Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Not really a fan of some of the things Butker said. The whole "woman get back in the kitchen" routine is outdated and kinda sexist, tbh. I just think it's funny that the people criticizing this the most supported Kaepernick airing his asshole views while on the clock at his job.

What's outdated about traditional gender roles? Many happy families consist of a working man and housewife who takes care of the kids and house.
He trashed catholics who are pro choice, then he trashed people who believed in diversity. Then he went about women should be staying home. What did he expect? Is he free from criticism?
Also unless hes banned from even being on a team. He hasnt been canceled.
Hey, if people are allowed to criticize rightists that means we don't have freedom of speech. Pretty sure that's in the First Amendment.
What's outdated about traditional gender roles? Many happy families consist of a working man and housewife who takes care of the kids and house.
nothing but christian is saying and peope are sick and tired of when christians start saying this is what we do when nobody asked. if he said it in private setting and no vido came out but this was and he knew will be streamed on social media and he wanted to say this is how christian do this or that i do not care it is good idea and it was like that for centuries but ppeople are sick and tired of christians always insrting "this is how christians do it" like everybody else does it wrong but them whole world needs to go to them to do something right
nothing but christian is saying and peope are sick and tired of when christians start saying this is what we do when nobody asked. if he said it in private setting and no vido came out but this was and he knew will be streamed on social media and he wanted to say this is how christian do this or that i do not care it is good idea and it was like that for centuries but ppeople are sick and tired of christians always insrting "this is how christians do it" like everybody else does it wrong but them whole world needs to go to them to do something right
You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears.

If all the first world countries happen to be majority Christian countries, while every place dominated by Muslims, and other religions happen to be shitholes whose citizens are trying to escape and come to Christian countries, then yeah maybe you should take some notes on how the Christians are doing it.

It's funny how all you edgelords shitting on Christianity, also want to live in a Christian country.
You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears.

If all the first world countries happen to be majority Christian countries, while every place dominated by Muslims, and other religions happen to be shitholes whose citizens are trying to escape and come to Christian countries, then yeah maybe you should take some notes on how the Christians are doing it.

It's funny how all you edgelords shitting on Christianity, also want to live in a Christian country.
christians countries are rich because they took exploit everybody can not go up i n a world where west controls money syupply and when people tried to move to gold or off dollar what happened so called western military might scoped in and turned prosperous countries that wanted gold and other curencies back to squere 1 or 0. well with china and india you can not do that so we will see in next 50 years how prosperous countries can be when they can repel western military might
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nothing but christian is saying and peope are sick and tired of when christians start saying this is what we do when nobody asked. if he said it in private setting and no vido came out but this was and he knew will be streamed on social media and he wanted to say this is how christian do this or that i do not care it is good idea and it was like that for centuries but ppeople are sick and tired of christians always insrting "this is how christians do it" like everybody else does it wrong but them whole world needs to go to them to do something right
He was speaking at Catholic college that invited him.
He was speaking at Catholic college that invited him.
like i said he knew this will be seen by milions because it was streamed and he wanted to be christian leader to bring people back to christ bs and so on. women are not stupid they see it when you manipulate them but he is right women should put career second house wife family first but people are sick and tired these guys using any platform to go around this is how christians do it like nobody else cares about women but christians or some other crap
I don't like doxxing and think it should be a crime, but I took this as them saying "he doesn't live here" as opposed to pointing people to go harass him. I also, assume, that NFL homes are already publicly disclosed because people eat that shit up.
It's public knowledge but definitely it's a call. Sad stuff imo.
What's outdated about traditional gender roles? Many happy families consist of a working man and housewife who takes care of the kids and house.

I don't think traditional gender roles themselves are outdated, necessarily. But that should be more of the woman's choice. If she wants that, no problem. But I think it's outdated for a guy to expect that or demand it of a woman.
I don't think traditional gender roles themselves are outdated, necessarily. But that should be more of the woman's choice. If she wants that, no problem. But I think it's outdated for a guy to expect that or demand it of a woman.
no it is not man should demand women takes her gender responsabilities in marriage and then look up career and so on.
christians countries are rich because they took exploit everybody can not go up i n a world where west controls money syupply and when people tried to move to gold or off dollar what happened so called western military might scoped in and turned prosperous countries that wanted gold and other curencies back to squere 1 or 0. well with china and india you can not do that so we will see in next 50 years how prosperous countries can be when they can repel western military might
So in other words Christians were also more competent when it comes to military and politics and were able to greatly improve their citizens prosperity? Thank you, that further proves my point.
Yeah with all the fringe politics from the left in commencement speeches. Its the one from the right that NFL cancels. Fuck Roger no balls Goodell .

Libs are all for Free speech.......... if you agree an are in line with them . If your not your a fascist, racist, n just all around terrible person that needs to be cancelled. Idiots
Who was running Libs of Tik Tom and doxing a bunch of normal people just living their lives? Oh yeah, that was a conservative.

You have selective memory.
I don't think traditional gender roles themselves are outdated, necessarily. But that should be more of the woman's choice. If she wants that, no problem. But I think it's outdated for a guy to expect that or demand it of a woman.

It should be the woman's choice, but the man obviously has the right to select a woman based on her choice.
Who was running Libs of Tik Tom and doxing a bunch of normal people just living their lives? Oh yeah, that was a conservative.

You have selective memory.
First I don't know what instance your referring to I don't know what "running libs of tik tom " means . But I'm sure it happens on both sides just seems to happen alot more on yours though buddeh.

are you trying to justify this by saying the other side does it sometimes too.
But I'm sure it happens on both sides just seems to happen alot more on yours though buddeh.
So you don’t know about this world famous tik tok bitch who was doxing gay teachers, trans people, instigating violence against them, but you are saying it “seems” as if liberals dox people more often?

That’s convenient.
First I don't know what instance your referring to I don't know what "running libs of tik tom " means . But I'm sure it happens on both sides just seems to happen alot more on yours though buddeh.

are you trying to justify this by saying the other side does it sometimes too.
No surprise he left out the fact that the crazy lady who runs Libs of Tik Tok was specifically doxing people who were sending her death threats. "But what about..."
Harry Butt-ker: "You women and your useless degrees have all been lied to!! Go be Mommies in the Kitchen!!"

Harry Butt-ker's Mom: "Yeah I'm a clinical medical physicist at Emory, so..."

Harry Butt-ker: "Be unapologetically masculine, do dangerous things!!"

Men who do dangerous things: "Dont you play kicker? One of the only positions it's against the rules to hit? Ain't there girls who do that?"
So you don’t know about this world famous tik tok bitch who was doxing gay teachers, trans people, instigating violence against them, but you are saying it “seems” as if liberals dox people more often?

That’s convenient.
I don't spend my time on X, FB, tic tok and whatever and don't waste time reading about all the out ragers about this an that . You all just like hearing yourselves bitch and blabber on an think it makes you look more virtuous then the next guy with your self righteous bullshit. So rage on there buddeh. I got no idea if who really "doxes" who more. I just know I hear about it more concerning the left.