Economy GOP back to Inflation worries. "Hyperinflation" (Update: 2022 Inflation Highest in 40 Years)

December 2021: 7%

May 2021 5%
June 2021 5.4%
July 2021 5.4%
August 2021 5.3%
September 2021 5.4%
October 2021 6.2%
November 2021 6.8 %
December 2021 7%
January 2022
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022

Running Average: 5.81%
Who would have known that over-printing a fiat currency without break for 60 years would lead to inflation?

PS: This is not a Biden issue lmao it's American/Western issue for past 60 years.
For 36 years Biden was a part of the problem as a US senator. He was a vice president and now a president. In all that time, what has he done to significantly improve the lives of the American public? Hell, did he even improve the lives of his State's citizens when he was senator?
And yet Trump printed the shit out of US dollar and whined when it wasn't done fast enough by the Fed. Neocons are hypocritical F.
I'm canadian and have been complaining about Trudeau spending for years.

And now we have the Inflation we feared happening before our eyes in Canada.
Everything's fine, right @steveflynn?

Good job, 80 million Biden voters.

No plan for the vaxxine. No plan for the economy. No plan for the border. No plan for anything. Building back better!

What's your point? And what's the point in quoting me? Inflation is occurring all over the place right now and it's being driven by a demand supply imbalance that occurred due to lockdowns and then a rapid surge in a demand when the lockdowns expired (and since production had dramatically scaled back for a long duration of time, it is taking a while for production to meet demand). Also, people simply not wanting to take certain jobs involved in the supply chain is also exacerbating the issue.

Also, what should the plan be for the border that is not occurring right now? Apprehensions at the border are near/at record highs?
PS: German government (which is well aware of danger of hyperinflation) has been warning the EU about this for over a decade.
Rest of Europe basically told them to "Shut up Krauts" and nothing was done, money was printed, etc.

Chicken coming home to roost.

Wait, which part of the German government said that? Germany is the most influential EU country. Don’t you think this would have been changed if Merkel was serious?
Highest inflation since 1982. Mass money printing, mass spending and lockdowns. Every politician that's been in office since 2015 or before should be removed.
7%. Yellen is saying that this isn't even the peak. The person who is charged with instilling confidence in the economy is saying that this isn't the peak.
Highest inflation since 1982. Mass money printing, mass spending and lockdowns. Every politician that's been in office since 2015 or before should be removed.
Not to mention mandates, forcing businesses to accpet passport system. I am sure that does good for the economy.
Anyone hit the supermarket the last few days?

Jesus, prices are not stabalizing at all. And today was the most bare I have seen the shelves. No fucking Gatorade! No eggs, hardly any water, no cup o noodles. Looks like the Gatorade and Cup of noodles could be due to so many people having the Omicron Cold.

But shit man, shit is still going up.
Trump wasn't so bad after all....

My dude you have no clue what you’re babbling about. Stick to eating Twinkie’s for breakfast and drinking energy drinks.

what do you think trump would’ve done to reduce inflation? The entire word is being hit by this. You’re not even American, you’re Canadian and isnt canada seeing some of its highest inflation numbers in many many years?
Because they don't have the capacity to understand economics...
Due to high inflation appears the value of the US dollar is dropping. That will make products even more expensive. Some information I read on this ~

January 12, 2022

On Friday we talked about the set up for a dollar decline, to reflect 1) U.S. government spending recklessly beyond a rational crisis response, and 2) a Fed that denied the inflationary impact of such a fiscal response for too long.

And we looked at the long term cycles for the dollar. We are about 70% of the way (in time) through a very shallow bearish cycle, which argues that we could have a very steep drop in the dollar over the next two years.

With that in mind, we looked at a shorter term chart of the dollar yesterday. The dollar looked vulnerable to a break-down (lower).

Here's an updated look...
Not good at all, gonna mean prices keep going up :(

Anyone hit the supermarket the last few days?

Jesus, prices are not stabalizing at all. And today was the most bare I have seen the shelves. No fucking Gatorade! No eggs, hardly any water, no cup o noodles. Looks like the Gatorade and Cup of noodles could be due to so many people having the Omicron Cold.

But shit man, shit is still going up.

The grocery stores in my area havent been hit too too bad, but for real, the one I go to most has been out of both gatorade and cream cheese for like 3 fucking months now. Only cream cheese they have had is vegan shit.