it on the head?
Rectal administration

If not then he’s just full of shit. Literally
So the strategy is grow butthole hair, then transplant it on the head?
how does eating and avocado can help you regrow your hair? sounds kind of shady. I dunno I am not really a fan of avocado in general I feel like it's too fat for me. I usually prefer my fats to come from nuts and stuff. As for the essential oil parts I do like to use essential oils in my humidifier when I am meditating after the gym but I have ever used avocado hahah. I have an array of oils at my house (they help me sleep as well) from different brands. One of my personal favorites is the brand called Plant Therapy. They are really cool not just because they have a huge selection of scents to choose from but they also have really nice prices and you can always find them online. If you guys want to give essential oils a go I would suggest you try this brand
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Came to this forum for info on diet and supplements saw this thread and LOL’d so hard.
how does eating and avocado can help you regrow your hair? sounds kind of shady

This reminds me of the people that fought for weed to be legalized in Canada also touting marijuana as a wonder cure all for cancer, Tourette's, erectile difficulty and toe fungus. Some people get really enthusiastic.
I've never had an avocado before, but this will change!
Why did this man get banned? Did the hair treatment companies get him????