Social Florida Schools will teach slavery brought personal benefit to black people

Interstingly, he has that in position in common with what is arguably a top three important text in the Western tradition, that being Plato's The Republic. Turn your nose up to his idea without critical assessment if you will, but odds are you're doing so out of popular dogmatism rather than a well thought out and cohesive position.

And to be clear, I entirely disagree with moves like the one he is hinting at to strip people of their participation in our Western representative democracies. I'm just well aware that there are profound and important arguments to the contrary, so I don't glibly dismiss cases like his because it's in popular bad taste.

In populat bad taste, for now.
Massachusetts school district pushes grade schoolers to read books about 'White privilege,' 'Whiteness'
A public school district in Massachusetts included books about "White privilege" and "Whiteness" in a recommended summer reading list for grade school students.

Belmont Public Schools, located in a Boston suburb, includes a list titled "Race, Culture, and Activism" of suggested books for students from kindergarten through fifth grade to read over the summer.

The reading list includes the book "Not my Idea: A Book About Whiteness," in which the devil approaches the main character with a "Contract Binding you to Whiteness."

The imaginary terms offer "stolen land," "stolen riches" and "special favors." It adds that "WHITENESS gets" "your soul" and "to mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones and all fellow humans of COLOR."

Another book on the list is "Stamped," by Ibram Kendi, a far-left academic who has called for "an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals. The amendment would make unconstitutional racial inequity over a certain threshold, as well as racist ideas by public officials."
That doesn't count.
Got a source besides Faux News?
<WellThere> These imbeciles will ask for evidence and then immediately dismiss it.
<WellThere> These imbeciles will ask for evidence and then immediately dismiss it.
LOL way to cut off the rest of my post. You get worse every day.

Not to mention:
Lol@"pushes grade schoolers to read"...the books were literally on a summer reading list that parents could throw right in the trash if they wanted. They were never mentioned in any classrooms nor were part of any learning curriculum. And those particular books were selected as a result of a particular program:

"Placing the books highlighted in the the Fox article in great context, Stuzzierio said many were selected at the culmination of the library’s first-ever Community Read last year with its central focus on antiracism. Partnering with more than 700 residents and groups as varied as Belmont Against Racism, the Belmont Religious Council, the Human Rights Commission and the Belmont Chinese American Association, “the community spoke loudly about the place that we want Belmont today,” he said. “It was joyful, community building, and a healing expression of how Belmont supports itself to be such a great place to live and work. It’s been one of the most inspiring chapters in my career,”

In other words the community told the Library and school to include those books, not the other way around. The only required book on that entire list was for 8th graders and was one of my personal favorites "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, which is ironically about the controversy of not teaching kids History...and is on banned books lists in some red States.

Faux News successfully triggering white people.
LOL way to cut off the rest of my post. You get worse every day.

Not to mention:
All your excuses doesn't change this fact: Belmont Public Schools, located in a Boston suburb, includes a list titled "Race, Culture, and Activism" of suggested books for students from kindergarten through fifth grade to read over the summer.

And you're a retard for defending an Ibram Kendi children's book.

"But but but fox news doesn't count!!"
All your excuses doesn't change this fact: Belmont Public Schools, located in a Boston suburb, includes a list titled "Race, Culture, and Activism" of suggested books for students from kindergarten through fifth grade to read over the summer.

And you're a retard for defending an Ibram Kendi children's book.

"But but but fox news doesn't count!!"
Oh no, it has the word race in the title. Call the cops. LOL

It's not required reading, is it?
It was also a summer "recommended reading" list. Only the nerdiest of nerds ever read those lists. I liked to read and even I threw them in the garbage.

That's your rationalization? lol... "Well, no one reads those books anyway" What?

Why were those fucking books on any recommended list? For fucking grade school kids. You realize what they were about?

That's your rationalization? lol... "Well, no one reads those books anyway" What?

Why were those fucking books on any recommended list? For fucking grade school kids. You realize what they were about?

What’s wrong with the books? What books should they be allowed yo read?
Oh no, it has the word race in the title. Call the cops. LOL

It's not required reading, is it?

Wadda ya know? No sign of it. Faux news.
Rubes still quoting Fox after Fox paid damn near 800 million for being liars. Fox News settled because texts were getting out all their hosts think their viewers are fucking dumb.
Imagine quoting a news source that thinks you’re stupid. Still boggles my mind.
Rubes still quoting Fox after Fox paid damn near 800 million for being liars. Fox News settled because texts were getting out all their hosts think their viewers are fucking dumb.
Imagine quoting a news source that thinks you’re stupid. Still boggles my mind.
here's a better source that gives alot of insight into the belmont book list from 2021. of course, it helps to let people know that an article you're quoting is from 2 years ago.
here's an article with an interview of the author of the not my idea book (aimed at kids 3-10).