Forced an uncomfortable conversation with my neighbor...

THE Red Beard

FCF Enforcer
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2016
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I live in a really nice town in New Hampshire. I work in law enforcement and majority of the town right now are moving forward with the defund the police BLM thing. All well and good but I have found myself a bit more reclusive with this climate.

This thread isn't about that as much as it is about one of my neighbors and a conversation I forced upon him yesterday. He was helping my next door neighbor move some mulch to the back yard and my neighbor told him to come see my work I'd done on the patio I'm building. I was playing with my dog so I welcomed them over.

Well, the guys daughter is a 17 year old high school senior and she is leading a defund the police movement and BLM protests in town. Also she wants to abolish prisons. It blows me away that her parents aren't trying to talk to her about her misinformed views on grouping police the way she is so I assumed it was partially his views and his wife's views passed down.

He brought up police right away and I lit him up saying why the entire thing pisses me off. These people claim the issue with police is they aren't trained for what they do. The defund comes from taking money away from the departments and giving it to social programs and what not. I then listed my background where I started as a teacher, ran a program for sexually abused children, ran two mental health hospitals, became a patrol officer, and then worked my way up through the prison system. He had no idea what I did and said he assumed I just worked in business.

I used that fact to say he needed to explain to his daughter that not all cops are untrained and looking for an issue. A lot of police get into the job to help people. He shook my hand and said he hadn't thought of things that way ever. My other neighbor looked as though he wanted to cry. Sometimes the non PC conversation has to happen. Sometimes that's all we need. The more I write this, the more I feel as though this might not be for the Berry, but if it is moved, so be it.

My point is simple, we are run by misinformation. The media spews it, politicians throw it at's time to look at things from a human perspective and not a what party are you with perspective. We are messing our youth up big time.

I guess I can try to make it light at the end before my cliffs...have you ever forced an uncomfortable conversation that you knew would suck but needed to happen?

Cliffs: Guy in neighborhood is a defund the police supporter and has bred that in his children. They think prisons should be eliminated. I confronted him on this and literally poured my heart out on the topic...for the first time. It was cathartic. Cheers guys.
I'm guessing the daughter has blue/pink/green hair and is at the minimum somewhat overweight with several facial piercings?

She's a pretty girl and is active with cross country and what not. She seems on the surface to be normal but inside harbors a hate for everything related to our justice system.
He probably agrees but doesn't want to argue with a 17 year old girl with all of Twitter emboldened her.

He didn't agree at first and I think my neighbor wanted me to have that conversation. The guy has some odd views on things and they are thoughts that come from living in a very safe town. Safe for now anyways.
Let them get robbed and see how quickly they are crying for the police. Im not saying the police are the answer for everything and unfortunately if you try to resolve things yourself you end up going to jail.

Just look up Prop 47 in California and what its done to our shithole state. The police have become nothing but babysitters and their hands are tied. Last interaction I had with a cop after being assaulted recently was "do you have a gun? Cause even though hes on parole and going to jail for a felony he will be out in 48 hours"

Gotta love our court system. While I dont believe in defunding the police, they are becoming more and more worthless, at least in california.
He didn't agree at first and I think my neighbor wanted me to have that conversation. The guy has some odd views on things and they are thoughts that come from living in a very safe town. Safe for now anyways.
Well when he calls 911 to come to his house because the guy who he paid to screw his wife in front of him won't leave and is pimping out his daughter just tell him sorry we got defunded and the patrol car is out of gas.
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Let them get robbed and see how quickly they are crying for the police. Im not saying the police are the answer for everything and unfortunately if you try to resolve things yourself you end up going to jail.

Just look up Prop 47 in California and what its done to our shithole state. The police have become nothing but babysitters and their hands are tied. Last interaction I had with a cop after being assaulted recently was "do you have a gun? Cause even though hes on parole and going to jail for a felony he will be out in 48 hours"

Gotta love our court system. While I dont believe in defunding the police, they are becoming more and more worthless, at least in california.

The funny thing is there was an attempted break in at their home last summer. The reason it didn't happen? I scared the guys away. They were trying to get in the back window and I was gardening. They did call the police and the police did a wonderful job with it. The idiot leaves his garage door open all night still.
He didn't agree at first and I think my neighbor wanted me to have that conversation. The guy has some odd views on things and they are thoughts that come from living in a very safe town. Safe for now anyways.
Most of these social issues have their place. but some of these people take issues that are like 3 out of 10 and turn them into 11 out of 10, screaming with foam frothing from the mouth.

The funny thing is, the people frothing at the mouth tend to come from safe, sheltered backgrounds and have never faced true adversity in their lives. They also have no idea what they are creating and where they are taking it.
Well when he calls 911 to come to his house because the guy who he paid to screw his wife in front of him won't leave and is pimping out his daughter just tell him sorry we got defended and the patrol car is out of gas.

My wife thinks anyone supporting that should have to opt out of services. I hate to say it, but I agree with her. Also, his wife is a Karen and surely has no sex organs. Like a Barbie doll down there...
Most of these social issues have their place. but some of these people take issues that are like 3 out of 10 and turn them into 11 out of 10, screaming with foam frothing from the mouth.

The funny thing is, the people frothing at the mouth tend to come from safe, sheltered backgrounds and have never faced true adversity in their lives. They also have no idea what they are creating and where they are taking it.

I agree with you 100% man. That's what I kind of said. Our town is super safe. It's largely because we have high property taxes and we have a tremendous police force. I could tell more than a handful of stories of them going above and beyond for me in the time I've lived here. They are truly great people.
Was expecting this. Am disappoint.

Then again I’m drinking... so all bets are off.

I can see you laying it down well.
That defund movement is flat out wrong.
In Some ways I’m glad I’m not back in US in my previous neck of the woods with all the shit going down.
I force alot of uncomfortable conversations with my neighbors but they're rarely ever political.

Young people are dumb though esp sheltered ones, they dont grasp the reality of many situations or understand that things dont work out the way they are designed to because humans are somewhat unpredictable.
They lack experience in the world and dont grasp the consequences of many things.
I struggled with grasping that three people from different households were in the same backyard in New Hampshire.

As I read further, it seemed that the father of the 17 year old didn't know your job or even your name.

Then, I felt nostalgic.
Was expecting this. Am disappoint.

Then again I’m drinking... so all bets are off.

I can see you laying it down well.
That defund movement is flat out wrong.
In Some ways I’m glad I’m not back in US in my previous neck of the woods with all the shit going down.

Haha yeah I didn't go full Viking on him but it truly breaks my heart to see how things have regressed. I don't want to say progressed as we are devolving. I want to show those that surround me with the truth that I life by. Integrity and respect are my core values in this field and that is why I started this job.

I force alot of uncomfortable conversations with my neighbors but they're rarely ever political.

Young people are dumb though esp sheltered ones, they dont grasp the reality of many situations or understand that things dont work out the way they are designed to because humans are somewhat unpredictable.
They lack experience in the world and dont grasp the consequences of many things.

The parents and teachers have some blame in this. Freedom of speech has gone out of control as of late. The Constitution was never meant to govern this type of society. Some sort of adaptation needs to be made that isn't so vague about things. IDK man...
Don't shake hands with anyone at the moment!

I know you're a level headed guy, it must have taken the wind out of his sails when you told him what you do for a living/your career history etc. I'm at the end of my tether with how law enforcement are being treated at the moment, the fact that 1% are being assholes/murdereres/whatever you want to call them doesn't mean that your average cop isn't a good guy who joined up for the right reasons.