International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Israeli forces place Khan Younis hospitals under seige

Israeli forces, advancing deep into western Khan Younis in Gaza's bloodiest fighting of the new year so far, stormed one hospital and placed another under siege on Monday, cutting the wounded off from trauma care, Palestinian officials said.

Another day another hospital besieged... The intentionality of it is blatant, the goal is to destruct Gaza's medical system until it doesn't exist anymore.

Israel added to list of ‘worst jailers of journalists’ for first time​

Israel is in sixth place after the Committee to Protect Journalists recorded 19 Palestinian journalists in its jails​

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Agence France Presse employees hold portraits in Paris on 17 January in support of AFP journalists working in Gaza. Photograph: Bertrand Guay/AFP via Getty Images

Israel has joined a notorious band of authoritarian states with a history of imprisoning journalists by detaining Palestinian reporters without trial since the beginning of the latest war in Gaza.

A report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) released on Thursday said that for the first time Israel figures in its list of “worst jailers of journalists”, putting it on a par with Iran.

The worst offenders were China and Myanmar, two countries with a long history of suppressing free speech where each imprisoned more than 40 journalists in 2023. They were followed by Belarus, Russia and Vietnam.

Israel is in sixth place after the CPJ recorded 17 Palestinian journalists in its jails in December, the first time the country has featured among the worst offenders. It is now holding 19. Others were detained and released. Iran was also imprisoning 17 journalists.

Jodie Ginsberg, CPJ’s chief executive, said Israel’s inclusion on the list of detained journalists reflects a broader crackdown on free speech and criticism of the war in Gaza.

“Israel’s standing in CPJ’s 2023 prison census is evidence that a fundamental democratic norm – press freedom – is fraying as Israel exploits draconian methods to silence Palestinian journalists. This practice must stop,” she said.

The CPJ said Palestinian journalists are mostly held under the Israeli military’s powers to detain people in the occupied territories without trial or time limit. The practice, known as administrative detention, permits the army to arrest a person on suspicion alone. Some Palestinians have been held for years without charge.

The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said it is almost impossible to mount a defence against the detention.

“The person is detained without legal proceedings, by order of the regional military commander, based on classified evidence that is not revealed to them. This leaves the detainees helpless – facing unknown allegations with no way to disprove them, not knowing when they will be released, and without being charged, tried or convicted,” it said.

The CPJ said the Palestinian journalists were among 320 reporters and other media workers imprisoned around the world. One in five were held without charge.

“Prolonged pretrial detentions and cruel treatment are common, while some governments, such as Russia and Ethiopia, have even persecuted journalists across borders. In Vietnam, Egypt, and other countries, even after their release, journalists continue to face travel bans, other movement restrictions, and measures that effectively curtail their freedom,” the report said.

Arbitrary jailing is just normal for Israel. No trial needed. In the interests of security, of course.

I wonder where they will rank for actually killing journalists though. Higher still? In the interests of security of course.

Medical facilities battered amid Israeli assault in Khan Younis, say Palestinian officials in Gaza, as death toll rises​

Smoke billows over Khan Younis during an Israeli bombardment on January 22, 2024.

Medical facilities in Khan Younis in southern Gaza have been battered amid an Israeli assault in the area Monday, Palestinian health officials said, as the number of people killed in Israel’s siege on Gaza continues to rise.
Dozens of people have been killed and wounded in the latest offensive in western Khan Younis, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza. Medical facilities including the Nasser Medical Complex, Al Amal Hospital and the Palestine Red Crescent Society headquarters are located in the area.
“The situation here is completely catastrophic. We didn’t sleep last night. The hospital is entirely besieged,” Ahmad Al Moghrabi, a doctor at the Nasser Medical Complex said in a video shared to his Instagram page Monday.

“There is no way for us to escape the hospital and no way for evacuation. The troops are all around, and the only roads for evacuation are filled with dead bodies,” he said.
The Nasser Medical Complex is receiving more serious injuries than it can accommodate, the health ministry said, adding that intensive care units are at capacity.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff at the Nasser hospital said “there is a sense of panic among staff, patients and displaced people sheltering inside the building,” as they could feel the ground shaking during the strikes, MSF said on social media.

The hospital wards are full and exit routes are blocked, preventing the evacuation of medical staff and patients from the hospital, MSF added.
Health officials also said that Israeli forces Monday stormed the Al Khair Hospital, west of Khan Younis, and detained a number of its medical staff, amid an ongoing “siege” of the area.

Other source :
It's what is called non-violent resistance that had been advocated by a lot of Israeli posters tho.

Non violent resistance is just that: strikes, protests, blocking areas that are either economically or politically strategical, sending messages to parliament members trough letters or social media, twitter storms, boycott etc.

The government that support the ongoing genocide know that a part of their population will non violently resist and express it's solidarity with the victims.

If it didn't it should. Those governments also just have to call for a ceasefire for it to decrease drastically, nothing more. France saw a huge decrease in protests once Macron did around 3 weeks ago. It's not even controversial to declare, or shouldn't.

Fucking with Israeli ships in a Melbourne port will not make a rats ass of a difference to Israeli/ palestian relations.

Protest the government by all means. Don't take actions that screw regular people
Fucking with Israeli ships in a Melbourne port will not make a rats ass of a difference to Israeli/ palestian relations.

Protest the government by all means. Don't take actions that screw regular people
That's what non violent resistance is tho. Protests are not working so the protesters have to go to other means. Who make a diffrence economically. Strikes are a non violent resistance who harm civilians day to day lives, but that's how workers got the modern rights of paid vacations and health insurance, it started with coal mines and factory workers in the second half of the 19th century and they obtained what they were non violently fighting for after a long struggle that did indeed harm the economy. From the non violent resistance wikipedia article :

"Many movements which promote philosophies of nonviolence or pacifism have pragmatically adopted the methods of nonviolent action as an effective way to achieve social or political goals. They employ nonviolent resistance tactics such as: information warfare, picketing, marches, vigils, leafletting, samizdat, magnitizdat, satyagraha, protest art, protest music and poetry, community education and consciousness raising, lobbying, tax resistance, civil disobedience, boycotts or sanctions, legal/diplomatic wrestling, Underground Railroads, principled refusal of awards/honors, and general strikes."

The problem that it poses to some people is explained just after that in the same article :

"Although nonviolent movements can maintain broader public legitimacy by refraining from violence, some segments of society may perceive protest movements as being more violent than they really are when they disagree with the social goals of the movement."

Here it is that'ts the problem. When people say "you should resist with non violence" they mean "non violence that has no effect in my life whatsoever even if it never brings you your rights". It never worked like that.

That's what non violent resistance is tho. Protests are not working so the protesters have to go to other means. Who make a diffrence economically. Strikes are a non violent resistance who harm civilians day to day lives, but that's how workers got the modern rights of paid vacations and health insurance, it started with coal mines and factory workers in the second half of the 19th century and they obtained what they were non violently fighting for after a long struggle that did indeed harm the economy. From the non violent resistance wikipedia article :

"Many movements which promote philosophies of nonviolence or pacifism have pragmatically adopted the methods of nonviolent action as an effective way to achieve social or political goals. They employ nonviolent resistance tactics such as: information warfare, picketing, marches, vigils, leafletting, samizdat, magnitizdat, satyagraha, protest art, protest music and poetry, community education and consciousness raising, lobbying, tax resistance, civil disobedience, boycotts or sanctions, legal/diplomatic wrestling, Underground Railroads, principled refusal of awards/honors, and general strikes."

The problem that it poses to some people is explained just after that in the same article :

"Although nonviolent movements can maintain broader public legitimacy by refraining from violence, some segments of society may perceive protest movements as being more violent than they really are when they disagree with the social goals of the movement."

Here it is that'ts the problem. When people say "you should resist with non violence" they mean "non violence that has no effect in my life whatsoever even if it never brings you your rights". It never worked like that.

I just fail to see the point at actions that are far more likely to create the opposite result of your goals.

I just find it stupid personally.

( it also has absolutely 0 bearing on my life ) my issue has always been regular people being screwed for shit they have no control over. It's a pretty consistent viewpoint of mine .

[ of course inconvenience is nowhere what others have to deal with ]
Palestinians on 10/7

"We will drown the Zionist filth in their own blood! We shall slaughter the Jews down to the last man, woman and child! This is the day of our greatest victory! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!"

Palestinians today,

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Palestinians on 10/7

"We will drown the Zionist filth in their own blood! We shall slaughter the Jews down to the last man, woman and child! This is the day is a great victory! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, GAZA WILL BE FREE!!"

Palestinians today,

You're really a disgusting person
Arbitrary jailing is just normal for Israel. No trial needed. In the interests of security, of course.

I wonder where they will rank for actually killing journalists though. Higher still? In the interests of security of course.
if this was any other country except israel, america would be treating it like north korea.
Palestinians on 10/7

"We will drown the Zionist filth in their own blood! We shall slaughter the Jews down to the last man, woman and child! This is the day of our greatest victory! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, GAZA WILL BE FREE!!"

Palestinians today,

There is also a page out there, can't find it atm.
It's collected alot of posts/tweets from people (surprising amount of UNRWA members aswell) in Gaza on October 7th, celebrating their great act of murdering and torturing men, women and children alike.

Then they put their more recent tweets next to them "we're hungry and forced to move, how can the world allow this injustice!"
Boy oh boy did their actions come back to bite 'm in the ass

There is also a page out there, can't find it atm.
It's collected alot of posts/tweets from people (surprising amount of UNRWA members aswell) in Gaza on October 7th, celebrating their great act of murdering and torturing men, women and children alike.

Then they put their more recent tweets next to them "we're hungry and forced to move, how can the world allow this injustice!"
Boy oh boy did their actions come back to bite 'm in the ass

The dildo of consequences rarely arrive lubed.
Palestinians on 10/7

"We will drown the Zionist filth in their own blood! We shall slaughter the Jews down to the last man, woman and child! This is the day of our greatest victory! FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, GAZA WILL BE FREE!!"

Palestinians today,

Perfectly summed up.

They also said:

"We will do this again and again and again".

Turns out, they gravely overestimated their own power. Israel said "Nah, you definitely fucking won't."

Hamas says October 7 attack was a ‘necessary step’, admits to ‘some faults’​


Mourners attend the funeral of a family killed in a kibbutz in southern Israel

"The Palestinian group Hamas has said there were “faults” in the October 7 attack it led on southern Israel, but claimed its fighters only targeted Israeli soldiers and people carrying weapons.

In a 16-page report titled “Our Narrative” and published on Sunday, Hamas, which governs Gaza, said it wanted to “clarify” the background and dynamics of the surprise attack it calls Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

In its first public report since the attack, Hamas said it was “a necessary step and a normal response to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people”.

Early on October 7, Hamas fighters stormed communities along Israel’s southern fence with Gaza. At least 1,139 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli statistics, and about 240 others were seized as captives."

I've seen video where Hamas murderers shot an old Israeli man in the back as he was trying to run away.


Hamas can go screw.
I’ve watched in real time in these threads as posters have tried to retcon what happened that day. There weren’t mistakes made. The intention from the beginning was clearly to rape and kill with no distinction.

I remember very clearly watching a video posted by a Hamas fighter the day of the attack where they opened fire into a group of people huddling in a bomb shelter. In the video a little boy is looking right at the camera as the fighter turns the gun towards him and blows him away. I hope that guy is lying under some rubble in Gaza now

Israeli forces place Khan Younis hospitals under seige

Israeli forces, advancing deep into western Khan Younis in Gaza's bloodiest fighting of the new year so far, stormed one hospital and placed another under siege on Monday, cutting the wounded off from trauma care, Palestinian officials said.

Another day another hospital besieged... The intentionality of it is blatant, the goal is to destruct Gaza's medical system until it doesn't exist anymore.

Israel has not yet had its fill of revenge for 1200 dead Israelis.

At least Bibi and his crew have told us their plan of ethnic cleansing, and the US has agreed to support it.
Again take his cock out of your ass. He held up a picture of greater Israel and did not include Palestine. It caused outrage. Are you being dense?
It wasn’t about Palestine or the borders of Israel reflecting some proposal for Palestinians. Of course there was outrage. Anything that can be pounced on will. His words and message will be ignored if it doesn’t reinforce the outrage.

Funny it’s actually his words that hamas attacked. Because his words were true. Israel having peace with neighbors kills Hamas goal of eradicating Israel.