Greg Hardy Physique

Did he just stop trying when he went to MMA?


Early MMA



NFL doesn't have USADA.
Usada probably
The other thing would be the NFL team structure and support.
I bet in NFL he had Every single meal put in front of him at the right time, all his workouts would've been coach led, team events so he'd be forced to show up and go hard.
Must be far far harder maintaining the level of discipline to look like the top pic when it's just you and your coach
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Tybura smoked him in the ring AND in the beer belly stakes! War Poland.

sure war Poland. But most heavy weight mmaers are a solid 36b. To c cup. That’s how bad the division is.

45 year old Herschel walker coild fuck around and win the belt today. And be known as the greatest fighter who had ever lived with the ufc bump of promotion.
Prob lack of discipline eating. Also, its hard to train 4 - 6 hours a day and not eat a ton. Food and water are the most anabolic substances on the planet and it is impossible to train like a pro HW athlete with out constantly eating which is terrible for fat stores. But really looks like he doesnt watch what he eats or trains his abs specifically. Really I wonder how much his asthma sets him back in his training? Maybe he just cant train much because of it.
Prob lack of discipline eating. Also, its hard to train 4 - 6 hours a day and not eat a ton. Food and water are the most anabolic substances on the planet and it is impossible to train like a pro HW athlete with out constantly eating which is terrible for fat stores. But really looks like he doesnt watch what he eats or trains his abs specifically. Really I wonder how much his asthma sets him back in his training? Maybe he just cant train much because of it.

asthma is no joke. And there are just some big men around. The 265 lb limit shouldn’t exist. You get buxom hw weighing in at 250. It eliminates some genetic freaks from fughtinf
Looking like Big Ben there.
In all major sports leagues guys are juiced as hell, otherwise they would die half season, Hardy was no exception, but i can bet my ass that he would look close to NFl shape in ONE and Bellator. Anyway he is bum in MMA and i am glad he got smashed by polish potato farmer

Yep, very polished. ;=)
He hasn't look in good shape for a few fights now. It's that MMA life bro, buffalo wings and beer in the off season.