Ezekiel paso lleve


White Belt
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
I'm a 6 year BJJ practitioner and would like to take the time to give a shout out to the guys at Ezekiel kimonos. Ezekiel kimonos is an Atlanta based company and who sponsor road FC gloves. An also a number or BJJ black belts in the Atlanta based area. I received a paso lleve kimono size a3. I have never owned an Ezekiel kimono, and was happy when the guys from Ezekiel contacted me to inform me that I was a Facebook winner of a free gi. After I sent my address I received the gi in a few days ( super fast shipping) after the first soak and wash, the a3 for perfect since I'm 5'10 209. I have trained in this gi in my rotation for about a month now and couldn't be happier with it. I wash regularly and hang dry, so shrinkage has been very minimal if any. Gi does not "stretch" much like some of my other light weight gi's. so it's pretty much safe to say that I will be a supporter of the brand for a long time to come. My recommendation is that if you are looking to make a purchase in a new gi, gie the guys at Ezekiel kimonos a shout out, you will not be dissappointed!