Elections GOP & DNC are the biggest threat to democracy and the country


Red Belt
Oct 27, 2006
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You heard it hear 1st.
No I don't mean the voters. I mean the parties themselves

They rigged the entire process and have essentially killed it quietly already. Look at what the DNC is doing to RFK. GOP started this killing of democracy after Ross perot

In the next 20yrs I can easily see a candidate being overwhelmingly supported by the majority of voters but being disallowed from being on the ballot by some legal chicanery. In which case the majority of the population is not allowed to vote for who they want by 1 or both parties. The only scenario to break from that would be a revolution and that typically ends with a dictatorship
You heard it hear 1st.
No I don't mean the voters. I mean the parties themselves

They rigged the entire process and have essentially killed it quietly already. Look at what the DNC is doing to RFK. GOP started this killing of democracy after Ross perot

In the next 20yrs I can easily see a candidate being overwhelmingly supported by the majority of voters but being disallowed from being on the ballot by some legal chicanery. In which case the majority of the population is not allowed to vote for who they want by 1 or both parties. The only scenario to break from that would be a revolution and that typically ends with a dictatorship
Is almost as if George Washington warned us about this a looooooong time ago
In the next 20yrs I can easily see a candidate being overwhelmingly supported by the majority of voters but being disallowed from being on the ballot by some legal chicanery.

In the next 20 years? They are trying to bar the front runner for the presidency from running this year FFS.

Trump is winning in all the polls.
You heard it hear 1st.
Is there a reason you're comparing the DNC to the GOP, not the RNC?
They rigged the entire process and have essentially killed it quietly already. Look at what the DNC is doing to RFK. GOP started this killing of democracy after Ross perot
Do you consider the UK or most Parliamentarian systems democratic? Many democracies function quite competently with strong parties that control their own candidates and primaries/elections.
The only scenario to break from that would be a revolution and that typically ends with a dictatorship
Parties can't bar a third party candidate from the ballot, at least not in the way you think.
Yeah, you don't have to wait 20 years, they've been freezing out 3rd party candidates forever and convinced voters that voting for someone who isn't R or D is a throwaway vote, and even refer to it as which candidate it's "stealing" votes from, as if they're owed your vote. Because of this, there was hostile takeover of the republican party 8 years ago when voters told Jeb Bush to hit the bricks, and democrats' heads exploded and they still pretend they're fighting for the working class against the country club republicans of 40 years ago while also calling the working class "chuds" and rubes, and all the states with the highest black populations a bunch of welfare shitholes, while every country club, Martha's Vinyard, the Hamptons, coporate board room and every zip code with no black people are all solid democrat.

You don't have to worry about those lapdogs ever supporting anybody they're not told to.
To be clear my prediction is eventually there will be a critical mass of people that will want to vote for a person who is trying to run. I dont think RFK has that.

But it's an indicator that it will happen. The question is whether we will have another party topple 1 of the 2 like we've had in the past

I think these 2 parties have such a strong hold on power the courts etc that they will block this against the will of that critical mass. It will look legal like what theyre doing to RFK but it will even more clearly be bullshit.

This country is gonna start looking like Russia ... and then the national divorce will happen or a revolt will happen and we will look more like Iran
There is not much inherent in either party that is destructive to Democracy. Although, a multi party system would probably be better. I believe a much bigger threat is the left and right wing propaganda machines in the media. The constant stoking of minor grievances isn’t received well in parts of this country.
I think these 2 parties have such a strong hold on power the courts etc that they will block this against the will of that critical mass. It will look legal like what theyre doing to RFK but it will even more clearly be bullshit.
How will they block a 3rd party candidacy with the current laws in place?
How will they block a 3rd party candidacy with the current laws in place?

Trumped up lawsuits to drain campaign funds even if the lawsuits themselves fail.

DNC is already doing this to RFK but he's not that candidate that everyone wants. Seems to me there will be someone like than in the next 2 decades.

As boomers die Out and gen X starts to fade I don't see anyone actually wanting either the RNC or DNC. But both parties control the courts anyone with a seat has to play the 2 party game. Politicians, courts and until recently the media has been completely captured by the 2 parties
I was really hoping Joe Manchin would run as an independent.
Trumped up lawsuits to drain campaign funds even if the lawsuits themselves fail.
Be specific. What would these trumped up lawsuits be over?
DNC is already doing this to RFK but he's not that candidate that everyone wants. Seems to me there will be someone like than in the next 2 decades.
What did the DNC do to RFK that you feel was beyond the pale?
As boomers die Out and gen X starts to fade I don't see anyone actually wanting either the RNC or DNC
Certainly possible, for better or worse, but these are also pretty durable institutions. So hard to say.
How can there be a democracy when the media system has failed so bad that there is now two divergent realities that people on opposite political spectrums gather knowledge from.

When social media algorithms are used to increase engagement, driving polarity while doing so. Not to mention the fact that the population is so uninformed and misinformed they cant make the best choices in regards to representatives.

Democracy seems like a fairy tale at this point.
In the next 20 years? They are trying to bar the front runner for the presidency from running this year FFS.

Trump is winning in all the polls.
Yet he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million in 2016 and 7 million in 2020. The fact someone can win the presidency while losing the popular vote by this much is a bit of a joke to begin with.
The Democratic National Committee on Friday filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign and an allied super PAC, alleging that the campaign is receiving an improper benefit from the super PAC's work to qualify him for state ballots.

Nothing to see here......
The Democratic National Committee on Friday filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign and an allied super PAC, alleging that the campaign is receiving an improper benefit from the super PAC's work to qualify him for state ballots.

Nothing to see here......
Phew, glad they got that under control…
Let's hope future generations realize how corrupt and terrible the two major parties are and continue to push non-Establishment candidates.