Ever Experience UFC "Jamais Vu"?

Jamais vu is the opposite of deja vu, that is, even when you see something familiar, something you've seen before, there's the illusion that you're seeing it for the first time.

This happens to me a lot when watching UFC events. I haven't missed one in many years, yet in every event there's at least one fighter - usually more than one - who's fought in a UFC event before that I don't recall ever watching fight. But I must have.

Does this happen to you?

I'm with you completely, although I pretty straightforwardly blame the pot I smoke during literally every UFC even I've watched over the last two decades.
All the time. I can't remember a single Rob Font fight other than the time he got beat by Aldo even though I've seen him fight at least 7-8 times going by my notes in the PBP threads. Same thing happens with a bunch of other fighters, they're not really unique enough to stand out so I don't remember their fights even though I've seen a bunch of them before.
Occasionally I'll get this with higher profile fights.
Have you heard of Jamaica vu?
Didn’t think so…
I've got a terrible memory for names, so yeah, but I'm not too worried.