Have we ever seen Strickland drill or hit pads ?

interesting point. That could actually be the reason for his fighting style. You don’t really need a lot of pad work to throw a jab or a cross. But if you want to throw 3-4 punch combos mixing all type of attacks, you must drill them on pads. All top level boxers still do a lot of pad work. Or someone like Max, who doesn’t spar anymore, but does a lot of pads and he’s one of the best in the whole UFC at stringing together great combos
Children need coaches. Strickland is a man. Men handle all their strength & conditioning too. The only thing you need a gym for is sparring partners. He won a belt. Obviously hes doing it right.

What the hell is hitting pads going to do for him that sparring isnt going to do way better? Hitting pads is just for show.
Where do you people come up with this stuff?
Most pro athletes are boys who never grew up and became men like Sean Strickland. That's why they still need to be coached.

Yo, you was straight up spittin facts no printer, my fam. Mandem like Strickland in the 6ix and beyond.... they was just show up,,,, throw down in the man dance, and dips. Man's out here proving you just handle your own and that's it. Sparring's where the real ting happens. Hitting pads???? Lollll that's just child's play, my fam. Man's he was been no caps above that,,,, styll 👊🏿🏅🤑

Can't say I have o_O
If your chin holds up, sparring ist the fastest way to learn fighting.
Pad work can fuck with your distance, especially if your coach ain't good. But it's still physically impossible for most punches to have the correct distance.

Strickland needs a real boxing coach to fix his right hand. Somebody should tell him

He prefers sparring, but there are videos of him drilling afaik. Chris talks about Strickland not liking the drill that much either.
I've been quite a Strickland enjoyer those past months and I'm pretty sure I've never seen him train on his own or in duo with a coach. It's always spar spar spar.

Not being a specialist or anything but having a near 100% sparring regimen could really create some limitations in a fighter.

Is he really only sparring all the time ?
That would explain a lot. When I watch Sean, I can’t help but feel as though he is not fighting to his full potential.

It is alleged that he has legendary cardio, but I wonder if that’s true, or if his mostly jab style leads to less energy expenditure, thus giving the appearance of an endless gas tank.

It is alleged that he has incredible takedowns, legendary grappling, amazing TDD, and hellacious Ground and Pound.. but we don’t see any of it. All we see are light jabs, the occasional tip kick, and maybe one or two full powered 1-2s

He talks big before fights but it’s always the Same thing.. jab jab leg check, jab.

is Sean a limited fighter or is he holding back? I don’t know.