Social Google Gemini refuses to show pictures of white people.

Some google skeletons, I remember that engineer a few years ago quitting because of the BS there.

They don’t really have quotas for promotion through every rank or role. As it went higher, there is definitely pressure to identify certain individuals based on non-performance traits for leadership roles.

None of this is said in the performance discussion, but when it came down to the VPs and their performance, it is taken into account the % of URGs in certain positions. In other words, for a VP to be highly rated, their staff had to meet certain criteria which was non-performance related. Most VPs didn’t want this, but they had to play the game.
In other words, for a VP to be highly rated, their staff had to meet certain criteria which was non-performance related. Most VPs didn’t want this, but they had to play the game.
doesn't this create a suspicion above basically everyone who's not white and male that they're there for quotas and not for actually being good at their work?
doesn't this create a suspicion above basically everyone who's not white and male that they're there for quotas and not for actually being good at their work?
100% but that is the price to pay for the goals of the company.
100% but that is the price to pay for the goals of the company.
so the goals of the company include making it seem like the only professionals that are under no suspicion of being mediocre are the white dudes?

well done, woke west. as usually, mega smart.
so the goals of the company include making it seem like the only professionals that are under no suspicion of being mediocre are the white dudes?

well done, woke west. as usually, mega smart.
Well, it’s an unintended and tolerable outcome of the decision to put policies in place which target certain representation.
The part that makes it looks most blatant is when you ask it to show a white family, white woman or people of European decent and it flat out refuses to do so for ethical reasons. Then you ask it to show a Asian family, black woman or people of middle eastern decent and it complies contradicting itself ethically (despite telling you it’s programmed not to do these type of requests when you ask about white / European).


Following the tech and AI community on X this week has been instructive about the capabilities and limitations of Google’s latest consumer-facing AI chatbot, Gemini.

A number of tech workers, leaders, and writers have posted screenshots of their interactions with the chatbot, and more specifically, examples of bizarre and inaccurate image generation that appear to be pandering toward diversity and/or “wokeness.”

On X, Google Senior Director of Product Jack Krawczyk posted a response shortly before this article was published stating that Google was “aware Gemini is offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions, and we are working to fix this immediately.”

It is so bad they working to fix it immediately because people are seeing what a cult the left has become. This is funny and shows that the leftwing don't want white people to exist.

da leftists ! da AI, da wokeneeeessss!

doesn't this create a suspicion above basically everyone who's not white and male that they're there for quotas and not for actually being good at their work?

Why would they care? If I'm pulling in a salary that's deep into six figures, I really don't give a shit if I deserve the job or not. I'm taking it and not looking back.
Why would they care? If I'm pulling in a salary that's deep into six figures, I really don't give a shit if I deserve the job or not. I'm taking it and not looking back.
i mean, anyone thinking like that has no depth of dignity or character to make any of the rest of their lives meaningful.
Well, it’s an unintended and tolerable outcome of the decision to put policies in place which target certain representation.
Jesus, this post sounds like you're a prisoner.
Reply with something about star wars if they're monitoring what you post.
i mean, anyone thinking like that has no depth of dignity or character to make any of the rest of their lives meaningful.

I don't blame the person holding the job for it. I mean if you managed people and you had this employee under you that was brighter and a harder worker than you are, you aren't going to just give up your position and hand it to them based on dignity and character. I'm sure almost none of us here are the best at our jobs or the most deserving.

It's up to our politicians to stop the blatant racist and discriminatory processes that stem from DEI. The people who implement DEI are the people who really have dignity and character issues. They're the real racists.
gargantuan levels of cognitive dissonance (or tragic stupidity) necessary to find nuance between the two statements

No, to understand you have to not be an imbecile, and you have to not be obsessed with the oppression of white people.