Crime Guy RNCed on NY subway dies.

Haha I voted AOC actually the first time she ran in NY years ago because I was like “ok, let’s get someone to stick it to Zuckerberg and right wingers”. However she’s a complete fucking disaster with these takes. She completely manipulates a narrative to make it seem like someone is intentionally murdering a poor innocent person for fun “because stigma”. It was not intentional, just a poor application of the choke, and a poor decision overall, yes, but a restraining move was warranted, which is why others helped restrain the guy as well. He obviously wasn’t just asking for 25 cents. This person was terrorizing others on the regular and threatening to kill them saying he didn’t care if he went to jail for life, and the normal working people like me are supposed to play psychologist and guess that this is a bluff, and that the level of mental illness is high enough for him to say this and break an old woman’s face, but not enough to actually kill someone, and we're supposed to go and offer him a sandwich while I’m trying to get to the gym to bench teh 275, while this fucking lunatic is threatening the whole train to death, and already got arrested 40+ times and then was left on the loose because “aye fuck it give em a bottle of water”<36><36>

Lmaoooo how did this guy get banned?
Did she really do this whole Jenny from the Block persona? I was doing some reading on her and apparently she isn't even from the Bronx. She is from the suburbs and her parents kept their BX apartment when they moved.
Did she really do this whole Jenny from the Block persona?
I was doing some reading on her and apparently she isn't even from the Bronx. She is from the suburbs and her parents kept their BX apartment when they moved.
Her election victory was quite the upset over the #2 most powerful Democrat in the congress, right behind Pelosi.

She was exposed as a fraud AFTER she won, but it was too late, obviously. Due to her district being like +30% Democrat there's no way she'll be voted out of office now, and her reelection funds are practically infinite against primary challengers.
That was Eric garner that died after officer Daniel pantaleo jumped on his back and applied a sort of neck restraint/rnc looking maneuver for about two seconds before letting go and the guy continued to say he couldn’t breathe. He died of a heart attack because he was so unhealthy and the struggle killed him. He was never “choked to death” as activists and pundits claim when they say his name. Now, if someone wanted to argue that the reason the cops tried to take Eric into custody was stupid, I would agree with them absolutely. He was selling single cigarettes from a pack he bought in New Jersey or somewhere that the cigs were much less expensive than in nyc and making a pretty good profit on it. He was surveilled in an investigation because he had been doing that for a long time and had a history of arrests for that stupid crime. He was informed he was
Under arrest and he resisted at every step.
That is literally worse than what penny did. The dude was non violent and he was accidentally killed by thr struggle. Neely was a violent pos and again died due to a struggle. The reason is important. You don't get to dismiss it. They choked him for no good reason and he died, penny had a reason.
does that cancel out or make resisting arrest not a crime? And the “banned move” is a use of force policy violation at best and not a criminal action. And how long did he have his neck? Two seconds maybe and it wasn’t even right or restricting the blood-airway. He let it go when they got him to the ground and while under duress, there was no choke hold or neck restraint of any sort when he starts mumbling about not being able to breathe
He didn't commit a crime so if his only crime is resisting arrest it just means the cops fucking suck. Again.
He didn't commit a crime so if his only crime is resisting arrest it just means the cops fucking suck. Again.
edit you were talking about the garner case my apoligies
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He didn't commit a crime so if his only crime is resisting arrest it just means the cops fucking suck. Again.
Eric Garner was responsible for the cause of his own death through his decisions and is wrong with people nowadays..smh

Next is she going to wear all white and cry in front of professional photographers at kids in cages again? You would think she would be on a plane to the border since there are record numbers of kids in cages....
