Social Harrison Butker: Doxed, Slandered and Calls to be Canceled for having Christian Views

He said his beliefs publicly and on video, they are subject to public scrutiny.

Yeah that's what I mean. I'm surprised people even care what he thinks. By people I mean the media. But obviously this position is usually heavily criticized.
Where did he say they didn't need a career or only belonged at home?

There are plenty of families (not millionaires) who make sacrifices to allow the mother to stay home with the kids. Many have the best of both worlds where mom stays home when the kids are younger but goes back into her career when they're school-aged.
indeed, my wife picked up day trading while being a home maker, she is no longer interested in conventional work when she can be her own boss with trading and side hustles.
Your post was tinged with essentialism, the notion that raising children supercedes anything else. You can feel that way for yourself, but suggesting that's factual for everyone is nonsense.
You' just didn't read it carefully enough, and were in a hurry to try to correct somebody who's forgotten more about clergy than you'll ever know in your whole lifetime.

I absolutely left non-judgmental room for anybody to not have kids in my post. You just wanted to comment on something other than what my post was about and probably didn't read it.

My post was about the negative view many people today have on raising children and the profoundly impoverished understanding they have of what that entails and the value that it brings and the rewards that it also brings.

If you want to talk about the value of clergy, we can start with the many monks and nuns who I've spent countless hours with and the lives of the many saints I have read and studied deeply.
From the guy that made a thread about cucking fantasies. <lol> Is that you So Fresh?
oh, you mean the thread that called your party out for being cucks....its weird that you remember that thread so fondly must of really swung home for you, huh.....
He said his beliefs publicly and on video, they are subject to public scrutiny.

Scrutiny sure - without a doubt.

Doxing his house and trying to get him fired is a bit much though, no?

Again, I don't agree with what he said at all, but it was a personal opinion which people in the US still have the right to have. He wasn't hurting anyone or calling for people to be killed.

If he said women need to be kept in cages and that he is for beheading anyone who disobeys, then I'd get it.
He talks about everything from COVID, to Biden, birth control/IVF/surrogacy, and of course, tells a bunch of women that just spent 4 years and thousands of dollars on degrees, that they don't need a career and belong at home.

He didn't say that dipshit... lol. Why the fuck are you libtards so anti-family?

Many people look forward to getting married and raising a family. With or without having a career. I have a fantastic career, but I'm more proud of the two twin daughters I've raised who turned 16 this year. They mean more to me than any career.

You just can't help yourselves... So anti Family Values and Reli

'Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

'I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.'

Try looking inside of yourself and examine why this opinion on life triggers you so much. What's so awful about it? The Left has become so bitter and intolerant of ANYONE who doesn't hold their own world view. Seriously? A petition to get him fired? Fuck off.

He praised his wife and said he wouldn't be the man today and wouldn't have the family he loves without her.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with that? Y'all have no problems with pro athletes running around with 6 kids from 5 different baby mamas... lol
oh, you mean the thread that called your party out for being cucks....its weird that you remember that thread so fondly must of really swung home for you, huh.....
My party? Sure ,guy. I just wouldn't be making comments about "edgy middle schoolers" when you're out there researching cucks. Weirdo.
My party? Sure ,guy. I just wouldn't be making comments about "edgy middle schoolers" when you're out there researching cucks. Weirdo.
struck a nerve huh, its ok cuckster. your projection and insecurity reeks through so remembered a thread that i posted that i found some what funny awhile back that even I forgot about posting till you mentioned it.
struck a nerve huh, its ok cuckster. your projection and insecurity reeks through so remembered a thread that i posted that i found some what funny awhile back that even I forgot about posting till you mentioned it.
Blah blah blah. {<jimmies}
Scrutiny sure - without a doubt.

Doxing his house and trying to get him fired is a bit much though, no?

Again, I don't agree with what he said at all, but it was a personal opinion which people in the US still have the right to have. He wasn't hurting anyone or calling for people to be killed.

If he said women need to be kept in cages and that he is for beheading anyone who disobeys, then I'd get it.

People can petition for people to get fired as a part of public push-back. I'm not sure what all the pearl-clutching on that is, because Chaya Raichik not only made doxing and getting people fired her entire online existence, she attained a public office in a position she is duly unqualified for because of it and you still have people here who share sh*t from her page to back their arguments. They're not mad about someone getting doxed or calls for them to be fired, they're just using this as an example to say that religious white men who have essentialist views of gender roles are the REAl victims.

I'm sure the Chiefs will likely wait to see if he had any negative effect that undoes the female audience that the Swift/Kelce relationship brought and then choose to sh*tcan him or not, and he will then become the next Gina Carano that the right claims he was targeted for his views as opposed to the idea that there were consequences for going on stage in front of cameras and opening his mouth about them.
While I'm sure there are plenty who disagree with what he said, there are probably more who have completely misunderstood what he said and twisted it in an attempt to vilify the guy for daring to discuss two types of women and holding men accountable as well.

A great example of two women looking to be outraged about something and being completely wrong in their characterization of his speech.

Once again, I will say it again. A Christian Man saying Christian Ideas should not be news at 11. Butker seems like he lives that life and not telling people how to live their life while filming 3 somes with their husbands or cheating on their spouse with a dude that looks like Zangief from Street Fighter.
The surrogacy, COVID and IVF shit was a little wild but whatever, the dude, kicks a ball for a living, so he gets a kick errr I mean a pass. Wont stop me from putting him on my fantasy football team. I do not draft wife beaters or sexual assaulters but what Butker said will still get him drafted for my team; The Goedert, the Bad and the Ugly.
I bet somewhere out there, Aaron Rogers is pissed off, he did not think of it first.
He didn't say that dipshit... lol. Why the fuck are you libtards so anti-family?

Many people look forward to getting married and raising a family. With or without having a career. I have a fantastic career, but I'm more proud of the two twin daughters I've raised who turned 16 this year. They mean more to me than any career.

You just can't help yourselves... So anti Family Values and Reli

'Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.

'I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.'

Try looking inside of yourself and examine why this opinion on life triggers you so much. What's so awful about it? The Left has become so bitter and intolerant of ANYONE who doesn't hold their own world view. Seriously? A petition to get him fired? Fuck off.

He praised his wife and said he wouldn't be the man today and wouldn't have the family he loves without her.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with that? Y'all have no problems with pro athletes running around with 6 kids from 5 different baby mamas... lol

The only one triggered here is you, psycho. Read between the lines. That's exactly what he's saying.

Why'd you skip over all of the other weird shit in the speech?
People can petition for people to get fired as a part of public push-back. I'm not sure what all the pearl-clutching on that is, because Chaya Raichik not only made doxing and getting people fired her entire online existence, she attained a public office in a position she is duly unqualified for because of it and you still have people here who share sh*t from her page to back their arguments. They're not mad about someone getting doxed or calls for them to be fired, they're just using this as an example to say that religious white men who have essentialist views of gender roles are the REAl victims.

I'm sure the Chiefs will likely wait to see if he had any negative effect that undoes the female audience that the Swift/Kelce relationship brought and then choose to sh*tcan him or not, and he will then become the next Gina Carano that the right claims he was targeted for his views as opposed to the idea that there were consequences for going on stage in front of cameras and opening his mouth about them.

The thing about Butker is that he is actually really fucking good.

If he was just some average to below-average kicker I think he'd be in more a danger.

The guy is probably a top 5 kicker in the NFL.

I would be shocked if he is in any actual danger of losing his job.

Just the reality with pro-athletes. Time will tell.
Where in that article did you pull that chuddery from Subpar_Nintendork?

why are women so unhappy after being freed from the patriarchy?

The thing about Butker is that he is actually really fucking good.

If he was just some average to below-average kicker I think he'd be in more a danger.

The guy is probably a top 5 kicker in the NFL.

I would be shocked if he is in any actual danger of losing his job.

Just the reality with pro-athletes. Time will tell.

Yeah I mean I dont personally care if they fire him or not. But suggesting people cant petition them to is a bit much. Yelp! Is full of people trying to get people fired and business shut down for a myriad of dumb reasons.
A catholic talked about catholic beliefs at a catholic school?


I didn't comb the speech well enough yet, but if participating in premarital anal sex was mentioned (to remain pure) I missed it.

He literally praised his wife's decision to NOT have a career to be a homemaker. He expressed this as being closer to God's will, and his earlier language suggested that women moving on with degrees to their careers have been told lies.

Wait. You're salty because he is proud of his wife for "embracing one of the most important titles of all: homemaker." Why does his praise for her making that decision cause you such anger? Is it because you've been lied to as well?

Women haven't been told the lie that the only way they can be fulfilled is to have a career and to push back against the traditional role a woman would hold in a marriage? They haven't been told they're lesser than if they choose to "just be a mom"?

It's gotten to the point that we have people in our society who don't think a woman can decide for herself that she can lead a fulfilling life as a mom. Society now bashes women who choose family over career while characterizing them as some abused stepford wife.

His own Mother had a career, still has a career, and the prominence of her career along with his Father's afforded him a life of notable privilege. And if I'm not mistaken his Sister is a lawyer.

Speaking of his mom and sister, I'd love to see what they have to say about this . . . . I bet if you asked him about their situations he'd say he's proud of them for their accomplishments just like he's proud of the choices his wife made.

This is just sanitized Stephen Crowder crap.

Not sure what Crowder has to do with any of this. He's not the best example of a husband or father from what I've seen.

Pre-determination of what a woman should and shouldn't do, from a man who came from a family where neither woman abided by these notions, and it didnt harm him one bit.

Pre-determination? Seriously? He's speaking at a graduation ceremony where every woman graduating has already decided to consider some level of employment or career outside the home.

There are many of us from families where both mom and dad worked outside the home. Most of us weren't harmed by that. That in no way takes away from the fact that kids often benefit from a stay-at-home parent.

People can choose if they want to be stay at home parents, and if they do that's on them.

Yes, they can. And they need to be reminded that this has value.

But he very clearly expressed that that's what women SHOULD do as an interpretation of religious doctrine, and suggested that not doing so is entertaining lies.

Yep. And those who disagree with that are free to do so. But that doesn't mean he's wrong.

I do find it interesting that this part of his speech is being ignored:

To the gentlemen here today: Part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates, as well.

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