Gotta be some of the worst bunch of referee calls ever


Red Belt
Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
Every fight so far has been ruined by some referee or commission BS. Every stoppage has been too late, too early, or for no reason because of flagrant fouls.

What are we even doing here if the commission and refs can’t even do their job?

UFC Atlantic City has gotta be one of the worst card for referee calls ever.
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Fire all the short refs, the taller the better, they have a better view.

Seriously speaking, the UFC is at an all time low imho. So many shitty fights, these refs just plop an extra little turd on top of the stink pile.
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As a whole, this might be one of the worst officiated cards that I can recall, and was a glowing demonstration of the ineptitude athletic commissions refuse to reprimand, not holding their employees accountable for their mistakes.

We saw the all time bad judging in the Njokuani/McKee fight which inexplicably was called a split despite it being a clear 30-27; we had Copeland call the Algeo/Nelson, Arce/Burns, and Aslan/Turkalj fights somewhat to egregiously early; experienced Copeland deem an innocuous knee more worthy of a point deduction than two eye pokes, not to mention him calling a double eye poke a TKO; and then experienced Petersen not verbally warn Luque he was going to stop the fight despite him covering up and letting him know he needed to move to continue.

People in these positions are able to make repeated, career altering errors that impact rankings, someone's ability to make more money and cause fighters to lose their jobs with impunity. They are never replaced. They are allowed to maintain employment to the extent that they're consistently judging fights in other states or countries; and the oversight is almost non-existent. They should be held accountable and replaced. They've ruined boxing. They're doing the same to MMA. End rant.
I get that Algeo was rocked and the way he was moving was not doing him any favors optically, but imo that little creep of a ref was spazzing out the entire ending sequence and looked like he had already decided he was gonna step in earlier in the sequence instead of being composed
I get that Algeo was rocked and the way he was moving was not doing him any favors optically, but imo that little creep of a ref was spazzing out the entire ending sequence and looked like he had already decided he was gonna step in earlier in the sequence instead of being composed

I didn't mind the stoppage but the ref reminded me of my jack russel when he sees a hedgehog.
TRT hobbit ref ruined at least 3 fights with early stoppages, made me lose interest in the event.

Hahaha hobbit

Man he was really bad, too involved0ü..and the dude who was refing the pacheco fight was bad too