German Politician licks public toilet bowl, sports shitler mustache in videos

He also made a mustache from feces while roleplaying as the former Chancellor Adolf Hitler in one more such footage.

i've heard of a Dirty Sanchez but not a Dirty Hitler.

wait a minute...

a Dirty Shitler!
absolutely grotesque - I don't understand how a sane human could enjoy that.. just the thought makes a normal person gag.

eating shit is gross and repulsive but if you shove a rubber cock up your ass first and then give yourself a shitler moustache it's pretty normal. that's how they own commies over there.
His act of licking the metal fittings of a urinal and a seated toilet received disgust by several users on social sites including German native speakers. Without describing much, Neumaier can be heard saying it was part of his "punishment” in the video.

so which sherdogger did this guy lose a bet to?
I was going to have a chocolate-flavoured protein shake tomorrow after hitting the gym.

Think I'll have the strawberry shake instead... :(
Americans don’t have room to judge, what with OUR leftist politicians filming themselves having gay sex in the senate hearing room.

Seems a problem with leftists in general.
Never heard of it. Who told you ? Am Croatian btw but half my life in and out off Germany.
If you've never heard about the germans reputation as scheiss aficionados, you've never lived in or outside of Germany. Are you an alien?
If you've never heard about the germans reputation as scheiss aficionados, you've never lived in or outside of Germany. Are you an alien?
Wtf never heard that. Total bullshit. If you never been to Germany means you're making shit up from gossip. Cause they kicked your countries ass.
Never heard of it. Who told you ? Am Croatian btw but half my life in and out off Germany.

Wtf never heard that. Total bullshit. If you never been to Germany means you're making shit up from gossip. Cause they kicked your countries ass.
It’s a fairly common stereotype about Germans. Scheiße Videos were a punchline back in the day.

Edit: also, I’m American, so they haven’t.