Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

Is there a precedent of them also condemning left wing speech? They might just be acting consistently.
Yeah with all the fringe politics from the left in commencement speeches. Its the one from the right that NFL cancels. Fuck Roger no balls Goodell .

Libs are all for Free speech.......... if you agree an are in line with them . If your not your a fascist, racist, n just all around terrible person that needs to be cancelled. Idiots
I find it hilarious that you call liberals "idiots" when you don't understand the concept of freedom of speech....You know part of freedom of speech entails people calling you a weirdo for your opinions. Also freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consquences. Like if you call your black boss, the n-word and you get fired. Its not because your boss doesn't believe in freedom of speech, its because he doesn't want to work with racist twerp that doesn't respect him....and he's well within in his right to do that.

Furthermore, I am super sorry that you are disappointed that you can't tell your female co-workers to make you a sandwich and verbally sexually harass them without the crazy liberals getting you fired for being a pervert.....poor thing, must be difficult to be right wing retard.
Is there a precedent of them also condemning left wing speech? They might just be acting consistently.

Does this count as condemning his speech?

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement released Thursday. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Sounds to me like all they're saying is his opinions don't reflect the opinions of the NFL.
Does this count as condemning his speech?

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement released Thursday. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Sounds to me like all they're saying is his opinions don't reflect the opinions of the NFL.
freedom is speech is violated when someone says that they don't agree with right wing rhetoric/racism
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Is there a precedent of them also condemning left wing speech? They might be acting consistently.
I assume that "them" is the NFL and @Streeter never responded to explain how the NFL was trying to cancel this guy so I had to look it up. The libs tok tok tweet also appears to be full of shit about the league "condemning" this. All I could find was a standard "views don't represent" statement as listed below. That's not condemning, it's probably the only right move to make for them.

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement released Thursday. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”
The guy’s a kicker. He’s the woman in that locker room. Even the punter gets to demand he make him a sandwich.
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Buttlicker is now goated among fat white probably closet homosexual conservatives across the nation. Tbh though his views are prob pretty liberal for a flyover dump like Missouri.
That’s a lot of probablys
I try not to fully commit on topics either
Home run with Buttlicker btw
Helluva post, brother
Well that's pretty silly. Guys are allowed to have standards too. If a dude makes enough money to support a family just for his kids to be raised by nannies anyway, he might as well marry the nanny.

What on earth would a successful guy possibly be looking for in a wife if not "traditional gender roles"? I don't know anybody who got married because their wife tells wonderful stories or they're really impressed by her career. It's pretty much she's pretty, she's nice and you get along, and she'd make a good mom. Otherwise it's not much more than a weird roommate setup with extra rules and pooled finances with someone who makes less money than you.

If this is your perspective on marriage you're woefully misguided on what constitutes a meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex. And its guys who think like this "guiding" society which had generations of women hopped up on barbiturates or wine drunk by Noon because they couldn't stand their existences as Mrs. This Guy
If this is your perspective on marriage you're woefully misguided on what constitutes a meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex. And its guys who think like this "guiding" society which had generations of women hopped up on barbiturates or wine drunk by Noon because they couldn't stand their existences as Mrs. This Guy
The ones with far less divorce and women reporting far higher levels of happiness? What a nightmare! Obviously the real happy ones are the current liberal white women, literally a majority of whom have been diagnosed with depression or some other mental illness, and also have much higher divorce rates.
Housewives could meet the needs (and wants, and even things you didn't know waswanted) of the household through the latest appliances, fast/convenience foods, and cooking and serving balanced meals. It was the duty of women to know what was needed and to get it.
If this is your perspective on marriage you're woefully misguided on what constitutes a meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex. And its guys who think like this "guiding" society which had generations of women hopped up on barbiturates or wine drunk by Noon because they couldn't stand their existences as Mrs. This Guy

More sex for married couples with traditional divisions of housework​

Married men and women who divide household chores in traditional ways report having more sex than couples who share so-called men's and women's work, according to a new study co-authored by sociologists at the University of Washington.
Do the people that support him losing his job over his beliefs agree with the communist blacklisting from the 50’s in Hollywood?

More sex for married couples with traditional divisions of housework​

Married men and women who divide household chores in traditional ways report having more sex than couples who share so-called men's and women's work, according to a new study co-authored by sociologists at the University of Washington.

Probably because women in those trad marriages aren't in the position to say no.

Cook, clean, breed... Their only purpose in right wing utopia. Not too dissimilar to Islamic fundamentalism in the middle east. Perhaps you'd be happier there Nintendork